When Bailu’s voice fell, Lin Yuan and Vajra were both silent.

The Beastmaster from Breaking Horizon Mountain Range counted as those who participated in the back. There were probably more than 20 of them, but at the moment there were only three of them on the way back, even the cold lake crane with the highest cultivation base. Falling under Fang Tian’s hand, the demonic beast losses of all realms are countless.

It can even be said that even the Wisdom Transformation Realm demonic beast does not exist in many territories, and it is naturally impossible to have a new Beastmaster.

“Does it have anything to do with me?”

Lin Yuan raised his eyes and replied absently.

Together, Stoneclaw Jungle and Chiyan Swamp, his territory is already big enough, even if the Chiyan Swamp is full of Purgatory Fire burning, there are not many places that can be provided for the demonic beast to survive. But the natural impossible of Purgatory Fire really burns for a hundred years. The ghost knows what terrible things will be derived from these Purgatory Fires in a hundred years?

Monster Beast King will send High Rank Monster Beast sooner or later to solve the Purgatory Fire in the Chiyan Swamp, and it won’t be long.

Furthermore, although most of the beast kings are close to Lin Yuan, they are not bordered. The only border is the territory that originally belonged to Hantan Crane, except for the demonic beast in Hantan Crane’s territory. All of them are Wisdom Transformation Realm. If they are not all killed in this war, they will naturally choose a new Beastmaster. If they are all killed, then it’s just an empty space that’s all.

At this moment, the Stoneclaw Jungle has not yet reached saturation. If it occupies an open space, the site will be much larger, but the demonic beast will be looser. If there are any special circumstances, Lin Yuan must be very difficult. Defend your territory.

“Things seem to be out of play.”

Vajra frowned suddenly, said solemnly: “We are all strength great injury now, so many sites, we must not be able to eat Coming down, when the time comes, those nearby beast kings will definitely think about coming over to get a piece of the pie, and even those guys in the depths of Breaking Horizon Mountain Range will not let go of such a big piece of fat.”

After falling, Lin Yuan gave Vajra a high look.

White Deer is still thinking about how to divide the territory, but Vajra has already thought that the nearby Beastmaster will take the opportunity to invade.

Such a big thing is definitely not hidden from the above. After all, the territories of more than 20 beast kings add up, and it is not a small territory. So many demonic beasts died in battle, and the entire Breaking Horizon Mountain Range’s ecological chain will be affected, and even the god Martial Dynasty will be given a chance to enter. When the time comes demonic beast, the forest may have to give up a large piece of it!

Although this change will not affect Lin Yuan very much, after all, even if the nearby Beastmaster is full, it is absolutely impossible to fight for a territory that is always attacked by the demonic beast of purgatory, even if it is demonic. There are many beasts, and they are also impossible to waste in such places.

But the replacement of nearby Beast Kings will definitely give Green Marsh Clan a chance, when the time comes Green Marsh Clan arranges some demonic beasts that are similar to Blood Claw but do not have their own territory to come nearby to be Beast Kings. , When the time comes multi-party teamed up to target Lin Yuan, he was uncomfortable!

“Let’s hide this matter first, and discuss how to deal with it.”

Lin Yuan narrowed his eyes slightly, icily said: “It’s not good, I’ll just All the four clans of Stoneclaw Jungle are released. Anyway, Lao Hu, Shadow Shadow, and Men Du all have the aptitude to become a beast king. When the time comes, they still have to recite our incense, at least not with those The invading Beastmasters attacked us together.”

“Well, this is a way.”

White Deer and Vajra are both nodded.

They did not feel that Lin Yuan was taking the opportunity to annex the surrounding areas to strengthen themselves. After all, the veteran Beastmaster knew that the four clans of Stoneclaw Jungle had been holding each other for a long time. Lin Yuan, the black snake, was nothing more than Except for the Shi Clan clan under Men Du, the other three clans did not have the slightest loyalty to it.


The demonic beast is planning to carve up the territory.

The human side is not so optimistic.

Lanshan City is the closest city to Breaking Horizon Mountain Range, and it is also the first city to endure the attack of beasts.

There are also seven cities nearby, all of which are border cities where demon vanquisher is rampant. Two hours ago, they saw a fire beacon rising in the direction of Lanshan City.

Only when they encounter an enemy that they can’t deal with, these border cities will ignite the fire beacon, and the troops near the summon will assist them. After all, the movement of these troops requires a lot of money. And how can it be for nothing to help this kind of thing?

At first, although the City Lords in nearby cities wondered how the fire beacon was set ablaze in Lanshan City at this time, it was not the time when the beasts were frequent. However, according to the old rules of the Martial Dynasty, they still started decisively. Assemble the army under his command and prepare to support Lanshan City.

But now only two hours have passed, and the fire beacon in the direction of Barshan City has gone out!

Once the fire beacon is ignited, it will never be extinguished easily, otherwise the dynasty will be held accountable, and even the lord of a city will have to move his head!

Under the impossible joking situation, the fire beacon will burn for two days and two nights. If it is extinguished early, it means that the City Lord Mansion that lit the fire beacon has been captured by the enemy, or even directly razed. For the flat ground!

But how is this possible?

Two hours’ time!

is it possible that Monster Beast King came out of the nest?

Otherwise, how could it be possible to directly defeat a city defense with tens of thousands of demon vanquisher and garrison Legion?

Even the City Lord Mansion built as an inner city was razed to the ground!

But the beast owner of the Monster Beast King personally played. The blood fire beacon instead of the ordinary black fire beacon was ignited in the direction of the mountain city. It would never be an ordinary beast wave, and it was directly defeated. Lanshan City, right?

is it possible that Legion, the defense of the mountain city, is all paperless?

A middle-aged man with a moustache stood at the top of the city, his face was solemn, and his eyes flashed with doubts.

“Sir City Lord, we have assembled, and can set off at any time.”

Corps Head, wearing a armor, strode to the middle-aged man, right hand struck There was a dull metal crash on the armor on his chest.


The City Lord groaned for a moment, then lowered his voice and said, “The situation in Lanshan City is a bit weird. You took someone to camp near Lanshan City. However, don’t rush to investigate the situation in Baranshan City, wait until the troops from several nearby cities arrive and see the situation.

After you set off, I will personally visit Whitehorse City. The situation informs Sir County Guard that if there is really something impossible to do, you should withdraw first. Remember, the sky is falling and there is still a tall person standing against it. Don’t take our own brother’s life to fill it in.”

Supporting friendly forces is of course a must.

However, looking at this situation, I guess I’m all done with Lanshan City.

As a border city, he needs to prioritize his city’s safety instead of frantically revenge for the mountain city.

“Yes, the subordinates understand.”

Corps Head nodded, he said again.

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