York is getting older, and he can't keep up with all aspects of his reaction. In addition, he has suffered more physical injuries, and it is already difficult to work normally.

Five retirement reports have been issued to Xu Ping An, and they were all rejected by Xu Ping An. Now it is time for York to retire and abolish the base.

The base, in York's office, Gavin seldom comes to the base now. York and Yan Guangping are presided over.

"York, what does the boss mean when he suddenly asked me to meet him at the headquarters? I haven't made any mistakes lately." Yan Guangping picked up the bottle and poured a glass of wine for York.

"Don't follow me in this set, you really don't know what the boss is looking for you for" York said very upset. The two have been partners for so long and can say anything without hurting feelings.

Yan Guangping smiled, picked up his glass and touched York directly.

"My retirement reports have been rejected several times. The retirement report submitted a few days ago has not been returned. It is estimated that the boss intends to approve my retirement."

"One more thing, now that the construction on Mars has passed the preliminary stage, it is very necessary for someone to go to Mars to form a formal army"

"I understand what the boss means, but my body really can't hold it anymore, you are the best candidate"

"This is also the fundamental reason why the boss appointed you as my deputy"

"When you get to Mars, work hard. The glory of our Apocalypse Group is coming. I don't know if I can see this day." York said sadly.

York has been on the battlefield more than anyone, and has suffered more injuries than anyone. He has been rescued from the hands of death several times.

If it weren't for Xu Ping'an forcing York to go to Tianqi Island to recuperate for three months each year, maybe York's body would have collapsed now.

"York, you are retired, I'm going to Mars, what about the base?" Yan Guangping asked.

"Why don't you understand?" York looked at Yan Guangping and said. Yan Guangping was taken aback and didn't understand what York meant.

York took a sip from his wine glass, looked at Yan Guangping seriously, and sighed inwardly. Yan Guangping is a good hand at war, but he is really not good at other aspects.

"Our base was established to keep the Tianqi Group running smoothly. The main function is to train a group of forces that can deter the enemy."

"Do you think the current Tianqi Group still needs such a base? In the future, this base may be abolished or sold directly."

"Mars is the root of our Apocalypse Group personnel, here has become unimportant"

"Didn't you realize that Gavin is coming over less and less times now, the transformation of Tianqi Group is different from before, and we must also carry out the transformation," York said directly.

"I see." Yan Guangping understood what York meant. He picked up the bottle and filled it with York, and then filled it with himself.

"As long as you know"

"The plane will be ready in more than ten minutes. Don't stop, get on the plane and set off immediately."

"You must keep in mind that the order issued by the boss must be executed as soon as possible"

"Even if you are exercising on a woman's body, get up and execute it immediately. If you can't do this, your position is unstable." York stared at Yan Guangping's eyes and said, as a reminder to Yan Guangping.

"I understand that the boss's decision must be implemented as soon as possible. This is the iron law" Yan Guangping said earnestly. This point has gone deep into his bones, and he does not need York to remind him and understand what to do.

The two drank for a while and talked for a while, and someone came over to inform that the plane was ready. Yan Guangping shook hands with York and boarded the plane directly.

Even if it is late at night, you must set off.

Within the Tianqi Group, Xu Ping'an's order must be executed as soon as possible, regardless of the department.

Li Qingxiang came to see Xu Ping'an early the next morning, but was told by Darina that there were still two people who hadn't come. They went back and waited for the news. The phone was turned on 24 hours a day.

When everyone is ready, Darina will inform in person, and Xu Ping'an will see you together.

Li Qingxiang went back to the company directly, went directly to see Chen Qilin, told the story again, and asked with a worried expression on his face, "Brother Chen, is my position going to be adjusted?"

Chen Qilin smiled, this Li Qingxiang, everything is good, just a little obsessed with the right in his hand.

"Get ready for a treat, I will analyze that you are going to be promoted" Chen Qilin said with a smile, Li Qingxiang's eyes lit up.

"The construction on Mars has reached a certain stage, but our power to protect Mars, now we all rely on interstellar warships"

"My analysis, President Xu intends to form ground forces, you will be one of the candidates"

"I discussed this with Mr. Xu in the past two months, so I told you about your business. You must do it well. In the future, the senior management of Tianqi Group will have your position." Chen Qilin said with a smile.

"Thank you" Li Qingxiang said with an excited expression.

"Lao Li, I don't worry about other aspects. You are retired from the TC real-power regiment. You have a good way of leading troops, but you also have a big weakness."

"If you can't get rid of this weakness, it is estimated that you will still be unable to make adjustments in the end." When Chen Qilin said this, the expression on Li Qingxiang's face became serious.

"Brother Chen, I can accept anything you say directly," Li Qingxiang said very seriously.

Chen Qilin nodded and looked at Li Qingxiang and said, "Old Li, the war is now different from before. Take the war between Tianqi Group and the United States as an example, how do you think you should lead the team."

Li Qingxiang showed a thoughtful expression on his face, and for a while he said, "Brother Chen, the left and right sides of the war will not be very large in the future. The most important thing is to compete with battleships and control theory."

"I heard that the company's mech research has begun to enter actual combat. In the future, it is an inevitable trend that all ground forces will be equipped with mechs."

"The function of the ground forces will be transformed from siege of the city to consolidate the occupied area, and will no longer be in front of the charge."

Chen Qilin nodded, Li Qingxiang's military literacy is still in place.

"What you said is right, so you have to start with this aspect of research, to establish frontier positions, establish frontier bases, and consolidate the occupied areas."

"Your weakness is that it is easy to get into the horns. You must change this to bring your overall view up."

"The Tianqi Group will definitely not be just a Mars in the future. Wherever you can go depends on your own performance" Chen Qilin looked at Li Qingxiang with profound meaning.

"I understand" Li Qingxiang knew very well in his heart that what Chen Qilin was talking about was the immediate weakness, and the overall situation was insufficient.

If he had enough of the overall situation back then, I am afraid he is still working hard in the TC troops.

In the afternoon, Guo Changhe got off the plane in J City, and was immediately picked up by the vehicle arranged by Darina, and sent directly to the hotel to rest. He will meet Xu Pingan tomorrow.

After eating, Guo Changhe took the clothes he was wearing to the hotel to wash, and sent him at 5 am, wearing pajamas, lighting a cigarette in the room and thinking about the problem.

Guo Changhe is a French nationality, an orphan. He stubbornly didn't go to school since he was a child. He ran out of the orphanage at the age of twelve and got involved in society. He met Gavin when he was fifteen.

He began to join Gavin's mercenary organization. After several battles, Gavin discovered that Guo Changhe's war talent was born to be a warrior.

Three years of mercenary career experience life and death allowed Guo Changhe to resuscitate him and began to study seriously. Later, Gavin introduced Guo Changhe to Xu Pingan, and Xu Pingan communicated seriously with Guo Changhe.

Xingling was responsible for the assessment, and after giving the evaluation, Xu Ping'an began to attach importance to Guo Changhe.

He directly paid Guo Changhe to attend school at the Eagle State Army Academy. Two years later, he paid Guo Changhe to study at West Point Military Academy in the United States for three years.

After the study was over, he was dispatched to Gavin for actual combat study, and five years later he became the head of the Tianqi Island special training base.

Regardless of Guo Changhe's youth, he is a rare military talent with both theory and practical experience.

The second-level person in charge of the revenge plan made by Gavin is Guo Changhe, which shows how much Gavin trusts Guo Changhe.

That night, Yan Guangping, Li Qingxiang, Guo Changhe, and the three of them received a call from Darina. They will arrive at Tianqi Group headquarters at ten o'clock tomorrow morning, and they all agreed.

Li Qingxiang owns transportation, Darina has arranged a vehicle to pick up Yan Guangping and Guo Changhe from the hotel tomorrow.

There was no word for a night, and early the next morning, the three of them all cleaned up and started to head to the headquarters of Tianqi Group.

When they arrived in the reception room, the three of them all smiled and knew each other, shook hands with each other and chatted in the reception room.

It wasn't very long. A clerk came to meet the three people and told them to go upstairs. Xu Ping'an had already arrived at the company.

Taking the elevator to the top floor, Darina led them into Xu Ping'an's office. Xu Ping'an greeted the three of them to the leisure area to have tea and talk.

With a cup of tea underwater, Xu Ping'an began to get into the subject, and directly told the three of them to send them to Mars to form a formal army.

Asked if the three of them would like to work on Mars, all three of them said they were fine.

"Mr. Xu, my Martian ID card has been issued" Guo Changhe said with a smile, and Xu Ping'an smiled, a smart man.

Yan Guangping and Li Qingxiang, who were next to them, also reacted, and also said that their Martian ID cards have also been issued, and they are willing to take the whole family to live on Mars.

Next, Xu Ping'an began to ask the three of them how to form a Martian team. The three expressed their opinions. Guo Changhe was younger, and finally spoke.

After the speech, Yan Guangping and Li Qingxiang had to be convinced. Guo Changhe considered more comprehensively than the two of them, and they did not consider many aspects.

After studying in the military academy system, they are different from them, and their considerations are much longer than theirs.

Finally, Xu Pingan appointed Guo Changhe as the commander of the ground forces, and Yan Guangping and Li Qingxiang, two deputy commanders, went to Mars to form ground forces in accordance with the pattern of regular forces.

The first step is to form a division's strength, and all the required personnel are selected by the current security company. Guo Changhe has the final decision.

The treatment of the three is raised to one level collectively. After Tianqi Group relocates to Mars, it will be integrated again and the treatment of the three will be readjusted.

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