Start the era of black technology

Chapter 868: Humans Can't Build Spaceships With Such Speed

After Xu Ping'an finished his speech, the forum proceeded in accordance with the established procedures. Today is the last day, and it can be considered as a successful conclusion.

However, Xu Pingan’s speech directly caused an uproar in the international arena, especially Xu Pingan’s technology of extracting natural gas from plants.

It also left many countries with lingering fears. For a country bordering the Celestial Dynasty, the country's main income is the sale of natural gas resources, and the Celestial Dynasty is the largest customer.

The funds for selling natural gas account for more than 85 percent of the country's total income. If Tianqi Group really popularizes this technology, there is only one waiting for the end of their country.

Bankruptcy, the country goes bankrupt directly.

This is one aspect. There are still people discussing the Tianqi Group’s Mars base. The Tianqi Group can synthesize water from Mars, and it can also synthesize a freshwater lake.

This has directly subverted the senses of many people, especially those countries that are very short of fresh water. They also clamored for the hope that Tianqi Group could license this technology to them and are willing to buy it at a high price.

Not only these two aspects, but also other topics, there are so many, media from various countries have invited experts to interpret Xu Pingan's speech.

Anyone who is afraid of over-interpretation, especially for experts to interpret, is really a small matter that can magnify you infinitely.

What made Xu Ping'an feel a little more at ease was that this time the discussion about Tianqi Group was no longer one-sided, but rather controversial.

To be precise, the experts went to war and started academic debates, and the media were full of enthusiasm.

Especially in the discussion of synthetic water, it is agreed that Tianqi Group is not using chemical synthetic water technology, but air synthetic water technology.

There is no disagreement on this point. The disagreement is that some people think this is unrealistic, because this kind of air synthesis water consumes oxygen and hydrogen very much.

Another part of the experts believes that it is technically possible to synthesize water in the air. Many countries have already mastered the technology of air-synthesized water. The cost is too high and it is not as advanced as Tianqi Group's technology.

This is because many institutions have not stepped up research in this area. If they increase investment in research and development, I believe they will soon be able to match Tianqi Group's air-synthetic water technology.

Many people have not noticed that on this day, issued a statement in the United States, explaining in detail the reasons for the inexplicable rise in stock prices this time.

[Thumbs incident] This is the name given by, which explains in detail the reason and the passage of the stock rise. Many people misunderstood the actions of Mr. Xu Ping'an and Mr. Liu Qiangdong, chairman of Dongdong.

At that time, the two were discussing food issues, which had nothing to do with all commercial activities,.............

With this statement, people in the US financial sector who want to do things have no excuses. has already given a detailed explanation.

Before a storm has begun, it disappears invisibly.

The international public opinion has been tossing lively for almost a month, but Xu Ping'an left the celestial dynasty to go to Edreus Island, and the new interstellar spacecraft was completed.

This is due to the equipment transformation carried out last year, and the newly installed hundreds of mechanical arms have played a major role, and the construction speed has increased again.

Xu Pingan directly named the spacecraft Glory.

The implication is that the birth of this interstellar spacecraft will bring Tianqi Group to new glory.

I prepared for half a month on the Island of Edreus. On this day, the glorious interstellar spacecraft slowly resorted to the large warehouse and moved slowly all the way to the takeoff site.

On the spacecraft, 80% were filled with food, and 20% filled with building materials.

This time, there are two special characters on the spaceship, Leonardo's son Dean, and Hughes' son Charlie.

The reason why the two of them were on the spaceship was that Leonardo and Hughes pleaded with them. The two of them were not young, and the family rights would gradually transfer to the sons.

In order to strengthen the conviction of the sons, it is necessary for them to take a spaceship to Mars. Take a trip to see the power of the Apocalypse Group, and they naturally know how to choose.

Xu Pingan thought about it and agreed. After all, the two of them secretly contributed a lot to the Apocalypse Space Group, which is the return they deserve.

The spacecraft drove slowly to the takeoff site, a huge metal frame appeared, and the wheels were slowly put away.

The driver contacted the command center and asked for the atmosphere, Xu Ping'an directly approved.

More than a dozen huge blue flames appeared, and soon the Brilliant spacecraft slowly lifted off, and the huge metal frame began to slowly retract.

When it rose to a certain height, the spacecraft began to circulate, circling three times around the island of Edreus, which was beginning to accelerate.

As soon as the speed was released, three air-burst circles appeared in a row with "bang", "bang" and "bang". The outer space of the spacecraft arrived in outer space with a flame caused by friction with the air.

Many countries are shocked to see this phenomenon through satellite surveillance.

What speed is this? Is there any mistake?

Before they could adjust the angle of the satellite, the Brilliant spacecraft flew away from the satellite monitoring line of sight at an extremely fast speed and flew towards Mars.

In the United States, the NASA command center is directly messed up, and the interstellar spacecraft engineers are dumbfounded, and all of them are a little nervous, and they are so messed that they dare not accept everything in front of them.

God, when the spacecraft flies out of the earth, it can rub against the air and start fire. What kind of speed is needed?

That big volume, so high speed.

At present, the fastest U.S. aircraft can't rub against the air and catch fire. Apocalypse's interstellar spacecraft has done so. This shows that the speed of interstellar spacecraft has surpassed that of small airplanes.

The difficulty here is equivalent to the gap between 100 million Euros and 100 million Venezuelan coins.

According to the current international exchange rate, one hundred million Venezuelan currency is equivalent to one euro. This is an official figure. On the black market, 200 million Venezuelan currency cannot be exchanged for one euro.

"Impossible, impossible, mankind cannot build a spaceship of this speed..."

"The interstellar spacecraft will fall apart at this speed"

A bunch of senior engineers are messed up, and no one accepts the facts.

Not only the United States, but also the celestial dynasty, all countries that have captured images from satellites are all messed up.

The speed of the Glory interstellar spacecraft completely subverted their inherent thinking.

A spaceship of this size, at such a speed, completely violates the principles of mechanics, the principles of aeronautics, and dozens of principles have been subverted. .

A few hours later, after these engineers stabilized, each of them became weak, and there was nothing in their heads.

Finally, a conclusion is given that Tianqi Group has made a huge improvement in the construction of interstellar spacecraft.

The number one in the world is undisputed.

Soon, the video was seen by bigwigs from all over the world. After listening to the explanations of the experts on the side, the bigwigs took a collective breath.

In the UK, the big guys are completely stupid after watching the video and listening to the explanations of the experts.

"You mean, the spacecraft at this speed can no longer be locked by the missile," a big man asked with his eyes wide open.

"You can say so"

"A more accurate overview should be that all the missiles on the earth cannot keep up with the speed of the interstellar spacecraft," the expert said bitterly on the side.

The big guys were somber and silent, and they all understood what the experts meant. No one thought that Tianqi Group could build an interstellar spacecraft with such performance.

"You know the principle of confidentiality, let's go down." The boss said to the experts, and waved his hand after he finished speaking.

The experts nodded, turned and left, and the whole room began to become depressed.

"Gentlemen, we must adjust the position of Tianqi Group"

"This time Xu Ping'an made the spacecraft leave the earth in such a high profile, I think, the warning is very serious."

"This is clearly telling those interested that today's Tianqi Group is no longer something you can handle at will"

"Although it is not against us, it also brings pressure to us," a big man said with a frown.

"Harry, this should be a good thing for us"

"I think Xu Ping'an should be a mess this time. He forgot one thing. He is not a country. He is just a company."

"A company shouldn't have this kind of power. The United States, China, it is estimated that it has begun to discuss this matter now."

"I think we should support Tianqi Group when necessary, so that Tianqi Group can continue to possess and maintain this power"

"Multiple restrictions are more beneficial to our interstellar rise plan," said a big man with his eyes shining brightly.

Many people understood it at this time, and nodded together, and Harry also nodded. When the international environment enters into multiple constraints, British opinions become important.

Xu Ping'an also thought of what the British thought of. This was purely to vent the grievances that had been simmering in his heart over the past few years. The more critical the moment came, Xu Ping'an could not bear his posture.

It was the Protoss who reminded Xu Ping'an in his mind before returning to Xu Ping's sanity.

Anyway, this hand I played was enough for a caring person to have a headache for a long time, and I was in a good mood to fly back to the sky.

In the United States, in an apartment not far from Harvard University, both Zhao Jiuxiao (Xu Qian) and Jenny were sitting in the living room with gloomy faces.

Neither of them spoke.

Today, under the pressure of their respective pressures, Jenny and Zhao Jiuxiao had a showdown. The two couldn't get together and had to separate.

It was raining heavily outside, thunder and lightning from time to time, curtains were blown back and forth by the wind, and the depressive atmosphere filled the room.

There were six luxury cars parked not far downstairs from the apartment. These cars were all vehicles that came to pick up Jenny.

There were two big men in each car, and two big men in suits standing outside, waiting with umbrellas in their hands, waiting for Jenny to leave the apartment.

They have received the order, if necessary, they can directly execute Zhao Jiuxiao to make Jenny completely give up.

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