After the outbreak of the apocalypse, he still did not give up.

He did his best to build a reliable security force.

This team, until Lin Cheng's death, carried out law enforcement across the country.

They have rescued countless companions who are about to die at the mouth of zombies or at the hands of their kind.

They are the last glory of human nature in the apocalypse.

Lin Cheng was able to live until the end of the day for three years.

It is also direct or indirect, who have received their help.

And Lin Cheng's idea of forming his own doomsday legion.

More or less, it was also born out of them.

But Lin Cheng is not so great.

He is not the Virgin, and he will not risk his life to be the last shining light of the last days.

He just wanted to live.

Live well.

Live better.


This statement swept the entire Dragon Kingdom in a very short time.

Suddenly, a large number of shops locked their doors, indicating that everything was not for sale.

Countless people poured into major shopping malls, and everyone was frantically snapping up.

The security guards at the mall have lost their role, and they are the first to participate in the rush to buy.

The hospital was filled in an instant, and all pharmacies were surrounded by crowds.

Vegetable markets, building materials markets, and other places are crowded with people.

Fortunately, the country was prepared.

These places, which are expected to be rushed to buy in large quantities, have been guided internally by the police and maintained order externally.

Some places with relatively large material reserves.

It was taken over directly by the military.

In this case, it is reluctant to let the people who flock to buy something in a long line of several kilometers.

In places where the police and military are powerless.

There are also countless small shops that have not had time to close.

All looted.

Even some shops that had closed their doors were smashed open.

Of course, everyone is a civilized person and will not rob.

At most, it is a strong buy and a strong sell.

The owners of these shops, after they rushed to buy them, could still pick up 100-yuan bills on the ground.

Together, the money could buy him ten shops.

But at the moment, money has basically lost its role.

Such scenes are playing out all over the country.


The Dragon Kingdom also maintained basic social order.

Other countries are completely out of order.

Zero yuan purchases were originally popular, but now not only zero yuan purchases, but also a fire to the shop after purchase.

The end of the world has not yet arrived, and the end of ordinary people in these countries has already arrived.

Burning, looting, and the end is approaching and has become a carnival for this group.

The police of these countries will initially empty magazines at some Ni brothers.

But then it turned out that it was better to keep the bullet and wait until the end to protect yourself.

At the national level, the president of the United States issued a statement similar to that of the Dragon Kingdom.

A major announcement was also made.

The United States and Maple Leaf will merge to include the rest of the United States in these two countries.

White Bear Country also issued a statement.

They took out nuclear warheads that had been sealed for a long time and did not know whether they could be used, threatened other countries in the surrounding areas except the Dragon Country, handed over resources, or merged into the White Bear Country as a whole.

Otherwise, nuclear bombs are at your disposal.

In this regard, the country developed its traditional skills and was the first to surrender.


These images appeared on the news of various TV stations.

Lin Cheng looked at it and shook his head.

For some places, I really don't know which is sadder now or the outbreak of doom.

He prepared hundreds of millions of materials.

The material zone has already been stuffed.

There is no need to go out and grab life and death with others.

While watching the news, Qin Tao called.

As soon as it was connected, Qin Tao's voice that was so excited that he was about to cry sounded.

"Mr. Lin, thank you, thank you, you saved our whole family's life!"

Lin Cheng smiled: "I'll just mention it so casually, you don't betray me." "

After the construction of the industrial park.

Lin Cheng mentioned it to Qin Tao.

Let him also prepare a batch of materials as soon as possible, maybe he will use it in the future.

Although Qin Tao didn't know why Lin Cheng said that.

But he still did what Lin Cheng said.

The other day also hoarded hundreds of thousands of supplies.

Today, as soon as he saw the news, he immediately called Lin Cheng to thank him.

"Impossible, don't worry, I will never betray you!"

"You are the lifesaver of my whole family, I Qin Tao will starve to death behind me, and I will never reveal that you have reserves!"

Qin Tao said seriously.

"Xiao Qin, after the meteorite hits the blue star, if you are still alive, you can come to me, as long as you come, I will ensure that you do not die."

For Qin Tao's ability to do things, Lin Cheng appreciated it very much.

After the end of the world, he forms the end of the day legion, and there will be a lot of chores to deal with.

Qin Tao is a very suitable candidate.

However, provided that he is not infected.

For this, Qin Tao was naturally grateful for his kindness.


The news of the meteorite impact was announced 8 days later.

The Dragon Kingdom has distributed hundreds of millions of tons of reserve grain.

Basically, every household has enough supplies to eat for three months.

Eighty percent of trains and bullet trains have been converted into freight vehicles.

Distribute supplies throughout the country.

However, the situation of crazy looting of materials not only did not ease in the slightest, but intensified.

At this time, prices could not be suppressed.

Compared with usual, the overall price of the market has risen nearly tenfold.

But even so, there is still no market.

It is under this status quo.

Lin Cheng received a call from Peng Qingqing.

This call was expected by Lin Cheng.

When the phone was connected, Peng Qingqing's sweet voice rang.

"President Lin, can you come out and meet now?"

From inside her voice.

Lin Cheng heard the confidence that he had also hoarded a large amount of materials.


Lin Cheng did not immediately agree.

"The reason is that in addition to you, there is also a group of people who have hoarded a batch of supplies."

"Such as... Our home. "

"Mr. Lin is not curious, why are we like you, hoarding materials in advance?"

"For this reason, can you please Mr. Lin?"

"Or is President Lin afraid that he won't be able to go back if he comes to my house?"

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immediately preemptive(Event Period: June 22 to June 24)

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