"Yes, the three-year authorization period is too short, and we can't recover the cost at all. There are some competitors in many places, which is not good for us," Peugeot Group Chairman Bai Fei said.

Next, Xu Pingan began to bargain with everyone, thinking that the three-year authorization period was too short and the number of years must be increased. Each had its own reasons. This time it was an unprecedented unity.

Cao Puyang has already seen through the psychology of other manufacturers and intends to crack down on competitors. Xu Ping An will certainly not reduce costs. Tianqi Group has achieved a unified global price for its patent authorization standards in the past two years.

You will never easily disrupt this order. Even if you lose money, you must participate in it. I believe that Jihao's cost control advantages can definitely reduce costs and increase profits.

The three-year protection period cannot be promised in any case. There are many automobile groups that are stronger than Jihao. Once this is released prematurely, it will not benefit the Jihao Group and must cooperate in the fight.

Authorization deadlines, uniform standards, and other things have begun to debate, and they are not stupid. After the consensus is formed, there will be no chance to fight for their own interests.

The morning passed and no agreement was reached. At noon, Xu Ping’s had a treat. Everyone had a good drink, rested in the afternoon, and had serious discussions tomorrow.

At noon, Xu Ping'an started to do all the work, and began to toast frequently. The wine was aged and dried in the sky. This is a batch of wine specially customized by Xu Ping'an as a treat.

The bitch boy Chun didn't even give a discount. Xu Ping'an forced Xu Ping'an to completely abandon him and replace it with this specially aged Laobaigan. The taste was good, and he didn't drink too much.

All of them drank so much that they were helped by the people around them to rest. Xu Ping'an did the same, but Xu Ping'an didn't know. These people returned to the hotel room and immediately recovered.

All the soldiers who have come to today are all alcohol-tested fighters. Not to mention the domestic ones, but the foreign ones are trained out of vodka. There are more drinking addicts than the Chinese.

With an analysis group around him, he began to conduct in-depth analysis of the agreement to see if there were any problems in it, so as to avoid being deceived.

Cao Puyang came to Hangzhou but brought more than 20 people. These people are professionals in various fields. After washing his face, he began to discuss with these people with the agreement.

As the chairman of a group company, it is not so simple. To make a decision, you must consider various factors and weigh the pros and cons.

Outside the outside world, the stocks of listed companies in the ten companies have begun to stabilize, and they have not continued to fall like other automobile groups. This phenomenon has attracted Ji Xueyi's attention.

It is impossible to do this with only one's own funds, and there must be other forces joining in, otherwise, there will be no such strong force to stop the downward trend.

I started to call to investigate frequently. As a result, a lot of information was reflected, either I didn't know or I couldn't tell, Ji Xueyi began to think seriously.

Obviously, a large force has intervened, and Xu Ping'an's plan must be grasped by a group of people.

The most likely thing is..., Ji Xueyi's eyes lit up when he thought of this, and he smiled and shook his head, not thinking about it anymore.

Begin to notify personnel to speed up the acquisition, and all funds must be consumed within one day tomorrow.

The next day, everyone began to bargain fiercely with Xu Pingan. After arguing for more than an hour, the patent authorization period was revised.

The licensing fee of one billion euros remains unchanged, the annual patent fee of one billion euros is changed to 900 million euros, and the period for not granting other auto groups within three years is changed to five years.

Five years later, Tianqi Group can relax the restrictions, and at the same time, the annual patent fee has dropped from 900 million euros to 500 million euros.

Second, ten automobile groups must issue deadly orders to parts suppliers and must purchase Tianqi Group's steel as parts and materials. This must be implemented.

Tianqi Iron and Steel Group is not allowed to increase the price of raw materials at will, even if the price is increased, it must not exceed 20% of the current market price. If it exceeds, the parts dealers have the right not to use Tianqi Iron and Steel Group's steel.

As for the authorization of the split power system, there is a lot of controversy. We will discuss it tomorrow, and we will be temporarily stranded today. Everyone is satisfied that they can pass the two.

Not only fighting with Xu Pingan, but also fighting with other colleagues, each has its own calculations, which consumes a lot of energy, because every chairman knows that the competition has already begun.

A new day has begun. After a night's rest, the chairmen have recovered their spirits, and they have put their spirits into today's battle.

The power system licensing fee has been adjusted, the contract fee of 500 million euros has been changed to 300 million euros, and the annual patent fee of 300 million euros has been changed to 200 million.

At the same time, ten companies must purchase a patent license for one of their own car brands. The auto patent license signing fee is 500 million euros, and the annual patent fee is 300 million euros unchanged. The validity period is three years.

After three years, Tianqi Group can authorize split power systems for other car companies.

The next thing about the Ami-level chip, the mechanical mount uses this chip, General Motors, must obtain the Ami-level chip procurement authorization from the Chinese government.

At the same time, it gave Tianqi Group 2 billion US dollars in expenses, Tianqi Group helped launch lobbying work, and at the same time, the purchase price of Ami-level chips increased by 10%.

Hugh wanted to eat Xu Ping'an, and began to argue with Xu Ping'an, and the others were happy to watch the jokes.

These people don't know that this is a scene between Xu Ping'an and Xius. You must keep a distance from the Tianqi Group on the bright side. It is best to have a certain contradiction. Otherwise, GM will have a hard time in the United States.

There are already some companies that have isolated GM if there is no such thing. If it is not because GM is large enough and the impact is large enough, maybe someone will unite and take a bite of GM.

Only after being targeted by Tianqi Group this time can GM's embarrassing situation in the United States be eased. The cooperation between the two secretly will not give up and will continue.

After arguing for dozens of minutes, Hughes threw the water glass and accepted the unequal contract under the pressure of everyone. The prices of the first three batches increased by 10%, and the purchase amount should not be less than 30 million US dollars.

The chip is limited to mechanical mounts. If it is found that GM has misappropriated Ami-level chips to other places, Tianqi Group has the right to cancel the contract and directly kick GM out of the authorized scope of the top ten auto groups.

It is very simple for other companies to join forces to force General Purpose. It increases the cost of General Purpose and can gain a certain advantage. It is necessary to fight against competitors.

Xu Pingan’s suggestion of having a drink at noon was rejected. It has been two days, and I can’t stand it anymore. After all, everyone is not young anymore and can’t compare with Xu Pingan.

The discussion continued in the afternoon. Although the matter is not big, it is also related to competition and the interests that must be strived for. At the same time, it is necessary to set a threshold for the opponent.

Three days passed slowly, and a text that was controversial for everyone was published. They agreed that a month later, everyone went to Tianqi Group headquarters to sign a formal agreement to announce this.

Ping An Xu asked Wu Sikai and Bruce to speed up the patent progress before the meeting. Don't be afraid to spend money. Now it's time to spend money.

The lobbying company was charged an additional 5 million euros in fees, and if it was completed reasonably and legally within one month, it could receive a 5 million euros bonus.

Under the stimulus of money, the lobbying company began to scream at the engine to speed up the work, and strive to get the bonus in one month.

The situation of today's meeting was grasped by the bigwigs of various countries that evening, and the GM group was so targeted by the Tianqi Group, which made the American bigwigs rest assured.

It can be seen from this incident that the relationship between GM Group and Tianqi Group is only a business relationship, and the development of the personal relationship between Hughes and Xu Ping An is also for business considerations, rather than selfishness.

The reality is like this, you have me in you, I have you in me, everyone is playing, it depends on who is clever. At present, it seems that Xu Ping's won with Xius.

After the matter was settled, everyone had a good drink, except for Hughes with a straight face. The next day, the chairman of the board left Hangzhou to return to their company.

Soon, a new round of secret wars began in the world. GM will certainly not be reluctant to lose the United States and start activities again, but this time Italy, France, and Germany will not cooperate at all.

The United Kingdom’s cooperation is useless, because the United Kingdom has not obtained the qualification for Emi-level chip procurement. In just a few days, the United States has attracted a large number of countries that are not qualified for chip procurement and began to make trouble with the Chinese.

Some people directly exposed the secret transaction between Tianqi Group and the top ten automobile groups in order to disturb the pool of water, and global media began to report this matter.

All kinds of speculations flew all over the sky for a time, making it difficult to tell whether it was true or false.

At this time, Tianqi Group announced a life. So far, Tianqi Group has not signed a patent license contract for mechanical mounts with any automobile group. Please don't be fooled by rumors.

The top ten automobile groups that were exposed by the media also issued statements one after another. The company has not signed any contract with Tianqi Group for mechanical mounts until today.

Although we really want to obtain patent authorization, we have not received an invitation for patent authorization. We hope Tianqi Group can give us a chance to cooperate.

They are all very good at talking, not at present, it does not mean that there will be no in the future. Anyway, the agreement is verbal, and the two sides have not signed any agreement, and they are telling the truth.

Even if I signed a contract with Tianqi Group to announce this event in the future, I can't say that I lied, because at that time no agreement was really signed.

They are all very cunning, and they all know how to deal with the media. A statement said that they are not leaking.

There are only eternal interests in the world without eternal covenants. In about ten days, the Chinese government announced that U.S. General Motors had obtained the qualification to purchase Ami-level chips.

The 10% increase in the three purchases signed by Tianqi Group and GM became the first 10% increase in purchase price, and then the United States directly withdrew.

The rest of the countries that followed the US to make troubles were dumbfounded. They would definitely not be a bird when the US withdrew to the heavenly dynasty. It was neither a retreat nor a retreat, and its status was extremely embarrassing.

There are a few countries that are still quarreling with the celestial dynasty, and now it is even more uncomfortable. They really hate the country of America. Your sister, you have achieved your goal. What should we do?

We made trouble in response to your call. You are so shameless and a lot of resentment occurred collectively.

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