The technologies entered in the Golden Book of the Fantasy Race are all basic technologies. Once you have mastered all these basic technologies, flying out of the solar system into the universe is not a problem at all.

Of course, these basic technologies are at the picometer level, and Earth Technology has not yet thoroughly played with nanotechnology. It can only be said that it is a fantasy to want to eat the technology at the level of transpired rice.

There are so many technologies in the golden book that cannot be used and experimented. In the final analysis, it is because the earth technology is too low-level.

It's like a story circulating in the scientific world.

Humans can make hydrogen bombs, but they cannot synthesize a grain of rice. It can be seen that human technology is still at a very low level.

It does not mean that you are advanced when you build an interstellar spacecraft. You are comprehensively technological in the science and technology stage assessment. Only when you are comprehensive in science and technology can you have the foundation for promotion to a higher level.

Without a foundation, you can't move to a higher level of technology out of thin air.

After listening to Barry's explanation, Xu Ping'an began to ask Xingling in his head. Xingling explained it, and Xu Ping'an understood what was going on.

"What is the cost of this alloy repair agent?" Xu Pingan asked directly.

Cost is the key. Without proper cost, don't expect to be promoted and enter the practical stage.

"Boss, I have communicated with Darion of the Institute of Mechanical Manufacturing and James, President of Space Group."

"If this alloy repair agent is fully used, the cost of a simple interstellar transport spacecraft can be controlled at 10 billion euros," Barry said very positively.

"Really, why haven't I heard James say it" Xu Ping'an said with a raised brow.

"This 10 billion cost is only an estimate. James is still making specific calculations. I only sent him the cost of the alloy repair agent yesterday."

"It is estimated that there is no time for about three days, and it is impossible to calculate the specific amount. James has to communicate and calculate the cost with Lu Huairen. This is a very cumbersome thing" Barry explained.

Xu Ping An nodded. This matter is indeed cumbersome. With James' cautious character, he would not report to Xu Ping An without accurate data.

In front of Barry, Xu Pingan picked up the phone and called James, Lv Huairen, and Darian. In the end, he became a little impatient, and directly asked Darina to inform these people to come directly to the German Institute of Advanced Materials for the meeting.

Barry watched from the side and wanted to laugh but didn't dare to laugh. The boss was still doing things as usual without delay. After so many years, nothing has changed.

Three days passed slowly, James, Lu Huairen and others arrived, and began a meeting in the hotel room where Xu Ping was staying.

The current Apocalypse Group is in great need of this cheap interstellar transport spacecraft. Only when the cost of interstellar transport drops, can the construction and economic development of Mars move into the fast lane.

When several people were discussing, "Dangdangdang" knocked on the door, and "Come in" Xu Ping'an said.

Darina opened the door and came in, came to Xu Ping'an and whispered a few words, and then handed the tablet to Xu Ping'an.

Xu Ping An began to look over with a surprised expression on his face, and everyone else was curious, and they couldn't figure out what would surprise Xu Ping An.

After a while, Xu Ping'an returned the tablet to Darina. Darina took it and turned and left. At the same time, she brought the door to the room without disturbing the meeting.

"I want to inform you that a new generation of interstellar spacecraft developed by TC has set off today. The target, Titan, has just been announced," Xu Ping'an said directly.

"Boss, although Titan has an atmosphere, it is also in extreme weather over there"

"No one knows what's on Titan's surface, so just rush over, don't TC worry about it" James Zou frowned.

In James' view, the safest way is to send an exploratory satellite over and land on the surface of Titan for exploration. After everything is okay, send a spacecraft to explore.

It's a bit too risky to start exploring rashly now.

"Let's not worry about this aspect. Since TC has decided to directly explore and believe that they have their own considerations, we can do our own thing."

"How is the construction of our recoverable exploration satellite and the exploration spacecraft" Xu Pingan asked, turning his head to look at Lu Huairen.

"Mr. Xu, the exploration spacecraft is currently under construction and is expected to be completed in October next year. The cost will be as high as 7 billion Mars coins," Lu Huairen reported truthfully.

"Orders for recyclable exploration satellite spare parts have been placed, and it is expected that they will be delivered in June next year, and the assembly will be completed around August without any delay in use."

"We made a total of two groups, each of which is composed of four exploration satellites and four multifunctional robots with sea, land and air, which can conduct all-round and all-terrain exploration."

"The robot is connected to the satellite at any time, and there are more eyes in the sky, which can increase the efficiency of exploration" James reported.

Xu Ping'an nodded and continued to discuss with a few people, and it didn't end until lunch. Darina had already booked a restaurant for a few people, which was very considerate.

outside world

Countries are very surprised by TC's announcement of the exploration of Titan. Countries that are incapable are treated as news, and countries that are capable of exploring Titan have begun high-level meetings.

Mars is occupied by the Apocalypse group, and the only one with an atmosphere is Titan. If Titan can be explored to change the environment of Titan, the country will have one more way out.

Why Xu Pingan dare to clean up YD so aggressively is because Xu Pingan has Mars in his hand and his position is supernatural, even if the earth collapses, it will not affect the Tianqi Group.

In the future, if you want to maintain your status as a major country, you do not have a planet in your hands, and you are ashamed to say that you are a major country.

The planet Titan is not very large, and its area is limited, so it is necessary to start exploring Titan in China.

If you drag it down and wait for TC to occupy Titan, you won't be able to drink any soup.

Day by day passed. On this day, Xu Ping'an reached an agreement with the interstellar transportation company founded by Liu Dongdong, and Tianqi Group purchased the two interstellar spacecraft at the original price.

The funds were returned to the interstellar transportation company's accounts the next day.

Several people, Liu Dongdong, immediately transferred the funds to the bank, paid off the loan, and completely cleaned up the loan.

A few people settled the accounts, after deducting loan interest, taxes, labor salaries, and various miscellaneous expenses, the net profit for a few shareholders was only 20 million euros.

A few days later, the official website of Tianqi Group and Tianqi Machinery Group issued a statement at the same time that the new generation of interstellar transport spacecraft has been successfully developed and an order has been accepted.

The unit price of each interstellar transport spacecraft is 11 billion euros, and the time from the earth to Mars is 55 days, and the speed is further improved.

TC’s interplanetary transportation company has placed an order for three interplanetary spacecraft to Tianqi Machinery Group, using interest-free installments.

Companies interested in interstellar transportation are welcome to negotiate business.

Seeing this news, many people were surprised that the cost of an interstellar spacecraft could be compressed to such a point, it is incredible.

TC, Europe, the United Kingdom, these countries that have the ability to build interstellar spacecraft on their own are very shocked. The cost of spare parts is fixed. How did Tianqi Group achieve cost reduction.

All of them don't understand this.

While there was a lot of discussion about this matter, the two interstellar spacecraft that Tianqi Group had just recovered had already begun to be transformed in the construction factory, and all were transformed into meteorite capture spacecraft.

After the transformation is completed, it will fly directly to Mars, head to the asteroid zone between Mars and Jupiter to capture asteroids, and bring them back to Mars for crushing to increase the surface height of Mars.

Over the past week, Eagle International Interstellar Express also reached an agreement with Tianqi Group. Tianqi Group will purchase two interstellar spacecraft ordered by this company at a price of 80%.

At the same time, Interstellar Express has ordered six new-generation interstellar transport ships with Tianqi Group.

Many people were surprised. In just a few days, Tianqi Group won an order for nine interstellar cargo ships.

Major media began to report on this incident. The report lasted for a week. Tianqi Machinery Group once again announced that it had accepted an order for four interstellar transport ships from SpaceX in the United States.

After the news spread, many people were surprised.

Tianqi Group will accept orders from the United States. Is there any mistake? Is Xu Ping'an crazy?

The United States, after the chaos of the past few years, has basically subsided, and the price paid is serious damage to its national reputation.

It turned out that the No. 1 boss was really a ruthless man. He directly reached an agreement with the two parties. The gangster himself was defeated. In any case, the domestic chaos must be suppressed bloodily.

In this way, the total number of African-Americans dropped to less than 3 million, the Asian ethnicity dropped by 60%, and the No. 1 tycoon stepped down with the reputation of a butcher.

After the new generation of leaders came to power, they first confessed their mistakes to the world, and then confessed that they owed gold to various countries, promising to repay them in batches.

Every year, part of it will be paid back until it is paid off. The world will give the United States a chance to change.

The posture was very low, which resolved some international contradictions.

After stabilizing international public opinion, it then introduced some compensatory policies for minorities and policies to restore people's livelihood, and began to develop the economy pragmatically.

The Tianqi Group transported materials to Mars, and the United States began to recover with this wind. The land was small and the farm economy began to occupy a large proportion.

The large-scale export of grain, meat, turf, plants, and other materials in exchange for euros and sparks is developing very strongly.

After the economy is stabilized, they all start to move on the right track together. There are all kinds of wastes waiting for prosperity. People are recruiting everywhere. People have income and they start to consume stably.

When the metre yuan was lowest, eight metre yuan was only exchanged for one day's Korean currency. Now, it only takes four metres to exchange one day's Korean currency.

This time Musk came forward to talk to Xu Ping'an about buying an interstellar transport spacecraft, which was a test.

Xu Pingan originally agreed with the U.S. State that no interstellar warships could be built within one hundred years, and ordinary interstellar spaceships did not say whether they could be built.

Originally, the United States intended to directly build ordinary interstellar spacecraft, resulting in a fait accompli. If it is not feasible, it will be cancelled.

As a result, Xu Pingan's severe crackdown on YD sounded a wake-up call for the new senior officials in the United States, and also allowed the United States to experience what hegemony is.

Saying to fight is to fight without delay for a minute. This decisive approach made the current gang of senior officials hesitate, and after repeated discussions.

It was agreed that the current United States could not withstand the attack, so he sent Musk to talk to Xu Ping'an if Xu Ping'an didn't care about the development of ordinary starships in the United States.

Then order a few ships and start building ordinary interstellar ships at the same time.

The United States has not let go of its yearning for the universe.

As a result, the conversation between Musk and Xu Pingan went smoothly. Xu Pingan does not prevent the normal interstellar development in the United States and can build the interstellar spacecraft by himself.

If the U.S. can make Xu Ping'an feel that the U.S. is peace-loving within a certain period of time, the agreement to not build interstellar warships for a hundred years can also be reduced.

The news came back to the United States and directly petrochemicaled the United States' top leaders.

A group of people immediately held a meeting to discuss what Xu Ping'an was doing and whether it was a trick to say such things.

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