Start the era of black technology

Chapter 934 Give you two choices

TC, many people are wondering why Huo Minghai is not the candidate for Finance Minister? Could it be that Xu Pingan doesn't trust Huo Minghai anymore?

This is not the case. Xu Pingan had discussed this with Huo Minghai. Huo Minghai said that he was old and didn't want to go to Mars anymore, and wanted to retire on Earth.

Xu Pingan respected Huo Minghai's opinions and was not arranging new positions for Huo Minghai.

Only the senior management of Tianqi Group knows what's going on. Everyone, including Xu Ping'an, has no idea to explain it to the outside world. This is our internal matter and no one has the right to intervene.

Two days later, City J issued a document that cancelled or reduced subsidies for many companies. The expected pleading or miserable situation did not appear.

Not stupid. Now we can see that Tianqi Group will move out of J City sooner or later. It is necessary to start tightening and we all understand. Although it is a bit more difficult, these companies have accepted it.

What's more, these business owners know that many business departments have been canceled many subsidies, and many people have been cleared out.

On this day, people from more than one hundred design companies on the earth arrived on Mars. Yarman arranged for them to take a day off, and from the next day they could go to the city government to learn about relevant data.

A day later, these people went to understand the relevant data, and then received a design request. The first request caused many people to rub their foreheads.

In the City of Stars, the overall terrain is raised four meters, and this alone is a huge project.

There are still many requirements. Many people said this and returned to their residences with the design requirements form, and began to negotiate how to design the entire city.

Where did the elevated earthwork come from? It has been explained on the table. On the one hand, it is excavated from other places, and on the other hand, it is captured and crushed in the outer planetary belt.

"Tianqi Group is really big," a designer said with a wry smile.

The others nodded earnestly. Whoever has the ability to capture planets directly from outer space to smash them will lay the foundation.

Tianqi Group dared, and it still does so now.

This method makes you dissatisfied.

"It's nothing. Look at this day. In the future, 50% of Mars will be covered by the ocean."

"The Tianqi Group's synthetic water tower converts carbon dioxide into water emissions every moment, and these will be discharged through the river through the entire city."

"I bet that within ten years, Mars will become better and more livable than the earth." A designer issued a positive opinion.

"I'm not going to argue with you about this point. The Protoss City uses clean energy and all daily necessities require quick explanation materials."

"The waste recycling system is perfect, and the pollution to nature is very small, it can be said that it is almost zero"

"Mars becomes more livable than the earth sooner or later," another designer also said very positively.

The captain shook his head and smiled bitterly, "If you can live on Mars in the future, it will definitely be a beautiful thing."

Everyone nodded, and now some of the conditions in the Protoss City have already conquered this group of designers, allowing them to give birth to the yearning for living on Mars.

"Captain, why is this large area not within the scope of the design?" a designer asked.

"I asked about this. The design of this vacant lot has been completed and it is designed and built by Tianqi Group."

"Not only this one, but here, here, here, there are eight places that will be designed and built by Tianqi Group. It is said that construction will start soon."

"It should be some important departments. This type of department design will not rely on external forces."

"One more thing you have to remember is that the City of the Stars is a mega-city planning. The ring road of the first ring is equivalent to the fourth ring of the domestic mega-cities. We must take this into consideration."

"The area in the middle of each ring is very large. Many places require the construction of deep forest parks or large lakes. The ecological standards are very high. We must fully consider this." The captain explained it seriously.

Everyone nodded and studied for a while and started work. First, the request form was sent back to the headquarters. The two sides worked together to develop the design, and the data in all aspects were common.

These people want to use the Internet to contact the earth, and Yarman coordinated the relevant departments to give a preferential fee of 3,000 euros a month to open the interstellar network for the rooms where these people settled.

This part of the cost is borne by the design company. There is no opinion on this. It is only natural to use the interstellar network to pay.

Last year, Xu Pingan has led the formation of an interstellar network company with TC, the European Union, Eagle Country, and Country E. The four major groups jointly funded it.

Construct three interstellar network lines linking Mars and the Earth. These three lines are parallel to the voyage from the Earth to Mars. Each route consists of thirty satellites.

The satellite is designed and produced by Tianqi Group. It adopts the latest generation of gravitational communication technology and is fast.

The fee collected now belongs to Star Network, and it is still in the stage of losing money. All expenses are shared equally by shareholders, and future profits will be shared by shareholders.

Time is tight, and the design company only has two and a half months to design, and the draft must be delivered after two and a half months, so I dare not care.

In the north and south of the Mars base, two huge warehouses have been built, and construction materials shipped from the earth will be stored in the two warehouses.

Each variety is divided into two parts and stored separately to prepare for future major construction.

Time slowly passed, and more than two months of design time arrived. Ninety-six design companies were attacked to complete the design and handed in the design plan.

Two days later, Yarman arranged for these people to return to Earth in an interstellar spacecraft. At the same time, he sent the plan to the Earth headquarters, and the senior management of Tianqi Group began to discuss these design plans.

After half a month, thirty design proposals were selected and submitted to Xu Pingan for review.

At the same time, the list of 30 architectural design companies entering the second round was announced.

After another half month, five construction companies from Japan, France, Finland, and New Zealand received a notice from Tianqi Group and went to the headquarters of Tianqi Group to discuss design plans.

The designs of these five companies have been favored by Xu Pingan, which fully embodies Xu Pingan's requirements for coexistence with nature and the idea of ​​harmony between man and nature.

Of course, all five plans have flaws and lack of science fiction.

Apocalypse Group is a representative of high-tech. It does not have enough science fiction. How can this effect be reflected?

All of these flaws can be modified, and they have been perfected by the Protoss and they have all made renderings. This time, I came to discuss and let the five companies agree to this change.

It is nothing more than 50 million euros, which is 5 million when converted to Mars, which is nothing.

Mars cannot be a city in the future. These five sets of maps will be realized one by one, and five cities will be built.

A week later, the heads of the five companies came over and discussed with Xu Pingan. After seeing the revised renderings, the five companies were stupid.

The new renderings are definitely better than their previous designs.

Hearing Xu Ping'an said that he had purchased five designs, and each of the 10 million euros paid in full, the bosses of the five companies were relieved and had no opinions at all.

With the money of Tianqi Group, these design drawings belong to Tianqi Group, and it is Tianqi Group's business to think about how to change it.

However, the five companies still hope that Tianqi Group can publish the original manuscript.

"You can rest assured that not only the manuscript will be publicized, but the newly revised design drawings will also be publicized, but will this affect your company's reputation?" Xu Ping'an said with a smile.

"Mr. Xu, it will not be affected. Our design effects are already top-notch, which can satisfy 99% of our customers."

“Not all customers have the financial resources of Tianqi Group to realize this kind of design,” said Denver, the owner of New Zealand Atlansty Architectural Design Company.

The others nodded. They all agreed with Denver's words. They could also make more beautiful designs. However, it would cost a lot to build them.

After the two parties discussed it, they began to sign the contract with the Legal Department. After the contract was signed, you can go directly to the Finance Department to pick up the check.

The payment was so happy, which made the bosses of the five companies very emotional.

According to the current market conditions, it is normal for you to bet on the design cost for one or two years, and it is impossible for the final settlement to be clear.

Customers are already very conscientious if they receive 80%.

Every line has its own difficulties, and outsiders can't help it.

Two days later, the official website of Tianqi Group announced the design drawings of the five selected companies, as well as the revised design renderings. These conceptual pictures opened up many people's eyes.

Unexpectedly, the building can still be played like this. A city can be built to this level. It is so beautiful and perfect.

Time slowly passed by. On this day, the Explorer Hao spacecraft set sail again and left the solar system to explore further places. The most important thing was to look for materials for building translatitude vehicles.

The battleship with the fantasy race by Xu Pingan's side is enough to deal with all emergencies.

Also on this day, Apocalypse Space Group once again issued a recruitment plan to recruit 80,000 healthy employees around the world. These people are construction workers.

Among them, 30,000 places have been given to women, who are required to be no more than 25 years old.

The contract period is three years.

Driving experience in construction machinery is preferred. In the future, after their contract expires, if they are willing to live on Mars, they can get a Martian ID card first.

The salary is 500 sparks per month.

It is also required to be healthy without drug addiction, and people with eight diseases including AIDS are prohibited from signing up.

Don’t look at the five hundred spark coins. The purchase on Mars is very powerful. A bucket of fried chicken on Mars only requires three wafers, one wafer is equivalent to one euro, and ten wafers are one spark.

You can't spend a single spark of money on food for a day.

Similarly, this time recruitment ended in just three days. The recruitment area still focuses on TC, and the most people are recruited at TC.

The female staff shocked Xu Ping An. There were more than 4,000 YD women signing up, which was a bit unexpected.

Immediately afterwards, when it was almost time for the medical examination, the YD side even issued a notice, prohibiting women registered in the country from going for the medical examination and prohibiting going abroad.

When Xu Ping'an received this news, he called YD directly and gave you two choices.

First, you send me the women who signed up unharmed and sent me to the Tianchao for a medical examination. All expenses will be borne by your YD government.

Second, I asked the interstellar warship to pick it up and leveled your capital and all military bases by the way.

Only two days have been given to the YD government to consider. The two-day deadline has expired. By default, the YD government chooses the second item.

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