In the end, Lin En did not do anything to Lieutenant General He, but just took Lieutenant General He back to his base camp.

On the other hand, although the Navy also wanted to save Lieutenant General He, Garp and Sengoku both knew that they alone could not save Lieutenant General He.

They could only notify the Navy Headquarters and ask the Navy to send people to Lin En to prepare to redeem Lieutenant General He.

Before they reached Dressrosa, Linn had already returned with Lieutenant General He.

Kaido and Kozuki Oden have been waiting for a long time.

Looking at the captured Lieutenant General Tsuru, Kaido and Kozuki Oden were quite surprised. They didn't expect that Lin En was so powerful that he could capture a marine.

But why is it such a beautiful navy?

Kozuki Oden looked at Lin En with some suspicion, but soon, Kozuki Oden's attention was focused on Lieutenant General Tsuru.

Because although Lieutenant General He was a little older than them, he was still pretty and had a very good figure.

General He noticed the look in Kozuki Oden's eyes and felt a little scared. He subconsciously took a step back, fearing what Kozuki Oden would do.


Lin slapped Kozuki Oden on the back of the head.

"Look at you, you've already scared my guests. Don't you know you look scary?"

Kozuki Oden was slapped, but he didn't get angry. Instead, he touched his chin and took out a mirror from somewhere.

"I don’t think so. I’m quite handsome, so it shouldn’t be that scary."

"No, you are indeed not scary-looking, but you are a little too vulgar. Look at you like this, you are quite vulgar, and normal girls are afraid of you."

Kaido suddenly said something next to him.

Kozuki Oden's face turned dark. Is he really that wretched?

Looking at Lieutenant General He next to him, he actually nodded subconsciously. Kouzuki Oden's face turned even darker. Unexpectedly, even Pretty girls think so.

No wonder so many girls like Lynn

"Okay, you can go down and find some other women."

Lynn sent everyone else away, then found some maids at home and whispered something in their ears. Several maids had strange expressions, but did not dare to say anything more. They nodded, and then turned around. He left.

A few minutes later, Lin En walked into the room again and looked at Lieutenant General He in disbelief.

Lieutenant General He also blushed, feeling particularly ashamed, as if his dignity had been trampled on.

"I didn’t realize it, but you are also a marine after all, and you are quite old, but you are still a pure girl."

Lin En really didn't expect it.

He thought that Lieutenant General He was already married. For example, Garp and Warring States were all married, but he didn't expect that Lieutenant General He wasn't married yet.

"Alas, I’m not talking about you. You are getting older and it’s time to think about your future."

"You don't need to worry about this kind of thing."

Lieutenant General He couldn't control his emotions and shouted loudly.

She didn't expect that Lin En would do this. It was really shameful.

Especially Lin En's words ignited Lieutenant General He's heart. The flames completely exploded Lieutenant General He

"Okay, okay, I won't say anything anymore. Then you can prepare. In a few days, it will be an important day for the two of us."

Lin turned around and was about to leave.

Lieutenant General He was about to say something, but suddenly paused, unable to react.

What is an important day for two people?

"What did you mean by what you just said?"

Lin En stopped and looked at Lieutenant General He with a smile on her face. This smile made Lieutenant General He feel a little scared. She always felt an uneasy feeling.

"I forgot to tell you, I have decided to make you my first concubine, and the wedding will be held in three days."

Lin En originally just planned to tease Lieutenant General He, but she didn't expect that Lieutenant General He was still a pure girl.

In this case, there was no other choice but to take good care of Lieutenant General He and marry her home.

Originally, I planned to marry Tianyue. It was a small wedding with not many people, but I didn't expect that Lieutenant General

He would also come to the door. In addition, he was a very normal man, so he would naturally like beautiful women. , Lieutenant General He is so beautiful, you can’t miss it.

If a time traveler doesn’t like beautiful beauties, he is an abnormal man.

"Don't be kidding, I will never agree to it, so just give up."

Lieutenant General He ran towards Lin En, but unfortunately he was pushed down by Lin En before he even got close.

"Don't worry, one day you will become mine too."

After that, Lin En left.

Lieutenant General He sat on the ground in despair. Many maids suddenly stood up nearby, standing next to Lieutenant General He to prevent him from doing something extraordinary. For example, he wanted to He wanted to commit suicide or something like that.

After Lin En left, he went to find Tengetsu Toki. He also wanted to find a way to deal with Tentsuki Toki, lest Tentsuki Toki would be angry.

But obviously, as an orthodox Yamato Nadeshiko, Tentsuki It was obvious that he was not angry at all, and even felt very happy.

Only excellent men can have so many beautiful women.

Lin En is an excellent person.

When facing such a generous Tianyue, Lin En did not know what to say What happened? I could only hold Tian Yue Shi tightly and hug Tian Yue Shi into my arms.

"You are so kind, I will never be separated from you in this life."

Tian Yue Shi's heart was also filled with warmth. She shyly leaned against Lin En tightly and held on to him with both hands.

"No, this sentence should be me saying that it is the greatest honor in my life to know you."

The two of them were so happy together.

Three days later, the wedding finally started.

The wedding was very simple and unpretentious. There were not many people. There were only people from their own pirate group. Apart from that, there was no one else. Others.

During the wedding, Kozuki Oden looked at the two brides in front of him with special envy in his heart, and suddenly felt that the wine had no taste anymore.

"Well, don’t be envious. This matter has nothing to do with you. If you like it, I can give you a few."

Kaiduo saidLinn, who eats meat, drinks heavily, and doesn't care about getting married at all.

Women only affect the speed of his swing.

Instead of finding a woman, it is better to eat more, drink more, and if you have time, go out to travel and provoke the navy.

Better than finding a woman.

Kozuki Oden didn't say anything more. As for the girl Kaido introduced, she really didn't believe Kaido's vision.

Who knows what kind of person Kaido will introduce.

(I beg you all for your flower evaluation votes.)

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