Start the era of black technology

Chapter 924: Speed ​​Up 30%

Time passed bit by bit. Aside from reporting the Mars change video, Tianqi Group did not make any major moves, and was very calm.

As the Chinese New Year approached, the Mars base was adjusted once again. The two thousand artificial leaf towers no longer release oxygen, but instead synthesize water.

According to the data, after the outside water is dried by the wind after solid state changes and fusion, the effect of increasing water vapor in the entire Martian atmosphere is the best.

On the second day after the data was obtained, changes were made immediately, step by step.

On this day, Yu Zegang and his deputy Liu Zhirong handed over. After completion, Yu Zegang got on the interstellar spacecraft and returned to Earth. He has been working on Mars for several years, and it is time to take a break.

When Yu Ze has just returned to the earth, what is waiting for him is a half-year paid vacation, which includes two months of family vacation time, and all expenses incurred during the vacation will be reimbursed.

Time passed slowly, and soon, the Spring Festival arrived, and the family was reunited again.

This year passed very peacefully and happily. When Xu Kun and Xu Wentao were about to leave, Xu Ping'an spoke.

"Wen Tao, come up with me for a while." After finishing speaking, he turned upstairs. Xu Wentao looked at his mother Isabella. Isabella was also very confused and stood up and followed Xu Ping'an upstairs.

When he sat down in the study, Xu Ping'an hesitated for a while and then began to say "Wen Tao, your girlfriend Kaili has a problem, please separate from her."

Xu Wentao was shocked. He didn't expect Xu Pingan to say that, "Father, what is wrong with her, please tell me directly, I can bear it in my heart".

"Okay" Xu Ping'an nodded when seeing Xu Wentao's performance.

"Kelly also has an identity, a secret officer of the US military intelligence department, and the contact between the two parties has not been broken."

"Although Kaili and the organization behind her use specially encrypted passwords, they can't stand the insiders betraying her. Look at this document. The other party sold it to me." Xu Ping'an finished speaking, next to her. Picked up the document and handed it to Xu Wentao.

Xu Wentao took it and began to look through it. The expression on his face changed when he watched. Others could be faked, but the whispers that the two of them said while shopping couldn't be faked.

Many things are things that only two people know, absolutely impossible to be known by someone who secretly protects them.

After a long time, Xu Wentao finished reading, his face was very bad.

"I'll take care of this. You won't see her again after you go back. You will find your girlfriend in the future and call your Uncle Qilin or Uncle Buck, and they will help you investigate it clearly," Xu Ping'an said directly.

Xu Wentao nodded numbly, clearly knowing the grudge between his father and the United States, and the fate of his girlfriend Kelly could be imagined. He slowly stood up and planned to leave.

After walking to the door, he suddenly turned around and looked at Xu Ping'an and said, "Father, can you save her life?"

"If this is your wish, I can promise you" Xu Ping'an said this sentence deeply in his eyes.

Seeing Xu Pingan's eyes, Xu Wentao's heart moved, and the battle between heaven and man began in his mind. After a while, the expression on his face became calm.

"Father, leave her alive, after all, we had a good time," Xu Wentao said directly.

Xu Ping'an nodded and said, "I can promise you that I will hand it over to the U.S. side, and I don't care how the U.S. side treats her."

"Thank you, father" Xu Wentao said, turned and left, and closed the door with ease.

The door closed, and Xu Ping'an gave a long sigh. He was very distressed, not knowing how to choose between Xu Qian and Xu Wentao.

The companies created by the two are currently developing very well, which Xu Ping'an could not think of. He originally thought that they would definitely have to experience some failures to grow.

I don't know, things were unexpected.

Both of them are so good, how should they choose in the future, this question is very troublesome for Xu Ping An.

Just now Xu Pingan told Xu Wentao that this matter was a small test. The woman named Kaili Xu Pingan didn't care, but Xu Wentao's thoughts were what he cared about.

Looking at Xu Wentao's nature, Xu Ping'an was very comforted by Xu Wentao's actions.

Forget it, I don't want to, the hill of the lane is naturally straight, let time be the referee.

In the evening, Isabella came to Xu Wentao's room and asked Xu Ping An about what Xu Wentao had talked about. Xu Wentao didn't tell the truth and found an excuse to get over.

The next day, Xu Wentao and Xu Qian left separately. When they were parting, Xu Ping'an said to both of them, "You have three years left, and after three years you must restore your names."

The two did not understand what Xu Pingan's words meant, and Xu Pingan did not explain, waved and let them leave.

Everything went as usual. After Xu Ping'an visited Miao Yiyi's house, he went to Song Xinyun's house. Instead of returning to Hangzhou, he flew to Isabella's house.

Xu Pingan didn't visit Phil many times, because Phil always wanted to interfere in Xu Wentao's affairs and always wanted to influence Xu Wentao.

Xu Pingan personally called Phil. If Phil intervenes again, don't blame me for completely subverting your royal family.

At the same time, the seventeen people who secretly dispatched Phil to Xu Wentao's side were all put to death, arranged for the three companies that cooperated with Xu Wentao to directly subvert and bankrupt, and at the same time sent a bullet to Phil.

After Xu Ping'an made such a complete turn of the face, Phil began to constrain.

This was a secret match between the two, Isabella didn't know at all, including Xu Wentao.

Xu Pingan did not stay much at Isabella's house. After losing Isabella, he left for three days and went to the Apocalypse Institute of Advanced Materials in Germany.

There are three key issues for interplanetary spacecraft to increase speed.

The first question is whether the structure of the interstellar spacecraft can withstand the pressure brought by the ultra-high speed.

The second problem is the power problem. To solve the power problem, it is nothing more than releasing the power of sound fusion.

The third problem is the material. Acoustic fusion releases higher credit. It is the material that needs to withstand this energy. This material can't be made. Don't expect to provide the power of the interstellar spacecraft.

Now, the difficulty lies in the first and third two issues, and the one who undertakes these two tasks is the Tianqi Advanced Materials Research Institute.

When Xu Pingan's plane slowly landed at Dresden Airport, Barry was already waiting with his car, and he greeted Xu Pingan as he walked out of the airport passage.

After so many years, Xu Ping'an shook Barry's hand, and they got into the car together and laughed, and went straight to the hotel arranged by Barry for Xu Ping'an.

After the guards inspected the room, Xu Ping An checked in. Barry accompany Xu Ping to drink tea, and the two began to talk about the current progress of the project.

"According to you, it will take some time for the new alloy coating to break through," Xu Ping said, frowning.

"Yes, I'm already using the information in the Golden Book to guide Dr. Garnier, but the information is difficult for the doctor to understand, and it needs to be done step by step," Barry said helplessly.

"It's okay, I'm not in a hurry yet in this regard"

"How is the Jingang project going?" Xu Pingan continued to ask.

Gold steel is a diamond-grade steel material. The hardness, toughness, high temperature resistance, corrosion resistance, radiation resistance, etc. data are more than five times the best alloy steel data currently known.

It is developed for acoustic fusion container.

This project has been underway since the advent of the sound fusion project, and there has been no breakthrough so far, which shows how difficult it is.

"Boss, I can say with certainty that neither of these two projects will be able to break through this year. The technology on the Golden Book is advanced"

"But at present, human beings cannot understand these technologies, and it is impossible to make breakthroughs without thoroughly understanding the technologies. Now we need time very much."

"A few days ago, I gave the people in the two project teams the house price, and let them take a half-month break with pay, worrying that they might have trouble if they continue to study hard," Barry said directly.

Xu Ping'an nodded, agreeing with Barry’s arrangement for the project team personnel, and thought for a moment, "Well, I won’t go for inspections. I will go to the Eagle Country branch after a day’s rest."

"You pay attention to the way of guidance, and you must not make them doubt you, even if the time is delayed a little later, I can accept it"

"Tomorrow I will speed up the interstellar spacecraft currently on Earth for the first time, 30% faster."

"If they improve more, they will not sleep," Xu Ping'an said, shaking his head.

Increasing the speed of the interstellar spacecraft bit by bit is acceptable to all countries. Suddenly increasing the speed by more than half will scare all countries.

"That's what I mean. We can't increase the speed too much suddenly. Our explanation is not tenable."

"At the same time, countries will also start Lenovo. How did Lenovo come from our technology? Maybe it will cause unnecessary trouble."

"Although we just won the United States, we can't give the world an impression of domineering, after all, we have not completely transformed Mars."

"When the transformation of Mars is completed and we have immigrated enough population, it doesn't matter if we are overbearing at that time"

"Now, we must give people a kindness, let everyone relax their guard against us, and we will develop with peace of mind" Barry seriously expressed his opinion.

Xu Ping'an nodded, Barry meant the same as himself, take it slow, improve a little next year, and then improve a little after two years, this is the best way.

The two discussed for a while, and Barry left.

Xu Pingan sent Barry away and then returned. He called the hotel to bring some food. After eating, he took a shower and went to rest.

I didn't go there the next day. After a day's rest in the hotel, Yarman came to visit Xu Ping An just after having dinner in the evening.

This time, Yarman came here not only to tell Xu Ping’s old, but with a mission to talk to Xu Ping’s.

The two chatted while drinking tea in the living room. After hearing Yarman's explanation, Xu Ping'an said, "So, this time you come here mainly to ask about Mars."

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