Start the era of black technology

Chapter 870 You are not qualified

After a long while, the old patriarch raised his head, his eyes were cold without any emotion.

"You call Mike to come over, now"

"Mike arrived and brought him to see me" the old patriarch said and waved his hand.

Baker shook his heart, opened his mouth to speak, and gave up pleading when he saw the cold eyes of the old patriarch.

Turned around and left the study, taking out the phone from his arms while going downstairs and started to dial.

Mike, the previous intelligence director of the Kennedy family, was dismissed because he did something wrong. It now appears that the old patriarch will re-enable Mike to rectify the family's intelligence department.

Mike lives in Los Angeles and has fallen asleep. After being woken up by the phone's ringing, he picked it up and looked at it and directly answered "Baker, what is it so late?"

"Mister wants to see you, at the manor, you come here at once" Baker said directly.

Mike's drowsiness disappeared. It must have been a major event to let himself pass this time, and he directly asked "What happened".

"Come on, something big happened, the sooner the better" Baker said directly. The two have been in a relationship for more than ten years, and Baker reminded him.

"I will set off at once" Mike said directly.

"Hurry up by helicopter," Baker exhorted.

Mike understood that the matter was more serious than he thought. "I understand" he hung up the phone after saying it, and immediately began to call and arrange.

Urgent application, rented a helicopter to pick him up directly, Mike has a small farm in the suburbs of Los Angeles, parking the helicopter is not a problem.

After getting up and changing his clothes, he went straight downstairs, went to the basement with an umbrella, opened an electrical box on the wall, and directly pushed the knife on.

The light bulbs around the apron on the farm lawn are all lit to provide signals for the helicopter to land.

In about forty minutes, the helicopter landed slowly. Mike had dressed himself up and got on the helicopter directly, heading for Kennedy Manor.

I took out my mobile phone and set up the navigation on the mobile phone, connected to the helicopter's system, and the pilot knew how to leave, and Mike began to close his eyes and rest.

As time passed slowly, Mike’s helicopter landed slowly on the No. 3 tarmac. When Mike got off the plane, someone greeted him and quickly took over with Baker.

On the way, Baker had already told Mike what had happened. Mike was shocked and stopped. He looked at Baker with both eyes, and Baker nodded, meaning that Mike's guess was correct.

"It's not a pity for this group of people to die, so dare to fool around with such a big thing" Mike looked hated.

After Mike was dismissed that year, the newly appointed supervisor directly cleaned Mike's direct line, and at the same time, the strength of the intelligence department plummeted.

Small things don't affect anything, big things can't be done. This is the case with Zhao Jiuxiao's investigation. If you are more careful, you can definitely find clues.

Even if Zhao Jiuxiao's identity is not certain, he will give a cautious warning, which allows the old patriarch to handle this matter more carefully, instead of causing such a decision without any room for change.

The two entered the study and discussed with the old patriarch for more than 30 minutes. "Mike, I will give you three years to rebuild the intelligence department." The old patriarch stared at Mike's glasses and said.

"Sorry, I need five years, three years I really can't do it"

"Although this answer will make your husband very angry, I can't deceive him," Mike said with a serious expression.

The old patriarch nodded, as expected to be the old man who followed him back then, with a relieved expression on his face and said, "I will give you five years, and I need funds to report directly to me."

"Don't worry, sir, I must rebuild a capable intelligence agency to make him worthy of the Kennedy family" Mike said directly, and the old patriarch nodded.

"Baker, you are responsible for cooperating with Mike to start the cleaning." After finishing speaking, he leaned back and closed his eyes and waved.

Baker and Mike looked at each other, nodded, turned and left the study.

In the apartment, Gavin looked at Xu Qian and understood Xu Qian’s state very well. He directly took out the wine from the refrigerator to let Xu Qian drink. Xu Qian had been drinking too much. Then he picked Xu Qian and sent Xu Qian to the room. take a break.

After returning to the living room, he made a pot of tea, drank tea, called Xu Ping'an over and over again, and reported the matter exactly.

"What if Xu Qian wakes up and still doesn't give up" Gavin began to ask.

"You tell Xu Qian directly, if you don't give up, Tianqi Group has nothing to do with him, and he will just get out."

"The inheritance rights of Tianqi Group and Jenny, the two can only choose the same"

"If he chooses the latter, you can come forward and talk to the Kennedy family to make the two of them get together. From now on, it will be up to him whether it is a dragon or a snake," Xu Ping'an said calmly.

Gavin frowned, feeling very uncomfortable about Xu Ping's relentless words, "Is it a bit too much to do this?"

"Gavin, you know very well what our future is. Do you think a person who is emotionally involved can take this responsibility?"

"This is our common cause, do you really want to see an emotional person ruin all this?" Xu Ping'an asked directly.

"Well, when he wakes up, I will have a serious talk with him," Gavin said directly. When Xu Ping'an was a fact, Gavin could not refute it.

Tianqi Group is too big. There are many people who eat with Tianqi Group. Emotional use is a taboo, especially in the position of Tianqi Group's president.

"You can talk to him seriously, I sincerely hope that Xu Qian can get out of this level" Xu Ping'an's tone became a lot softer.

"Fortunately I'm not the boss, the boss position is really uncomfortable" Gavin said, and then hung up the phone.

Xu Pingan’s helplessness is understandable. This is also the reason why Gavin himself is unwilling to be the boss. Some election decisions are known to be painful, but they still have to make a choice.

Xu Pingan was also helpless, smiled bitterly, put down the phone, stood up and walked to the large French window, looking at the scenery outside, he was also very conflicted.

On the one hand, I hope that his son will have a happy marriage, and on the other hand, I hope Xu Qian can give up Jenny and get out of this barrier. The two conflicting feelings clash in Xu Ping'an's heart.

After a long sigh, let's see God's will.

In the United States, at ten o'clock the next day, Xu Qian woke up and looked around. This was his bedroom. The pain in his chest was telling Xu Qian that everything yesterday was not a dream.

When I got out of bed and opened the door, I saw Gavin sitting on the sofa in the living room. As soon as Gavin raised his hand, a small bottle flew towards Xu Qian and Xu Qian raised his hand to catch it.

"Go take a shower and give yourself medicine, be more vigorous, we need to have a good talk" Gavin stared into Xu Qian's eyes and said.

"I understand" Xu Qian finished speaking and turned to the room with the medicine bottle.

Xu Pingan once asked Xu Qian, Xu Wentao, and Xu Kun to train at Gavin for three consecutive summer vacations for mandatory training, which was very difficult.

Gavin trained the three of them to fight directly without being obedient, and he still used a belt to smash his head and cover his face. The attack was very ruthless and did not give any face. It shocked all the accompanying bodyguards.

It can be said that the three brothers are a little afraid of Gavin.

Gavin's expression just now shows that the conversation is not random in a moment, and Xu Qian can guess what he wants to talk about, and there is no answer in his heart about what to do.

Starting to take a bath, putting in cold water directly, and taking a cold shower can make you sober. About forty minutes later, Xu Qian came out, the expression on his face has been much calmer.

Came to sit down in front of Gavin, Gavin pointed to the tea cup in front of him, Xu Qian picked it up and took a sip. Gavin ran green tea, which had the best refreshing effect.

After a cup of tea was under the water, Xu Qian said, "Uncle Gavin, I want to make a phone call and then talk, call Jenny."

"Yes," Gavin said indifferently.

Xu Qian directly took out his mobile phone and started making a call in front of Gavin. The call was soon connected, but no one spoke.

"Can you continue?" Xu Qian asked.

"One of my family members died, and you were pointed with a gun at your head. Don't worry about your father when we are together again? What is your real name?" Jenny's voice came out.

"My name is Xu Qian, the eldest son of Xu Pingan, President of Tianqi Group"

"I don’t know that my father is worried about you. The person who likes you is me. My attitude is very clear. If you can make up your mind to stay with me now, I will take care of the rest."

"I decided to give up Tianqi Group's inheritance rights in exchange for our happiness" Xu Qian said this sentence calmly.

There was silence on the phone, and it took Jenny to speak.

"I'll call you Zhao, Xu Qian is very strange to me"

"If what happened yesterday did not happen, my choice will be you. I can give up everything in the family to be with you, but when things happen, we can't treat them as not happening."

"The two of us continue to be together, I am afraid it will be difficult to maintain simplicity. It will be involved in the endless family interest disputes. This is not what I want.

"Let's be friends," Jenny said this sentence very calmly.

"You're right, it's because I used emotions, things happened, we can't assume that nothing has happened"

"Take care" Xu Qian said.

"Take care of you too," Jenny also followed, and then hung up the phone.

Xu Qian put down the phone, took a sip from the teacup, put down the teacup and looked at Gavin, "Uncle Gavin, I don't think we need to talk about anything anymore."

"Yes, there is a problem with your attitude" Gavin looked at Xu Qian and said directly.

Xu Qian was taken aback, not understanding what Gavin meant.

"Your attitude now shows that I am very upset with me. What do you think I will think in my heart? Will I think if you win and take over the Tianqi Group in the future, will it be against me?" Gavin smiled. Said Xu Qian.

Gavin's smile is terrifying in Xu Qian's eyes. When Gavin shows this smile, it is when he takes the belt to pull the three brothers.

"Xu Qian, you are very smart, but smart doesn't mean everything"

"There are many people in this world who are smarter than me and your father, but why can't they achieve your father's grades?"

"You should think carefully about why your father spends so much energy to let you live incognito. If you can't figure this out, you are not qualified" Gavin stared at Xu Qian's eyes and said.

Xu Qian frowned and said nothing. What Gavin said today is something Xu Qian had never considered before. Now it is necessary to consider this issue carefully.

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