Looking at the treacherous atmosphere in the field, Third Young Lady Hua finally remembered what kind of existence the old man in sai was like.

The real Heavenly Dipper Realm powerhouse, with one sword technique sword technique Tongxuan, one man one sword in the Peak period can be worth 100,000 heroes!

One yuan True Qi enters my abdomen, and Gang walks invincibly at will!

This sentence is the evaluation of astral qi environment powerhouse.

The energy in the Heavenly Dipper Realm cultivator has evolved from True Qi to another kind of energy. The body is absorbing the Spiritual Qi between Heaven and Earth all the time to supplement one’s body, even for a weaker body. Under the blessing of astral qi, it also has the physique and resilience that is not inferior to the demonic beast, and every gesture is dozens of tons of terrifying power.

This is the reason why Heavenly Dipper Realm powerhouse can hardly shake the demonic beast of the same order.

But with such an existence, why does it work for a Wisdom Transformation Realm snake demon?

“is it possible that, you…you think?”

Third Young Lady Hua feels like she knows too much, just looking at the black snake that stands still , The hot lovable body was already shaking like chaff.

“The Martial Dynasty is not right, this king only promised this old mister, and when he is strong enough, he will order the demonic beasts that cross the demonic beast to help him recover that’s all.”

Lin Yuan’s gaze was indifferent, without any intention of concealing it.

The existence of a Heavenly Dipper Realm in his hand is Lin Yuan’s biggest trump card. If it weren’t for Jiu Jianxuan, he would only be willing to take action against the cultivator of the god Martial Dynasty. At this moment, look at the entire periphery of Breaking Horizon Mountain Range. , Will not have his rivals!

Huo Zudao took a deep breath and looked at the black snake with a little more fear.

He thought that the black snake’s goal was just outside the Breaking Horizon Mountain Range. Even if he was irritated this time, he would only vent his anger at the mountain city, but he absolutely did not expect the shadow of this black snake, I don’t know when it started, it has been shrouded in the entire god Martial Dynasty!

Even, even the most powerful existence among the remnants of the previous dynasty is willing to work for the black snake!

We must know that although the former Jiao family lost their deer, it is a real old dynasty after all. The power in the shadow is far from what the god Martial Dynasty can compare at this moment, and even two ends in three days. Once the assassination against the emperor hadn’t been for that emperor’s superb power like a country, the world would have been messed up long ago!

“Master Black Snake, please forgive my life. I am willing to swear by the cultivation base and serve you faithfully!”

Huo Zudao was sweating coldly on his forehead, half kneeling The posture was completely changed to a kneeling posture.

He is a wise man, and he can naturally see that even if the people called by the black snake have internal disharmony, the general situation is still in the hands of the black snake, and the black snake is so unscrupulous to say his own The secret, obviously is that he didn’t intend to give him the face of Xian Yindao behind him. When this happens, he and Third Young Lady Hua can’t live together!

“Mr. Jiu, what do you think?”

Lin Yuan turned his head and glanced at Jiu Jianxuan, a bright glow flashed in his heterochromatic pupils.

“Look with your eyes.”

Jiu Jianxuan said teasingly, and then his face became straight, said solemnly: “This dog can rely on your subordinates to save his life today. , In the future, it is possible to betray you and me in order to save your life. Now that the wings are not full, the god Martial Dynasty only needs to stretch out a finger to crush you, the future Lord Monster Emperor, right?”

When Jiu Jianxuan’s voice fell, the other four people in the field moved almost at the same time. In the blink of an eye, Huo Zudao was pierced through his neck by four daggers at the same time. The breath on his body was stunned, and those who died directly could not die again. !

“What about you? Put up a desperate struggle, or do you obediently cooperate?”

Lin Yuan raised his eyelids, and then set his eyes on Third Young Lady Hua’s face.

If it hadn’t been for taking the headless Knight’s knife, which caused him to be unable to move even a little bit, Huo Zudao should have been killed by his own hands, and at this moment, he could only watch. With this attribute, I missed it with myself.


Third Young Lady Hua took a deep breath, pretty face said palely: “Don’t be kidding, you told so many secrets. Whether the old lady is worthy of you, it’s dead end. In that case, I Why tell you about Fire Qilin?”


Xia Siyu suddenly laughed and said with a joking expression: “The difference is big.” . If you obediently tell all the things you know, after we confirm it, Lord Monster Emperor will naturally give you a happy one. But if you don’t want to tell us anything, sorry, I think you’ll regret it, why not I’m going to be a hard bone in front of Shadow Walker.”

Fatty was nodded very cooperatively, and said without a smile: “Yes, girl, I tell you, this group of Shadow Walkers are all It’s the devil, especially like hard bones. No matter how hard your bones are, they can grind the hard bones into dregs inch by inch, and then ask them what they want.”

“Shut up and die. fatty!”

Shadow Walker and Xia Siyu said in unison again.

Everyone is a school from the same sect. It seems that Shadow Walker would be tortured and the sword dancers are so clean. Isn’t this a typical villain who sued first?

“Then, the negotiation is over.”

Lin Yuan glanced at Xia Siyu, and said: “You take her away, wait for the news I want, and then come to me The previous lair is looking for me.”

[Congratulations to the host, for completing the second stage of the’Black Snake Crusade’: see-saw. 】

【Reward one thousand war points! ]

[The final stage of the’Black Snake Crusade’: Counterattack! Turn it on! ]

[Requirement: Please lead the host to lead the angry demonic beasts to break through the mountain city, step on all the aloof and remote Human Races, and tell them that your majesty cannot be violated! ]

[Completion reward: get two thousand war points! 】

【Failure penalty: deduct two thousand war points! 】

With the end of Lin Yuan’s attack on this side, there will be no hope for the human camp. Being crushed by the demonic beast will happen sooner or later, so the system directly determines the first place in this war. It is normal to complete the two stages.

However, the requirements of Phase Three made Lin Yuan speechless for a while.

Bai Lu went out to enter a weak state, and had to bless Lin Yuan with a BUFF that doubled the attribute, that is, he was afraid that the surviving humans would escape back to Barshan City, and then organize the demonic beast outside the Breaking Horizon Mountain Range. The news of the tide attacking mankind is passed to the god Martial Dynasty, because in that case, the seven dynasties will definitely join forces to pressure the Monster Beast King court to force them to hand over all the beast kings participating in this beast tide to kill the chicken to warn the monkey!

But the final stage of the task is for Lin Yuan to take the demonic beast to storm the mountain city!

If this task can’t be completed, all the rewards I received before have to be spit out, and I have to deduct some attribute points to make up the difference. Then the victory of this’Black Snake Battle’ Even if it is him, he will not do any good.

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