Start the Game with a System of Helping Ghosts For Fun

Chapter 111: Leng Chengyu compromises

   The villagers looked at the shadow claws covering them in horror, and they all bowed their heads, daring not to speak.

  At this time, the leader in the coffin said to Leng Chengyu again: "If you don't promise me, then I will take these villagers out of my anger."

   Leng Chengyu looked back and found that the shadow claw also covered the first girl with broken leg that came in.

  The girl with the broken leg faced Shadow Claw and endured it firmly. Seeing Leng Chengyu look over, she waved her hand to Leng Chengyu, meaning that she wanted Leng Chengyu not to agree.

   The leader in the coffin seemed to see that Leng Chengyu was very concerned about the girl with the broken leg, and the shadow claws he covered on the girl became much more solid.

   Then, he lifted the girl from the ground and lifted it into the air.

   After lifting the girl up, the leader's stern gaze fell on Leng Chengyu's body, and said, "If you don't promise me, then I will let her die."

   Leng Chengyu couldn't bear to let this girl with broken leg go away, but he didn't want to be intimidated by this leader either.

   Leng Chengyu turned his head and glared at the leader, without saying anything, and suddenly ran quickly into the ancestral hall, raised his Guan Gong knife, and cut at the leader inside the coffin.

The leader seemed to have expected that Leng Chengyu would not succumb so easily. When he saw Leng Chengyu rush in, his body floated into the air, avoiding Leng Chengyu’s Guan Gong knife, and taking advantage of Leng Chengyu’s knife to slash. The coffin couldn't be collected so quickly, and it flew out of the ancestral hall.

After flying into the air outside the house, the leader looked at Leng Chengyu with a sneer: "Although you are a ghost defender, I don't think you can even summon a ghost. Your greatest reliance is this knife, as long as I am in the air. , You can't hit me at all.

   But these villagers are different. I can pinch them to death like ants at any time. "

   Before the leader finished speaking, Leng Chengyu ran out of the house and cut off at the shadow on the ground.

   But the shadow on the ground was able to move, and it quickly escaped the knife cut by Leng Chengyu.

   "It's useless, you can't fly, you can't do anything to me at all? I think you should agree to me, or else..."

   The leader said, his shadow claws raised the girl with the broken leg a lot, holding it in mid-air, pinching the girl with the broken leg by the neck.

  The girl with the broken leg was strangled to breathe, but she still said to Leng Chengyu: "Don't promise him, he is not a good spirit at all. In order to improve his strength, he will devour a villager in our lake village every few days.

   My mother was swallowed by him a few days ago, and one day it will be my turn.

   You don't care about us, you leave here soon, that foreign invader is more ferocious than him, that foreign invader swallows 10 villagers in our lake village in one day in order to heal his wounds. "

  The girl with the broken leg hadn't finished speaking. Suddenly, the shadow claw turned black completely, covering the girl's body, and then still tightening.

   Leng Chengyu could see that the leader was angry, and he wanted to control Shadowclaw to strangle the girl with the broken leg right away.

   Leng Chengyu couldn't bear it, and hurriedly shouted: "Wait a minute, you immediately put her down, I promise you."

   "Very good."

   The leader in the air finally showed a smile and put down the girl with the broken leg.

   And at this moment, the voice of the system in Leng Chengyu's mind rang.

"Ding! The system has detected that the ghosts of the villagers in Huzhong Village have received two major threats, one is the leader and the other is a foreign enemy. As long as the host successfully removes the two threats for the villagers, the villagers will be able to gain their favor. There is a chance to help these villagers get the value of helping ghosts.

   Such as helping girls with broken legs put on prostheses, helping children with hair loss put on wigs, and so on.

  The system will provide free prostheses, wigs and other items.

   As long as the host removes the two major threats for the villagers, come back and tell them the good news, let them live here with peace of mind, and help them solve some life problems, that is, putting on prostheses and wearing wigs and other problems that trouble them.

   As long as the host can complete these, he will get 2000 ghosts as a bonus. "

   2000 helping ghosts is a pleasure?

   After Leng Chengyu heard this number, a hint of surprise appeared in his heart.

   Leng Chengyu looked up at the leader in the air.

The    system means that even this leader has to be resolved, but now that the leader is flying in the air, and the girl ghost can't wake up, Leng Chengyu can't deal with the leader in the air at all.

   It seems that only after the leader has solved the foreign enemy that the leader said, after letting the leader lose his guard against him, then unexpectedly kill the leader.

   After Leng Chengyu made a decision in his heart, he said to the leader in the air: "Where is your foreign enemy? Take me now."

   The head leader showed a smug smile on his face, looked at the huge blue eyes, and said, "You take him."

   The blue giant took Leng Chengyu away from the ancestral hall and came to the lake.

   The blue giant is floating on the lake. He is a water ghost and can't seem to leave the water. He said to Leng Chengyu: "You go to the shore first. I'm calling out our opponent."

After Leng Chengyu walked to the shore, the blue giant shouted at a rockery in front of Leng Chengyu, "Come out, I am the blue giant sent by the leader, and the leader asked me to bring you food. Here comes."

   Bring something to eat?

  What to eat?

   eat me?

   Leng Chengyu frowned and glanced back at the blue giant with dissatisfaction.

   At this time, a voice came from the rockery. Leng Chengyu turned his head and saw a figure emerged from behind the rockery.

   Leng Chengyu suddenly found that this figure is very familiar.

It's him!

  He turned out to be an invisible ghost!

   The foreign enemy mentioned by the water ghost leader turned out to be a stealth ghost!

   Seeing Leng Chengyu, the invisible ghost was slightly surprised and said, "It's you!"

   Looking at the Guan Gong knife in Leng Chengyu's hand, the invisible ghost was scrupulous. He glared at the blue giant: "Your leader asked you to bring a ghost guard to see me, what do you mean?"

The blue giant opened his mouth to answer. Before he could speak, he saw that one of the invisible ghost’s arms was missing. He appeared in front of the blue giant, grabbed the blue giant’s hand, and slammed to the shore. With a flick, the blue giant was thrown onto the shore.

   After the blue giant was thrown to the shore, his body continued to flow out, and it didn't take long for it to dry out, and his body shrank a lot.

   The blue giant looked at the invisible ghost in horror, and said: "You forgive me. Bringing him is the command of the leader, not to do my business."

   However, the invisible ghost grabbed the blue giant's hand and still did not let go: "You call out your leader, I want to confront him face to face, what does he mean by the ghost defender?"

   And the blue giant dare not agree at all, he is afraid of invisible ghosts, but at the same time he is more afraid of their leader.

   And the other arm of the invisible ghost was broken again, and then suddenly appeared on the lake.

   The broken hand of the invisible ghost reached into the lake and kept stirring in the water.

   Under the agitation of the invisible ghost, the lake water unexpectedly formed a large vortex.

   Soon, it stirred the entire lake like a stormy wave on the sea.

  The leader in the lake finally emerged from the surface of the lake at this time and shouted angrily to Leng Chengyu: "You don't want to do it? Do you want all the villagers in the lake to die?"


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