At this moment, the five-tailed demon fox is like no choice but to suffer in silence. I originally planned to take advantage of the black flood dragon and the six-tailed demon fox to fight against the black. The flood dragon body, even if it can’t kill the black flood dragon in one hit, it can at least hit the black flood dragon badly, right?

The result is good now. Before it rushed to the black flood dragon, there came a sub-Human Race fox girl who claimed to be the “Northern Inari God”, and there was the War God in the north. Batu is constantly approaching. Kagura’s strength alone is no longer inferior to it. Add a Batu whose strength is still above it. Now let alone attacking Lin Yuan’s body, it is like a clay Bodhisattva fording. a river powerless to defend himself!

Think about it.

After all, this is the North Territory, the site of that black flood dragon!

It wants to join forces here to inflict heavy damage on Lin Yuan, and it is no wonder that the powerhouse on the northern side took the shot.

While his thoughts were turning, the five-tailed demon fox’s eyes suddenly drenched, and he shouted: “Black flood dragon, I am the servant of Yangmei Old Ancestor. If you insist on being an enemy of me, then It’s because you can’t get along with Yangmei Old Ancestor. If you stop here, my sisters will leave and never intervene in the Northern Territory. How?”

The answer to the five-tailed demon fox is that Mingshui Black Dragon is still biting and strangling wildly.

Seeing this scene, how can the five-tailed demon fox still fail to see. When Old Ancestor warned Lin Yuan in Sea of ​​Bitterness before, Lin Yuan had already guessed the power behind them. Who are you?

But how dare this black flood dragon!

That was the hollow Yang Willow Tree, the Yang Mei Old Ancestor of the comprehended Dao of Space!

It is the one who fits Heavenly Dao in Great Desolate World who saw Yangmei Old Ancestor, and he had to call it Fellow Daoist!

Since this black flood dragon is causally implicated with Great Desolate World, it must be impossible. I don’t know what level Yangmei Old Ancestor is, but what if Hongjun stands behind it, Yangmei Old Ancestor Angrily shot him to death, even Hongjun did not dare to cause any trouble!

“I still wait for Doyle to know my roots and come here to prevent me from enlightenment, didn’t expect, just two greedy fox demon that’s all.”

Lin Yuan said in a cold tone while maintaining his facial features.

The six fox monsters stared at Lin Yuan who was talking in disbelief, and a look of fear appeared in their eyes.

Although the battle between law and phase will not be killed if you lose it, it will undoubtedly hurt the origin. In the real powerful battle, just manifesting a powerful phase can scare away countless opponents. After all, the phase of law can scare away countless opponents. The damage can range from retrograde mana to damage to the Primordial Spirit. Except for the Heavenly Dao Saint, who entrusts the Primordial Spirit to Heavenly Dao, no one dares to underestimate the consequences of the destruction of the law.

But what is this black flood dragon doing?

While fighting with it, does this black flood dragon still have enough energy to scrutinize other things, or even speak directly?

Doesn’t this mean that it has to fight spare no effort, for the black flood dragon it is just casual?

How is this possible!

Trifling Desolate Demon Realm’s black flood dragon……

Seeing that Lin Yuan didn’t mean to compromise, the five-tailed fox demon glanced at the six-tailed fox demon in cold sweat, revealing After giving an apologetic smile, he used tiger claw to smash a pure white jade pendant, the next moment, and the power of distorted space emerged, instantly enveloping the five-tailed fox demon.

“no! no no no! Damn, how dare you…”

Seeing this scene, how can the six demon foxes still fail to see that its companion is in high pressure Xia had decided to abandon it, and moved it using the space talisman given by Yang Mei Old Ancestor when he came to Tianwu world.

Don’t say that the black flood dragon that still has plenty of power is not something it can contend with. Even the black flood dragon is doing its best. After Kagura and Batu are off the court, there is no five-tailed fox demon standing by. It The body will be severely damaged!

“Want to go? Can you go?”

Lin Yuan still has a grim smile on his face, icily said: “This is the Northland, it is my Divine Realm, Even in Great Desolate World, it’s not that any cat, any dog ​​can retreat all over after making trouble in other people’s dojo!”

The voice fell, as if the words came out and the Heaven and Earth resonated.

Those Power of Space that emerged from the fragmentation of the jade pendant seem to have seen natural enemies, running faster than rabbits, and quickly integrated into the surrounding space, as if nothing happened just now. Too average.

The problem is…

The body of the five-tailed demon fox that was wrapped by Power of Space before was taken away by Power of Space!


Only the remains of a hundred zhang or so fell to the ground, and a Primordial Spirit swept out of the self-mutilated body. The true appearance of the five-tailed demon fox can be vaguely seen at this moment. Having lost the blessing of Meigu Tiancheng, it looks like an ordinary fox with contorts one’s face in agony.

Because of Lin Yuan, the five-tailed monster fox’s face suddenly changed. Surprised and angry, he didn’t even dare to put any cruel words. He gritted his teeth and moved towards the distance.

Physical destruction has never been a major event for Great Desolate creatures. Heavenly materials, earthly treasures, and Supreme Divine Ability that can reshape their bodies are simply countless, even if Yang Mei Old Ancestor is unwilling to do so It pays such a high price, it can also escape back to Great Desolate, enter the Investment of the Gods at the price of True Spirit being bound, and then transfer to Dao Road!

“The king said, you have to extract the Primordial Spirit and pour it into the black liquid of the underworld to wash away countless years until the end of all things. Do you fart when the king speaks?”

Another sneer sounded, and between Heaven and Earth suddenly derives countless black chains, just like the Great Desolate World’s use for souls, but these black chains are all from the Netherworld River organisms that have been killed by it. Gushing out, the battle at this moment has become a battle for the underworld. The crushing of the original realm is innumerable at this moment. With its own Primordial Spirit, it can’t beat so many Netherworld River creatures!

“Black flood dragon! Yangmei Old Ancestor won’t let you go!”

The six-tailed demon fox screamed, and at the price of the Primordial Spirit, he forcibly retracted the image, As the six-tailed Firefox’s magic phase extinguished, the six-tailed demon fox’s body also opened its mouth and spit out blood. The breath on his body was sluggish and disordered, but he didn’t dare to stay any longer, his body flickered, and moved towards the south violently.

“Oh, run? You ran away, I will take your head off and give it to you!”

Lin Yuan’s eyes flashed, and clouds suddenly appeared on the sky. After dispersing, a big golden hand appeared, and grabbed the blinking six-tailed demon fox.

At the same time that the golden hand manifested, the alien monster hiding in Lei Fan’s body in the Central Plains of the Martial Dynasty shrank his neck. He didn’t dare to look at the Northern Territory. In fact, he didn’t even see it. Makes sense.

He has personally learned the tricks of the black flood dragon…

Trifling Six Tails, dare to make a second in the North?

act recklessly!


The golden Great Hand Seal was retaken, and the six-tailed demon fox, who was struggling to get away with serious injuries, couldn’t even see the Weishui. It was like a fly. That golden big hand slapped to the ground fiercely!

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