Start the era of black technology

Chapter 624 Can Only Choose One

The reason why the market has reacted so strongly is because of the soft-soft company. It is not an exaggeration to describe the situation now after the soft-soft company and Tianqi Group took the bar.

The monopoly of the Wendousi operating system that dominated the global computer market was broken, the Nebula system of Apocalypse Group was born, and the global market share of SoftSoft is in a crazy decline.

Prior to this, the Tianqi Group had never stopped talking about this research, and as a result, it directly overturned the soft dynasty in one fell swoop.

I am afraid that Qualcomm will end up like this now, and the market panic is very high.

On this day, the relevant departments of the Chinese government issued a statement, according to the relevant departments of the Tianqi Group's Ami-level chip testing, will greatly improve the response ability of the system program, if it is used by terrorists, it will cause great losses.

Therefore, the Ami-level chips after the Tianqi Group is put into production must not be exported to some unsafe countries, and can only be sold in the list of countries released by the relevant departments.

The export of Ami-level chips is restricted!

This further illustrates the value of Ami-level chips. Needless to say, I am afraid that such chips will not be exported to the United States. The high-tech restrictions in the two countries are very rigid.

Many countries have begun to connect with the celestial dynasty, and they don't want to be restricted. Modern technology is becoming more and more developed, and chips are the most important thing.

Once you fall behind, it is not ordinary backwardness, but the overall backwardness of technological development, and the consequences will be very serious.

More than a week later, the relevant departments once again expressed their opinions. Six companies from Russia, Italy, France, Germany, Denmark, Japan, and six countries have obtained licenses to purchase Ami-level chips.

After Tianqi Group starts the formal production, it can purchase directly from Tianqi Group, and it shall not exceed the prescribed quantity.

Many people are shocked. Many country leaders know that there are more than 50 countries submitting applications, but now only five countries have been approved.

Both the United States and the United Kingdom have been excluded. This not only makes everyone feel surprised, but also makes everyone feel that they have not guessed wrong.

Stimulated by this news, the stocks of these companies, led by Qualcomm, have begun a new round of decline, because now everyone is sure of one thing, the matter of the Ami chip is true.

Seeing this situation, the United States did not give up at all, and began to order the blockade of silicon wafer products. If you don't have a silicon wafer disk, it depends on how you make semiconductor circuits and how you produce chips. The intention is not malicious.

As soon as the news was released, Tianqi Group announced the next day that it would authorize graphite wafer technology to four domestic companies to completely replace silicon wafer disk products, with performance many times that of silicon crystal materials.

If you block it at will, your material will be worthless.

Very tough, very strong Xu Ping'an style, so many countries around the world are painful, this is what we do, there is no accident, what should we do with domestic silicon crystal materials.

It is known that graphite technology is better than silicon crystal technology. Who knew that Tianqi Group would have mastered this technology, blockade, blockage, and now they can’t sell it.

Now many countries are beginning to worry. If this continues, I don’t know if my domestic products will be implicated. How could Tianqi Group’s technical background be so powerful.

Many people are puzzled by this. At this time, a German media released a set of figures, which surprised people in many countries.

Tianqi Group invested as much as 46 billion euros in scientific research last year. With such a high investment, it has not applied for many patents in the past two years. This is unreasonable.

The only possibility is that Xu Pingan has sealed up these scientific and technological achievements.

This can be seen from the bonuses received by researchers from major research institutes. Researchers can only receive bonuses after the project has achieved breakthrough results.

Why the Apocalypse Research Institute will issue bonuses, this only shows that their research results have been sealed and will not be announced.

Perhaps only Xu Ping'an knows how many black technologies are in the hands of Tianqi Group.

These black technologies are Xu Pingan's confidence and are not afraid of any challenges.

This report was reprinted by many countries, and many people were shocked after reading it, especially the entrepreneurs of the Chinese dynasty who were dumbfounded by the news.

More than 40 billion euros, what kind of concept is this? How much is it converted into Tianchao coins? Hundreds of billions of Tianchao coins have been invested in technology research and development.

Xu Pingan is really a lunatic!

At the same time, the video of Xu Ping's speech in the magic city many years ago was once again moved to the Internet, and it was so realistic.

Many people were present when Xu Ping'an spoke at the Modu Youth Entrepreneur Forum. Looking back now, what Xu Ping'ing said at the time and how he did it so far.

I master the core technology, you all need to act on my face, otherwise, I will not grant you a patent license.

I waved the patent stick to see if it is sharp enough.

Wait, these words once again appeared in the minds of many people, and many entrepreneurs sighed for a long time. Xu Ping'an really did.

Now let alone domestic, thousands of large and small companies around the world need to look at Xu Pingan's face. These companies all use Tianqi Group's patents.

Xu Ping'an did not authorize that day. I am afraid that the time for the company to close down is not far away.

We must not allow normal participation in this matter. Many foreign entrepreneurs have begun to take action, and an undercurrent is frantically surging across the world.

A few days later, Tianqi Iron and Steel Group issued a statement and received a notice from the headquarters that it would suspend the supply of new-generation space materials to the United States. When will it resume, wait for the headquarters' notice.

After this news was publicized by the media, Musk and others were in pain. Fortunately, there is still a little reserve, but this reserve is definitely not enough to complete the construction of a new generation of test cabins.

What to do, I can only put pressure on it.

A U.S. special envoy arrived in Japan and left disappointed two days later. Japan announced that it would not participate in the conflicts between Tianqi Group and certain companies, and that the Japanese government would not participate in business matters.

Otherwise, Japan's waist suddenly becomes hard, but the consequences of participating in the cooperation are very terrifying for Japan. In recent years, after the Apocalypse Group has conflicts with American companies, what are the results of those countries that have emerged.

If you don’t talk about it, let’s talk about country H. After being served as two presidents in just six months, the domestic economy was in a mess and the entire celestial market was lost.

If such a blow were to be placed on Japan, it would be a devastating disaster. This incident must not be involved, nor will it be involved in death.

The matter slowly passed for a week, and the matter was still deadlocked. On this day, Tianqi Group once again issued a statement to authorize a new generation of Ami-class CPU technology to three domestic companies.

Eight-core and sixteen-thread CPU chips are completely ahead of everything on the market, even products in the laboratory, as long as they are not Ami-level chips, all belong to the Stone Age.

After this news was announced, the share prices of the CPU chip giants in the United States and the United Kingdom began to plummet, and Intel, ADM, etc., were all in the ranks of the plummet.

The board of directors of these companies are very painful. What are you afraid of? What should you do? Now that the bosses are determined to proceed, there is nothing you can do.

The board of directors was convened again and again, and finally a resolution was formed to learn from soft and soft companies and Qualcomm, and the layoffs are good.

With the resolution, immediately began to take action, one by one began to make great efforts to lay off the staff, so that the meat on the faces of the big bosses above was soaked.

The continuous turmoil began, the number of unemployed persons was gradually rising, and the financial pressure was very heavy. Xu Ping'an didn't know how many cards he had in his hand and how to deal with it.

Soon, Intel announced a life, the new generation of Ami technology should belong to all mankind, should not be monopolized by Tianqi Group, Intel Corporation will sue Tianqi Group in court.

After this news spread, many people were shocked. Is the Intel company crazy? This will not have any effect on Tianqi Group. Look at the court and dare to confiscate Tianqi Group’s domestic property.

The next day, Xu Pingan personally issued a statement that Tianqi Group will not cooperate with all companies in the world, and will not let them use Ami-level chips, and give a reply within one month.

Can only choose one of two.

You can watch and see if I can do it.

At the same time, Xu Ping An announced that he would not respond to the lawsuit and you would sue at will.

Xu Pingan’s statement is very domineering, especially not responding to this one. It can be regarded as a hornet's nest. Many companies are beginning to feel uncomfortable. The two international giants are completely torn apart.

This is a dilemma. One is currently in use, and the other is in the future, which will replace the current product soon. It is very uncomfortable to choose.

One after another began to investigate Tianqi Group’s chip manufacturing company in Tianchao, and found that the children were busy in construction, and they were still working day and night. Obviously, Tianqi Group was speeding up the launch of products.

We cannot give up in the future. Many foreign cooperative companies have called Intel and will stick to the deadline. If this matter cannot be resolved, we can only choose the future.

Amy-level chip technology has not applied for a patent, Tianqi Group said, there is no need to apply for a patent, this kind of technology is unique to Tianqi Group.

The bigwigs are also very uncomfortable now. They are determined to impose sanctions on the Tianqi Group around the world. The European side has made it clear that it will not cooperate because the Tianqi Group is too deeply involved in Europe.

Once sanctions are initiated, it will cause a lot of people to lose their jobs and cause unemployment in many EU member states. This situation must be avoided.

The big guys are very painful. They called out the data and looked at them and let out a long sigh. The European allies said it was true that thousands of European companies followed Tianqi Group for dinner.

Once there are no orders from Tianqi Group, these companies will have to lay off employees one after another. If the impact continues, it will cause a great wave of unemployment.

In France, Tianqi Group has more than 20,000 employees in France, and many companies have received orders from Tianqi Group, which indirectly affects hundreds of thousands of jobs.

Once sanctions are imposed, everyone knows what the consequences are, and non-participation is the best way.

Today's Apocalypse Group is definitely a giant and can't move easily.

Once you do it, taxes will be greatly reduced, and coupled with the tide of unemployment, a large-scale turmoil is unavoidable. At that time, it is equivalent to Europe taking the blame for the United States.

Europe will certainly not participate in this kind of lack of mind.

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