This well is very large, the well head is circular, with a diameter of almost 6 meters.

   Such a large well, if there is no water in it, and it dries up, then a round table meeting at the bottom of the well is all right.

   Is the leader of the blue giant waiting for him down there?

  Ghost matter is really hard to tell, maybe this leader lives under the well?

   This leader has this habit. If he can't live in a big house, he can live in a well. That's also impossible.

   Leng Chengyu looked at the large well, finally got up and walked over.

   walked to the side of the well and looked down with the probe.

   The bottom of the well is very dark, and the bottom of the well cannot be seen at all, and I don’t know how deep it is.

   Leng Chengyu turned his head and asked the blue giant: "Is your leader underneath?"

   The blue giant nodded and said, "That's right."

   Leng Chengyu asked the blue giant: "Do you want me to go down into the well, or do you mean that your leader will come up from the well later?"

   The blue giant replied: "You go down into the well and meet our leader."

   Leng Chengyu looked at the wall of the well. There were no ladders or stone steps on the wall of this large well. He didn't know how to get down.

   Leng Chengyu looked back at the blue giant and asked, "How can I go down to see your leader? Do you use a rope to hang a basket and let me sit on the basket and slowly go down?"

   "Don't be so troublesome." The blue giant suddenly showed a strange smile on his face and said, "So you can go down."

   Leng Chengyu was wondering why the blue giant smiled so strangely, suddenly, the blue giant waved his big hand and patted Leng Chengyu's back.

   Leng Chengyu only felt a strong force coming from behind, and his body fell into the well, continuously falling down the well.


   caught off guard, Leng Chengyu exclaimed.

   Leng Chengyu did not expect that he would enter the well in this way.

   Then, will there be a cottony cloud catching him under the bottom of the well when he falls in.

   Otherwise, let him fall directly into the well, this is not the way of hospitality.

   While Leng Chengyu was still thinking about how to fall into the well, suddenly, with a "gudong", a chill came across his whole body, and he fell into the water in the well.

   The water was deep, and his whole body sank into the water.

   The water was so cold that Leng Chengyu's whole body got goose bumps.

   The inside of the water was also very dark. Apart from being able to feel that he had fallen into the water, Leng Chengyu could not see clearly what was around him.

After falling into the water and sinking his whole body into the water, because Leng Chengyu took the water-repellent bead, his breathing was not obstructed. He could still breathe as if on the ground, but it was very dark inside. , Can't see anything clearly.

  Because of the effect of avoiding water droplets, Leng Chengyu can still talk in the water. He shouted: "Is there anyone here? Is there a leader here? Didn't he want me to come here to meet him? Why not see people?"

   However, no matter how Leng Chengyu shouted, no one responded.

   Finally, Leng Chengyu's foot stepped on the mud at the bottom of the well, but he still couldn't see anything, and he didn't know what was inside the bottom of the well.

   After stepping on the mud at the bottom of the well, Leng Chengyu had to fumble around.

   Leng Chengyu quickly touched the well wall, which was very smooth.

   Leng Chengyu suddenly realized a problem, he was pushed in, then how did he get up?

  Why didn’t you see the leader mentioned by the blue giant?

   Could it be that the Giant Blue deceived him?

  At this moment, the blue giant above the well spoke.

He shouted to Leng Chengyu in the well: "Humans, don't blame me for pushing you into the well. You can only blame yourself for not observing our leader's rules. After arriving in the lake village, you still walked around, watching, chaotically. Ask, you have to be punished."

   Even in the water, Leng Chengyu could hear the words of the blue giant.

   He also shouted at the blue giant above the well: "What do you mean? You pushed me into the well to punish me? Didn't you want me to see your leader? What are you going to do?"

   The blue giant replied, "What the **** are you going to do? You'll find out later."

Leng Chengyu yelled to the blue giant above the well: "Hey! I don't care what you are going to do, you hurry down and pull me up. This is not a way of hospitality at all, it was your leader who invited me to come, could it? Do you treat a guest like me like this?"

   However, the Blue Giant did not respond this time.

   Leng Chengyu looked over the well.

  Because of the effect of avoiding water droplets, Leng Chengyu can see it vaguely when he looks up through the well water.

   The blue giant by the well seems to have disappeared.

   Leng Chengyu visually inspected the height of this well, and it should be about 10 meters.

   This well is not too deep to go up, he has to find a way to go up.

   However, Leng Chengyu groped for a long time in the bottom of the well, and found that the walls of the well were smooth and there was no place to climb and foot, so that he could climb up.

   Suddenly, when Leng Chengyu was groping in the well, he seemed to touch a pile of things, long, one by one, like a ball of waterweed.

Do not! More like hair.

   When Leng Chengyu fumbled along this group of things that I didn't know if it was waterweed or hair, suddenly, he touched a hard object again, and this group of things stuck to the hard object.

   "Human head!"

   Leng Chengyu suddenly thought of a word that shocked When he touched something that looked like a human head, Leng Chengyu's hands were shaking.

   But he still resisted the fear and continued to explore.

   He wants to confirm if this is really a human head.

   Suddenly, Leng Chengyu touched it.


   Although I can't see it, it feels like an eye on it.

   Leng Chengyu continued to explore the other side.

   "The other eye!"

   At this moment, Leng Chengyu finally determined that he had touched a human head.

   To further confirm, he touched down again, he touched his nose and mouth again.

   When Leng Chengyu's hand touched his mouth, suddenly, his mouth opened, and then he bit Leng Chengyu's hand.


   Leng Chengyu screamed, quickly retracted his hand, and kept moving back.

   "This thing turned out to be alive!"

   "There is a living person in the well!"

   Leng Chengyu's hair on his body stood up.

   He originally thought that if he were immersed in the water, no matter how frightened he was, it was just a corpse.

   However, he did not expect that the corpse in his impression had come back to life, and he opened his mouth to bite him.

   After taking a few steps back, Leng Chengyu asked, "Who are you?"

   The man said: "I am the leader you are looking for."

   turned out to be the voice of a little girl.

   "Are you the leader?"

   The water ghost leader would be a ghost, but how could she be a little girl?

   Leng Chengyu was still puzzled and asked, "Why don't you see me in the mansion? You want to be here?"

   The little girl replied: "It's not that I want to see you here. I'm trapped here. I can't get there at all."


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