Day by day, in a blink of an eye, half a year has passed. There are more than 6,000 artificial leaf towers around the equator of Mars, which convert carbon dioxide into oxygen every moment of every day.

On this day, the Mars base personnel fixed themselves to the wall of the room very calmly. The ground shook for a while and then stopped. Many people looked as usual and removed their restraints.

I'm used to the earthquakes that erupt from Mars from time to time, so I don't panic as I continue to do what I should do.

This is a habit cultivated in the past six months.

The biggest test I experienced was that the small hills of the main Mars base rose by two meters during the earthquake. Many places broke and some people were injured but no one died.

This earthquake also caused more than 3,000 people to resign. Tianqi Group approved all of them. There are now many rumors about Mars earthquakes on Earth.

Tianqi Group also did not explain, what love thinks and thinks.

Since the beginning of last month, no one has resigned, and the number of people who resigned that month has been returned to zero.

Yu Zegang announced a news at the base that all personnel currently working on Mars will increase their monthly salary by 50 Mars.

Don't underestimate fifty sparks. Fifty sparks are equal to five hundred euros, which is equal to more than four thousand three hundred celestial coins.

Among the working staff on Mars, the Celestials accounted for 70%, and those who resigned and left were mainly from the European Union.

In the past six months, the total number of resignees reached more than 27,000, and EU personnel accounted for more than 98%.

Today, the ecosphere project team took a sheep into the car and planned to conduct experiments outside the base to see if the animals could survive outside.

After all, the oxygen content of Mars air has reached 18%, second only to 20.5% of the earth.

In the drainage areas of more than 3,000 synthetic water stations, small depressions are already covered with moss. The moss has fully adapted to the diurnal temperature difference of Mars and survived tenaciously.

This is a miracle, this is the only green that appears on the surface of Mars.

The vehicle slowly drove out of the base and stopped not far from the base. The staff got out of the vehicle and got busy inside the carriage. Many monitoring instruments were installed on the sheep.

After some communication, he opened the door and drove the sheep out of the car.

The sheep that left the carriage began to cheer. The staff stared at various instruments in the carriage, and within seventeen minutes, the running sheep fell to the ground.

He yelled, "Hey, yeah," his limbs moved back and forth, not dead.

The staff in the carriage began to record. After a while, the experiment ended when various organs of the sheep began to fail.

The staff drove the sheep to the car and started oxygen supply. At the same time, they drove back to the base.

After one hour and thirty-two minutes, the sheep could already struggle to stand up.

Everyone cheered, which shows that the external environment has changed in a direction suitable for human survival.

The project team started a meeting immediately, and after summing up, they unanimously determined that if people want to leave the base to survive on the surface, it is estimated that they will have to wait until the first naturally formed rain falls.

The sprinkler operation has been going on for a year and two months, the dust in the atmosphere has decreased a bit, and the time the sun shines on the surface of Mars has increased a lot.

The surface temperature of Mars has also changed visible to the naked eye.

The highest temperature near the equator has reached 29 degrees, a full increase of nine degrees. I believe that as the dust in the atmosphere continues to decrease, the temperature will rise.

On Earth, Xu Ping'an was in the living room at night while drinking tea while watching the Mars report he had just received. He frowned, and began to ask the Protoss, "It has been more than six months, why can't natural rainfall be formed?"

"I told you that the six-month period is at least estimated. The order you issued is about six months. The difference of one month before and after is normal."

"The biggest factor is that the current atmospheric pressure is not enough. Wait slowly." The Protoss was silent after speaking.

Xu Ping'an curled his mouth, and had no way to deal with Xingling, so he could only drink the tea in the cup with one hand up, then turned back to the room to sleep, and went to bed holding Miao Yiyi to sleep.

The next day, Xu Ping An had breakfast and went directly to work. When he arrived at the office, he called James.

"President" James said respectfully.

"James, it's time to start the second step plan, contact Yu Zegang, and then notify the watercraft currently on its way to Mars."

"Tell them not to sprinkle water, but to release water at Target No. 1" Xu Ping'an said directly.

"Ok, I will arrange it now"

"President, when will natural rainfall be formed?" James is also concerned about this issue.

"I don't know. According to their inference, the air pressure is not enough. The best way to accelerate the formation of rainfall is to form a large lake on Mars."

"It is better to form an ocean," Xu Ping'an said, rubbing his head.

James already felt Xu Ping's irritability, and knew that he could not ask more, "I will arrange it immediately, and hope that God will bless us to rain sooner."

Xu Ping'an smiled when he heard it, and really didn't understand Western beliefs.

It is God who has done wrong.

As the gangster who was stunned by the world said, I should be God’s will to do this. God can’t understand the status quo in the United States, so I became the number one.

Time passed slowly, and this year passed quickly. At least Xu Ping'an felt that way.

As soon as November entered, Xu Ping'an received a call from James that night.

"President, it's snowing. It snowed instead of raining. A large area......" James was too excited and said something incoherent.

"It's snowing, will it snow on Edreus?" Xu Ping'an asked directly.

"Edrius Island?"


"It's Mars, Mars is snowing" James said directly.

"What did you say?" Xu Ping'an sat up directly, with joy on his face.

"Boss, I just received news from Mars, Mars is snowing, it is snowing, and it is still a red snowflake..." James reported the matter truthfully.

Early this morning, there was a synthetic water station more than 600 kilometers away from the main Mars base. Here, a man named Haller walked out of the synthetic water station to record the living conditions of moss in the depression.

This is a daily routine, and it was completed easily and smoothly. When I wanted to return to the synthetic water station, I suddenly found a small red dot on the transparent glass in front of my helmet.

Raising his hand and touching it, the red dot disappeared. After just two steps, the red dot appeared again. I looked up curiously, dumbfounded.

Snow flakes fell one after another, and it was still red.

Haller was immediately excited, immediately returned to the water station and took out his mobile phone and started shooting, very excited.

It took a while before I remembered that I had to report to the base, and then I returned to the water station, started operating the tablet, and uploaded the video I had taken.

The base personnel reported the video immediately after receiving the video, and Yu Zegang was also worried about why it was not raining. After receiving the notification, he rushed to the command center.

After the video played, Yu Zegang immediately howled in excitement.

The people in the command center are also excited.

It's snowing and the first snow on Mars, which shows that the atmospheric pressure of Mars is already sufficient and natural circulation has begun.

This is the first natural cycle and it is worth remembering.

Immediately call the staff member named Haller and ask Haller to go outside immediately to continue shooting the video, and Haller readily took the order.

Time passed bit by bit, and 20 minutes later, Haller passed through another video. This time, nothing went wrong.

Yu Zegang immediately sent the video back to the earth headquarters, and at the same time had a phone call with James. James was immediately excited when he received Yu Zegang's call.

After repeated confirmations, James went directly to his office to open the video, and James was in tears after watching it.

Now, there are rumors on the earth that the Apocalypse Group cannot transform Mars, and it is becoming more and more fierce. This snow is coming too timely.

"Pass the video to me immediately," Xu Ping An said in a hasty tone.

"Boss, it has been sent to your mailbox" James said directly, and he sent it directly after reading James, and called Xu Pingan after sending the email.

"Don't hang up, I'm going to check the email" Xu Ping'an finished speaking and put the phone aside, and immediately picked up the tablet on the table next to him and started browsing.

It looks good, the red snowflake scene appeared, which made Xu Ping'an extremely excited.

After a long time, he returned to continue talking with James.

"James, immediately sort out the video, and contact Mars at the same time to confirm the time, and then send it directly to the official website. I will let Fanxing be directly responsible for announcing this on the official website."

"I want to see, when they see the red snowflakes, who would dare to compare," Xu Pingan said directly.

"I'll go to handle it right away" James said directly, and the excitement in his body hadn't subsided now. After a few words with Xu Ping'an, he hung up.

Soon, Song Xinyun’s voice came from Xu Ping’an’s bedroom, "You bastard, what are you going crazy at night?... bastard... let go I....................."

Time slowly passed. An hour later, the official website of Tianqi Group, Tianqi Space Group's official website, and Xu Ping'an's personal social account were all hung up on the red snowflake video.

[On X, X, X, XXXX, the first snowfall appeared on Mars, even if the snow was red]

This means that the Martian atmosphere has begun to function normally!

It means that the Martian environment is beginning to change!

It represents that Tianqi Group has entered a new chapter in the environmental transformation of Mars!

There are many people who follow Xu Pingan's social account. Someone found it immediately after the update. After watching the video, all of them were stupid.

My dear, Mars will snow, is there any mistake?

Media reporters basically follow Xu Pingan's social accounts. After watching the video, everyone is dumbfounded.

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