Thirdly, the demonic beast forces on the land have been restricted to the Breaking Horizon Mountain Range. Lin Yuan can be said to have opened up territories, while the other is in Southern Desolate tyrannically abused. The demon of power, although under the banner of demonic beast, is a demon vein of its own, and has nothing to do with Breaking Horizon Mountain Range. Its subordinates are mainly demonic beasts that live in swamps, waters, and miasma forests. Horizon Mountain Range is even more difficult to fight together. Although the demon of Southern Desolate lives on land, it is undoubtedly more closely related to the endless sea.

Fourth, the special geographical environment of the North is located here. Except for the Chamber of Commerce in the North, no team can cross the Breaking Horizon Mountain Range, just like sleeping in an endless sea. I don’t know how many ancient gods and how many ancestral demons are hidden. Of course, Breaking Horizon Mountain Range, the first of the terrestrial demons, is not easy to go, let alone ordinary caravans, even if you can invite the Guardian to escort you, A little carelessness will have the probability of dying in the Breaking Horizon Mountain Range, so no caravan can have the Northern Chamber of Commerce, which is convenient to move. If you bypass the Breaking Horizon Mountain Range, unless you only trade with the neighboring dynasty, Otherwise, no matter how you go, you will have to pass through the territory of the North. When the time comes, there will naturally be revenge and grievances.

It is worth mentioning that it is not that no one has ever intercepted and killed the Chamber of Commerce in the North, and robbed the token of the Chamber of Commerce in the North, and traveled through the Breaking Horizon Mountain Range.

But basically all people who do this have become dead. The reason is very simple. The token of the Chamber of Commerce in the north has a time limit. From the north, it crosses the Breaking Horizon Mountain Range to go to other dynasties. For a round trip, it only takes four months at the farthest, and the tokens distributed according to different caravan routes in the north are also different. After this period, the tokens will naturally become invalid, and they will be refunded when they encounter a demonic beast. Take it out, it’s so miserable!

The four reasons mentioned above are enough to bring out Lin Yuan’s transcendent status in Breaking Horizon Mountain Range. Not only is it rooted in popularity, but it is also credited to Breaking Horizon Mountain Range to the various demonic beast groups of Breaking Horizon Mountain Range. It brings convenience and benefits, and at the same time it jams the interests of the other six dynasties. They must cooperate with the Northern Chamber of Commerce. Unless they join forces to destroy the Northern Territory, no one should think about doing business well!

But the most important thing is…

All the transcendental privileges of Lin Yuan in the North Territory must be based on a prerequisite-the beast owner of Breaking Horizon Mountain Range is not greedy !

The beast owner Qilin and the three big beast kings are not arguing about the Northern Chamber of Commerce, because Lin Yuan himself will send a certain amount of profit, so naturally these few will not be embarrassed by the Northern Chamber of Commerce.

But the new beast is mainly not as calm as the beast owner Qilin, so do you have to covet more benefits?

The status of the Northern Chamber of Commerce will become very embarrassing.

If the Northern Chamber of Commerce lowers this head, the profit will be greatly reduced, and it is not finished, because at this time the beast owner does not have enough prestige and credibility to overwhelm other demonic beast groups. , So after the beast owner takes this head, other demonic beast races will also ask for more benefits on excuses.

The Northern Territory has no way to determine whether the new beast owner is a greedy person, but these people who live on the border with the demonic beast all year round have seen the honest and bold side of the demonic beast, but they are prey to the weak. The strong and natural selection of the jungle are more knowledgeable. Some seemingly honest-looking demonic beast black-belly are far more insidious than ordinary humans, and they will not have the slightest bottom line and scruples in doing things!

As the Northern Chamber of Commerce, which is supporting the development of the Northern Territory, it has already begun to be incapable. Even some projects and even the R&D projects of the Ministry of Industry have been forced to suspend. If the income is further reduced , I am afraid that the northern border will collapse because of this.

This is also the reason Lin Yuan can’t wait to regain the Central Plains and the South. After all, only by increasing income and reducing expenditure can make a fortune. The Northern Realm can no longer save expenditure. He is not without goals. He just wants to dominate the other world. The salted fish transmigrator who was finished, even if he came into contact with the Great Desolate Missin, even if he didn’t worry about returning to the world where he was in his previous life to complete his revenge, there was a great enemy like Hongjun on his head.

So for the Northern Territory, the best way to solve the problem is to foster a beast owner!

In other words, I can’t guarantee that the new beast owner will not worry about the interests of the Chamber of Commerce in the North, so I can only try to ensure that the new beast owner will be our own demon in the North. .

Although there are a lot of demonic beasts in the North, no matter whether it is ethnic group or strength, it is not enough to run for the position of’beast master’.

The only person who is qualified, capable and able to guarantee that he will be the’beast master’, is actually Lin Yuan.

But now Lin Yuan has stated that he has no idea about the position of’beast owner’?

What a trouble! ?

“Breaking Horizon Mountain Range’s demonic beasts are now all competing for the position of’Beastmaster’, but just like your analysis, the most noble position in the Breaking Horizon Mountain Range is now just one It’s just ostentatious, it sounds majestic, but in fact it still depends on prestige and credibility to convince the crowd, even the beast owner who was supposed to dominate the beasts has become a’beast owner’ who can only mediate disputes among various ethnic groups! “

Lin Yuan’s cold glow in the blue and white vertical pupils grinned, and said one word at a time: “This king has no idea about such an’beast owner’. Even if he is to be a beast owner, this king will To be that by the strength of oneself, the beast owner who overwhelms the beasts!”

“Then if this is the case, there will be a lot of room for manipulation!”

Li Xin, who has been silent all the time! Suddenly, his eyes lit up and said solemnly: “Now the demonic beasts of Breaking Horizon Mountain Range will be jealous of us, undoubtedly because the comprehensive strength of the Northern Territory is far surpassing them, so if we end the game, 80% of the position of the’beast master’ is ours. , But if we directly declare our position as soon as we enter and do not fight for the position of this’beast owner’, those demonic beasts will not be too hostile to us.”

Speaking of which, Li Xin raised his hand and gestured twice, and said with excitement: “Bring the’Beast Owner’ to make the group of beasts. By then, we will only use the promise to help them fight for the position of the’Beast Owner’, and we will be able to gain a lot of strength. The weak demonic beast tribes help, and those strong demonic beast tribes may not take us seriously at first, but in order to prevent us from stepping in, they will also help us, no matter if they send out beasts to attack the Shuangjian Grassland. It’s only a matter of time before we find out those who are hiding in the Breaking Horizon Mountain Range as enemies. That’s all. Without that power, they have the ability to live in the Breaking Horizon Mountain Range and the demonic beasts that have lived there for countless years. Peek-a-boo!”


“Good point!”

“I think so too!”

Li Xin’s voice fell, and everyone around all spoke up.

No one will question what if the new’beast owner’ covets the Chamber of Commerce in the north.

Suppress and kill the dragon kings of the two Monster Kings, don’t you even have this sort of surface?

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