Start the era of black technology

Chapter 878 The true value of this tens of millions of dollars is worth it. [Third more]

Today's press conference is over. Yang Sirui was very satisfied with today's results. He had a conversation with Xu Ping An with a smile on his face, shook hands with Wei Dongshuo and Yuan Shiping and left.

Xu Pingan also said a few words to the staff, and left with Liu Wenjun and Darina, and went directly to the headquarters.

Media organizations in various countries are getting busy. The front page headline before dawn must be today's Tianqi Group's press conference. You are not this news, no one buys your newspaper, and no one clicks on it for you.

Not only that, many investigative agencies have received orders for all the information about Xie Pingfan, especially the detailed report that Xie Pingfan was forced away by American scientific research institutions.

We must find out which scientific research institution is, because what forced Xie Pingfan away, this is a big event.

Such a powerful character was forced to Xu Ping'an, and he also made such a great contribution to Tianqi Group, it must be investigated clearly.

If this person is still in the United States, the gravity technology will be American, and now I still need to look at Xu Ping's face? This matter must be investigated clearly.

Not only is the American media holding a sigh of relief, even the big Americans who watch the live broadcast are upset.

It's dawn, and the front page headlines of newspapers and websites are all about Tianqi Group's press conference.

At the same time, many departments have received the above notice, investigating Xie Pingfan's past in the United States, we need the most detailed information, not at all.

Woke up early this morning, everyone was dumbfounded when looking at the newspaper. The front page headlines of the newspaper were all reports from the Tianqi Group press conference.

Xie Pingfan, this name truly resounds throughout the world.

Many people are wondering who this Xie Pingfan is, and the person who can make Xu Ping'an bow and thank is certainly not a simple person.

If you have money, you have motivation. The research companies in the market take money to do things. Once they have an order, they will act immediately and begin to explore Xie Pingfan's past.

Because the time span is a bit long, this is not a short time to produce results.

However, the media did not relax on this matter, because Xu Ping An would definitely not tell lies. In terms of Xu Ping's status today, telling lies is not worthy of his identity.

Xie Pingfan must have suffered unfair treatment in the United States.

With this as a breakthrough, Xie Pingfan began to report frantically. Many media said that Nobel owed Xie Pingfan an award.

This incident made the Nobel organization a bitter laugh. You don’t have anything. How can we issue you a trophy and a certificate? The Tianqi Group blocked all information and there is no way to verify it.

Soon, the Nobel Organizing Committee could not issue a statement.

According to Xu Pingan, Xie Pingfan’s theory combines gravity, electromagnetic force, weak force, and strong force. This is a very powerful theory.

It can be side-by-side or even surpassed by Yang Zhenning's Yang-Misl theory.

As long as Xu Pingan publicizes Xie Pingfan's theory, and as long as someone can verify the correctness of the theory, Nobel will immediately give awards and certifications.

Ordinary people don't know who Yang Zhenning is, but in the physics world, he is definitely the first person at the time. No one can compare with him. Everyone needs to lean back.

Someone said, is Yang Zhenning better than Hawking.

You are really right. Zhang Zhenning is really better than Hawking. This is recognized by the international physics community. The status of the two in the international physics community is very different.

Give a simple example.

At the International Conference of Physics, all the authorities of the physics community of all countries attended the conference.

C position, only Yang Zhenning can be convinced. As long as Yang Zhenning is present, no one dares to stand in this position licking his face.

Only a few people like Einstein and Newton can compare with him. This is reality.

There was a lot of noise outside, while Xu Ping'an was talking on the phone with Xie Pingfan, who was far away on the island of Edreus, to comfort Xie Pingfan.

"Xie Lao, your achievements should be watched by the world, and your name should be carved in the history of human technological development"

"This is the honor you deserve" Xu Ping'an said with a smile.

"President, if I want honor, I won't come to Tianqi Group. I just want to do research quietly and don't want to be disturbed by any other chores."

"If the president exposes my news again, I will just quit and retire" Xie Pingfan said rudely.

Xu Pingan was very helpless after listening. Xie Pingfan was not well-known in Tianqi Group. He knew that Xie Pingfan's strength was the person in the mechanics project team, and was completely conquered by Xie Pingfan's strength.

"Okay, I follow the advice of Mr. Xie" Xu Ping'an said with a smile, really admiring this kind of person who does not care about fame and fortune and is devoted to research.

The two of them talked for a while and then hung up the phone. Xu Ping'an took a long breath, and just do what Xie Pingfan said. This kind of technology has a weird temper, which is understandable.

If it weren't for the advanced technology provided by Protoss, I'm afraid it would really not attract people like Xie Pingfan, and Xius had done a good thing.

Xie Pingfan was introduced to Xu Pingan by Hughes. Xu Pingan didn't care at first, so he asked Protoss to investigate. The result was that Protoss gave an S grade evaluation, which shocked Xu Ping'an.

The evaluation of Protoss is a comprehensive evaluation system based on the level of human technology on the earth and the strength of general scientific and technological personnel. This is the first time that it has given an S-level evaluation.

Xu Ping'an discussed with Xingling and sent a secret officer to the imperial capital to find Xie Pingfan with a copy of information.

Back then, Xie Pingfan was really upset and unhappy at the research institute of the relevant department of the Imperial Capital. When he was upset, he contacted the personnel sent by Xu Ping'an.

Xie Pingfan was shocked after reading the materials brought by the person, his eyes beaming and he directly asked, "What about the latter, the latter?"

"Our president said, join Tianqi Group and open the follow-up data authorization to you" the person directly stated the purpose.

Xie Pingfan hesitated for a few seconds, and directly agreed, and submitted his resignation the next day. The people in the research institute were able to stay in every possible way. Xie Pingfan resigned with determination, and finally approved.

In this way, Xie Pingfan was abducted to Tianqi Group by Xu Pingan.

Collecting these scientific research talents is really of little use to Xu Pingan, but for future generations of Xu Pingan, these talents and technical reserves are incredible assets.

What Xu Pingan thinks is that sooner or later, he will leave the universe. It is necessary to leave a solid foundation for the children. There is no shortage of funds, technology and talents. Tianqi Group is really worry-free.

With the foundation that I have laid, four or five generations of the younger generations can enjoy the glory and wealth, and the ancestors of them can be considered worthy of them.

Xu Ping'an has been doing many seemingly useless things, in order to leave a safe place for future generations.

Time slowly passed by five days, and the American ABC zoomed in on it, headlined [Scandal at the Stikl Institute of Physics].

Xie Pingfan’s past in the United States was dug up, and a Nobel Prize winner in physics was also involved.

According to the news published by the ABC news website and newspapers, ABC has conclusive evidence that the Nobel laureate Cole of the Stikl Institute of Physics in the United States used illegal means to possess Xie Pingfan’s achievements and force him out of the United States.

Cole's current wife is Xie Pingfan's girlfriend.

If you want to know the final result, you can pay attention to the ABC newspaper published tomorrow and the ABC website updated tomorrow.

After ABC broke the news, it spread around the world at an incredible speed, and many media around the world began to reprint ABC reports.

The board of directors of the ABC Media Group was delighted to see the amount of reprints on each face. It is all money, and it has earned hundreds of millions of dollars in just half a day.

After the evidence is thrown out tomorrow, it will definitely become more popular. Only the net profit of this news income of more than 200 million US dollars is not a problem at all.

The true value of this tens of millions of dollars is worth it.

This report directly detonated world public opinion and set off an earthquake in the scientific community. You know, Cole is an authority in the physics community.

When he won the Nobel Prize that year, many people believed that Cole's future achievements would surpass Yang Zhenning, and he is also the person most likely to achieve the unification of the four forces on the planet.

Unexpectedly, it turned out to be illegally occupying Xie Pingfan's scientific research results.

No wonder Tianqi Group can break through gravity technology.

No wonder Xu Ping An said that he is willing to donate 100 million US dollars to thank the United States.

Cole has not had any breakthroughs for so many years and there is a reasonable explanation.

In Cole's house, Cole did not go to work in the research institute today, and sat in the living room with his wife Olivia gloomily.

Back then, both Cole and Xie Pingfan were internships at the Stocker Institute of Physics. During a discussion, Xie Pingfan's remarks gave Cole a lot of inspiration.

Knowing that this is a remarkable breakthrough.

At the same time, Cole also keenly discovered that Xie Pingfan did not finish what he knew.

After discussing with her girlfriend Olivia secretly, the two started to take action. Olivia and Xie Pingfan never met, but they met by chance with Cole's help.

The female chased the male compartment yarn, and easily gained the trust of Xie Pingfan, became Xie Pingfan's girlfriend, and went to Xie Pingfan's home.

After the two were together for a week, Olivia easily obtained Xie Pingfan's computer password, and obtained a lot of information from it.

After obtaining the information he wanted, Cole began the second step of the plan, selling a long-held laboratory secret technology on the black market, and framing Xie Pingfan for leaking laboratory secrets.

After all, Xie Pingfan is a Chinese, a natural backer.

In addition, two other people secretly collected money from anonymous personnel to cooperate with Cole. In this way, Xie Pingfan was expelled from the research institute with a shameful reputation.

A year later, Cole published a paper on how to use gravity based on Xie Pingfan's data, and released the results of the experiment at the same time.

Relying on this achievement, he won the Nobel Prize that year. The following year, he married Olivia.

After so many years, the two of them did not expect that this matter would be detected. The ruin was in front of them, and the two of them were weak at home.

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