"Peace, this time is a rare opportunity, it is a pity to give up" Wei Dongshuo persuaded.

"Senior officials, I have all arranged my plans this year. I really can't spare any manpower to do this business" Xu Ping'an tactfully expressed his rejection.

Wei Dongshuo frowned, he already heard what Xu Pingan meant, and didn’t want to participate in this incident. Is there really something wrong with this incident? He didn’t persuade him, but he hung up after a few words with Xu Pingan phone.

"Old Peng, fortunately you didn't leave, Xu Ping'an has made it clear that he refused to participate in this tender," Wei Dongshuo said while looking at the person in front of him.

Peng Changkui smiled bitterly and shook his head and said, "As a result, this project will exclude my country. Except Tianqi Group meets the standards, no other enterprise has enough conditions."

"Is there anything wrong with this? Why would Xu Ping'an refuse such a good thing? Is there any negligence in us?" Wei Dongshuo frowned and said.

"No matter what he has refused, I will report it truthfully"

"There are so many domestic companies that don't even invest in aerospace technology. I really don't know what these companies think," Peng Changkui said very upset.

In this way, on the one hand, I hate domestic companies for failing to live up to their expectations. On the other hand, I hate Xu Pingan for not considering issues from a national perspective, and I don’t know how to put the overall situation first.

Wei Dongshuo heard Peng Changkui say this and it was not good to say anything. He chatted for a while and sent Peng Changkui away, sitting alone in the office and let out a long sigh.

Half a month passed slowly, and the United Nations suddenly became embarrassed. None of the companies capable of cleaning up rubbish in space participated in the bidding, and the replies received by governments from various countries were varied.

The big lords of the celestial dynasty were also shocked. No matter what the situation is, there is no company bidding. The small companies in Europe and America want to participate in the bidding, but these countries dare not give places.

I am not at ease with the technology of these companies, and again, it is even more embarrassing for these small companies to participate in the bidding. Obviously, it is not so simple for large companies to reject this project collectively.

Peng Changkui was also shocked after receiving the notification from his superiors. What the hell is this? Why those big companies didn't participate in this project? It is understandable that Xu Ping'an didn't participate, but Peng Changkui couldn't understand why those big EU companies didn't participate.

Wei Dongshuo was also shocked after receiving the notification, and then shook his head with a wry smile, knowing in his heart that Xu Ping'an was no longer on the same level with himself in considering the problem.

It's really a level higher than yourself. The reality is so cruel, you don't admit that it's impossible.

Relevant departments in various countries immediately began to organize personnel to study the relevant clauses to see what caused these large companies to not participate in the bidding. I really didn't know if I didn't study it. I was surprised by the study.

There are many murderous opportunities hidden in these clauses. Participation has come in. I don't know how much profit is made. It is indeed very easy to control you, and it is a reasonable and legal sanction.

Xu Ping'an looked at the car and these terms were not right, and the chairman of other companies did not give them in vain. They also saw the murderous intentions hidden in these terms.

Participate, you will only participate if your brain is disabled.

This is the decision made by these international companies unanimously. They are not stupid. There have been so many open guns and secret arrows to get to this point. This kind of contract trap is really too much.

The five big countries are very shameless, and the United Nations is also shameless. A group of people set up the stage like clowns and all the singers ran away. Only one group of people was bouncing on the stage.

It has completely become the laughing stock of the world.

The media exposed this incident, and ordinary people were shocked. Why did big companies not bid for it? Do you dislike the low profit? Under the guidance of someone with a heart.

International giants began to accept the condemnation of public opinion. As a result, there was no company that spoke out, and the international giants were not idiots. It was clear that the government was behind this.

Not saying a word, not expressing any opinions, is the best response.

On this day, Tianqi Technology Group issued a statement, starting from the day after tomorrow to shut down the server for a day to perform an in-depth upgrade.

Nowadays, there are more and more articles for search terms in all walks of life, it is more and more difficult to search for really useful information, and more and more useless spam.

After the upgrade, consumers will have an additional option to blacken out some popular information directly to extract their search information database.

You block a few spam messages every day. After a month, your search accuracy will increase by 10%, and your search efficiency will increase by 5%.

Your computer is yours, your search is yours, and the rejection of spam starts with you.

After the upgrade, the annual usage fee has been increased from ten euros to fifteen euros, with a unified global charge.

Old users will be executed in accordance with the original contract, and the new charging standards will be executed after the time expires, and new users will be executed in accordance with the new charging standards.

After the announcement of this statement, many companies around the world wanted to scold their mothers, and many consumers also despised Tianqi Technology Group.

The price increase, you actually increase the price, but the Guge company is free, you are forcing us to give up you.

For a time, there are more and more posts on social networks denouncing Tianqi. Tianqi Technology Group and Tianqi Group have no statement. Keep silent.

Seeing that Tianqi Group did not respond, many people went to the official website of Guge to pay attention, saying that they would return to the arms of Guge and support the free search service provided by Guge.

Guge laughed. The price increase of Tianqi Group will force customers back into their arms. This is not only the belief of Guge, but also many institutions and companies.

The most obvious manifestation is that the stock of Guge Company began to rise. It rose by 3% that day and 15% the next day.

Obviously, financial institutions are not optimistic about this wave of operations of Tianqi Group, and are more optimistic about the free search market for ancient songs.

Not only that, the stock of the ferry company has fallen to more than two dollars, and it has begun to rebound strongly, climbing to more than six dollars in one fell swoop.

For the first large-scale increase in many years, this makes the ferry company overjoyed.

The chairman of the company, Jia Zhengjin, took this opportunity to issue a statement that Ferry Search canceled its advertising rankings and wanted to be a healthy, consumer-friendly search engine.

The company will comprehensively upgrade the search engine technology to bring users a new experience.

Following the issuance of the statement, the company's stock rose further, and the upward momentum was very strong. The next day, the ferry search engine was suspended and began to upgrade. The upgrade time was eight hours.

Although it has been suspended, the company's stock still continues to rise.

Jia Zhengjin knew in his heart that this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and it is an opportunity for the ferry company to stand up. It must not be missed, and consumers cannot be treated as air as before.

Back then, I forced a weekly search by myself, and I regretted it for a lifetime. Now I finally have a chance to turn over and I must seize it.

Zhoutian search has been running for so many years, and already has its own inherent consumer group. What these people need is more accurate and efficient search tools, but others don't care very much.

Basically every day, there will be accounts that expire. Whether these accounts are renewed is the only criterion for testing whether this price increase is successful.

One week after the upgrade time, Tianqi Technology Group released contract renewal data. The renewal rate in Europe and the United States was as high as 92%, and the renewal rate in Asia was as high as 68%.

After the news spread, the whole world was shocked, and the result was completely unexpected.

Dean, the gangster of Guge, clutched his chest and looked at the data. What the hell is this? Are you all the fucking fake messages on our official website? Saying that you support us and return to our embrace.

The reality is that the euro will be handed over to Tianqi Group. Are you mentally disabled? Dean is really hard to accept this result.

Not only Dean could not accept this result, many financial institutions also could not accept this result. The contract renewal rate of 92% is an unbelievable figure.

They started to check the accounts. Drizzle Fund also had a meeting inside. President Niels looked at a vote of people sitting in the meeting room, "accepting the raise of hands for searching for price increases on Sundays."

"Don't you say that I was found out, you know what the consequences are."

Soon, the two raised their arms, and Niels looked at the two of them, "Filyn, tell me why you want to accept the price increase, and if the reasons satisfy me, I will be exempt from punishment."

"Head, what I care about is work efficiency, five euros is no pressure for me"

"If spending an extra five euros can improve my work efficiency, it can bring me thousands of euros in profits, and spending five euros I think is worth it," Feilin told the truth.

Fei Lin was assigned to the Niels team when she first entered the fund company. Over the years, Fei Lin and others have gradually risen as Niles has risen step by step.

"You really think that spending five euros can bring you higher work efficiency" Niels looked at Feline and asked.

"Head, I understand what you mean, but you really should experience it"

"The upgrade of Tianqi Group is really powerful this time. I have basically kept the habit of blocking 30 hot messages every day these days. My search efficiency has really improved over the past few days."

"At least I feel improved. Originally, when I searched for financial information, there would be a bunch of information, hundreds of thousands of pieces of information. It would take me at least a day to select the one that satisfies me."

"Now I search for the same problem, and only tens of thousands of messages popped up. As I continue to block those unimportant messages, the search accuracy will be further improved in the future."

"As long as I keep this habit and continue to use it, the information about the popularity of the entry will get farther and farther away, and I can free up more time and energy to focus on other tasks." Fei Lin detailed her knowledge Said it.

Everyone was silent. For a long time, the company's vice president Baker also said, "Head, to be honest, I have also experienced it, Feilin did not say it, and may not see anything in a short time."

"But as you block information every day, your search efficiency is gradually improving. I don't know the others. I'm afraid we will all accept the five-euro price increase."

"Although Guge is free, its search technology is basically understood by users, and there is too much information about the popularity of entries"

"One more thing, when I was thinking about this issue yesterday, I discovered that Guge has not upgraded the search engine for three years."

After listening to Niels carefully analyzed it, and found the problem, the problem lies with him, and his own consideration of the problem has been substituted into his personal feelings.

This is a big taboo in the financial industry and must be absolutely sensible and must not use personal emotions.

"Sorry, this time it's my emotion"

"Action now to clear the stocks of Guge." Niels directly issued an order to end the meeting, and everyone returned to their jobs to execute the order.

In recent days, technology stocks have fluctuated back and forth. The rising trend of Guge's stock has stopped and has begun to experience repeated shocks. What is surprising is that the stock of Ferry Company continues to rise.

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