When Lin Yuan drove the black tortoise to the Red Flame Crocodile King’s lair, Mysterious Ice Duck and Men Du had been waiting for a while.

The Red Flame Crocodile King was like a puddle of mud. It was thrown on a muddy ground by Men Du. His eyes were covered with bloodshot eyes, as if he wanted to swallow all these guys alive. Up in general.

Lin Yuan guessed that the demonic beast of Wisdom Transformation Realm just condense the demon pill. You can’t do it like the mountain main realm. You can mobilize the demon power in the demon pill to self-destruct at any time, otherwise it will be a fight. Don’t take this life, it must also hold these bastards in front of them perish together!

Lin Yuan slowly jumped off the mysterious turtle’s back, and slowly turned to the Red Flame Crocodile King. A joking color flashed through the blue and white vertical pupils, teasing: “You are I’m dying, and still want to pull us into the water? Don’t say that your snake master doesn’t give you a chance, are you able to self-destruct, let me see?”

The look in the Red Flame Crocodile King’s eyes does not strange.

Blizzard also had this look before his death.

The days of devour raw meat and fowl are too long, the softness of Lin Yuan’s human side has long disappeared, especially after he saved the human woman, he attracted the coveting of the Liu family. It is to make him more hard-hearted.

“You take things away, this time, I admit defeat.”

Red Flame Crocodile King gritted his teeth and glanced at the expressionless Mysterious Ice Duck and Men Du, took a deep breath.

“Lizard, do you have to have a sense of measure in your dreams? We are just a small friction before, so you stay in your swamp, and I don’t have to trouble you, but This time, we are both at war, and you just happened to fall into my hands. You said, what reason do I have to let you go?”

Lin Yuan blinked his eyes and replied playfully. .

“You guys! Don’t dare to kill me! Kill me, you will all die!”

Red Flame Crocodile King’s scarlet eyes stared at Lin Yuan, almost all of the eyeballs from the eye sockets Protruding.

When the voice fell, Lin Yuan and Men Du were slightly startled.

Is this crazy?

I have fallen into this field. Where does it come from its self-confidence and feel that it will not die?

Mysterious Ice Duck lifted its wings slightly, said solemnly: “It may be true. I heard that Red Flame Crocodile King seems to be a Desolate Demon in Breaking Horizon Mountain Range. The illegal child of the Realm demonic beast, but it did not inherit the bloodline of the father, but inherited the bloodline of the mother. It could not reach the realm of the demon in this life, so it was exiled by its father to the periphery of Breaking Horizon Mountain Range, Red Flame. Crocodile is its mother’s ethnic group.”

Speaking of this, Mysterious Ice Duck paused, and then continued: “But I just heard about this. Anyway, as my younger brother and I, I can’t Kill the Beastmaster outside the Breaking Horizon Mountain Range, otherwise you will be punished. You have to decide whether to kill it or not.”

This is true and false, partly because of Breaking Horizon Mountain Range. Rules, the other part is fear of rumors.

When Lin Yuan heard the word’wild demon’, Lin Yuan’s mind exploded slightly. After all, this is a realm he has never heard of. Qiling demonic beast has ten levels. The upper part is the Wisdom Transformation monster, and the upper part is the mountain lord or the river lord, who can master the rules of a certain area, a single thought can affect the existence of the weather, and the wild demon this realm is obviously above the mountain lord and river lord , Is undoubtedly the unpredictable existence of power!

But soon, Lin Yuan recovered his calmness. Seeing Men Du turn his gaze on him, Lin Yuan spit out the snake letter.

Afterwards, Lin Yuan said slowly: “What rumors, I heard, Bacheng is a lie. If its father is really a demon, even if it doesn’t become a climate, it will rely on Breaking Horizon Mountain Range. The area a little bit inside can also encircle a piece of territory with its father’s remaining prestige. Why should it go to the outermost periphery of the Breaking Horizon Mountain Range to face the human demon vanquisher?”

Lin Yuan said that, Men The fear in Du and Mysterious Ice Duck’s eyes also disappeared a bit.

Sounds like this… seems to make sense?

“Speaking of bloodline, it’s so special. Some people say that I am an ancient relic with dragon blood in my body! Not long ago, I also saw a big monster from Four Seas Dragon Palace!”

Lin Yuan pointed at the Red Flame Crocodile King grinned, said with a sneer: “Lizard, this reason is not enough for you to live. You might as well have something practical. If there is a hidden treasure, maybe you can change it. Take your life back.”

Red Flame Crocodile King coldly snorted, he turned his head aside, and stopped paying attention to Lin Yuan.

It’s not that it’s not a treasure that has not been hidden separately, nor is it that it is not moved by Lin Yuan’s proposal. It’s just that it regards Lin Yuan as its biggest competitor and has secretly investigated Lin Yuan’s words and deeds a long time ago. This bastard treachery is just like commonplace, the kind of cooperating with one party to suppress the other, and finally the two parties take it all, for this black snake, it is already regarded as a basic operation.

Even if it handed over the baby, it was just to make the other party earn a little more. It still couldn’t save his life. On the contrary, it exposed his guilty conscience and made the black snake even more unscrupulously attacking himself.

“Then there is no way.”

Lin Yuan took back the snake letter he spit out, staring at the Red Flame Crocodile King coldly, body moved, his mouth was already bitten in Red Flame Crocodile King’s soft nose slowly injected the poison of the dove wine into the body of the Red Flame Crocodile King.

I felt the life force of the Red Flame Crocodile King passing a little bit, and his body slowly stiffened under his mouth, but Lin Yuan could not see the panic in the eyes of the Red Flame Crocodile King, on the contrary, he was extremely joking. Look at yourself.

This behavior made Lin Yuan’s heart suddenly sink.

This bastard thing, don’t you really have a great dad?

“Ding, congratulations to the host, successfully poisoned the Wisdom Transformation Realm demonic beast Red Flame Crocodile, and got the attribute point five points!”

The familiar system hint sounded in Lin Yuan’s mind Lin Yuan only then recovered a bit of calmness.

There is a Desolate Demon Realm father, it’s amazing?

Well, it’s really amazing!

However, judging from the behavior of the mandarin ducks, the demonic beasts of Breaking Horizon Mountain Range are chaotic, but they also have their own set of rules in operation, as long as they don’t have much control in the hands of the wild monster. , The other party can only hate himself for a period of time that’s all.

As the saying goes, there are too many lice, but Lin Yuan hates him too much. There is also Patriarch Liu with body possession in Lanshan City!

As long as the other party doesn’t bother him immediately, there is still time for development. When the two parties really want to meet face-to-face, Lin Yuan will press the opponent on the ground and beat him so hard that he understands. , Why is Hang Bi called Hang Bi!

“It’s over, divide the spoils.”

Lin Yuan’s words were very short, indicating that the mysterious turtle is waiting here, and then took the lead into the treasure house left by the Red Flame Crocodile King.

In an instant, one after another extremely rich Spiritual Qi, instantly poured into Lin Yuan’s body, and the normally extremely sensitive sense of smell also failed at this moment, and it was impossible to tell what was what among the many fragrances.

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