Seeing that Head Li had calmed down, the Zitong youth was also sighed in relief.

After the Zitong youth opened the door and stepped into the room, a cold glow flashed in Li’s eyes.

He just doesn’t have any intrigue experience, but it doesn’t mean that he is a fool. If the same is true, the businessman or demon vanquisher will tell him that he will definitely drew the sword and chop off that bastard’s head, but Zitong Youth and him are both people who belong to the god Martial Dynasty, so he chooses to believe that, after all, they are one mind. Only the better the development of the god Martial Dynasty, the better their prospects will be.

In the distance.

The people of the demon vanquisher guild and the merchant guild have already come by grandiose.

If you develop according to the original plot, the demon vanquisher guild and the merchant guild will definitely start a battle here to determine the winner. The loser can only leave the field, but the winner can enter the small wood house. In, some important information was obtained from the wounded person’s mouth.

But at this moment, the demon vanquisher guild and the leader of the merchant’s guild looked at each other, and looked at the warriors who were on guard around the small wood house, with grave expressions in their eyes.

The Shenlin Army is the pro-army of the emperor, and it is also the strongest battle strength among the many armies of the Martial Dynasty of God. Even if it is only a reserve group, it is not an existence that can be dealt with by the two non-governmental organizations of trifling.

“Hello, Head Li, you guys are…”

The Chief-In-Charge of the Merchants’ Union is a fatty with a round figure. He just visited and made sure there was no The flawed Head Li just returned to the main entrance, and he immediately greeted him.

“Block, leave.”

Leader Li said blankly, the right hand was always pressed on the hilt of the sword at his waist.

During the training of the Shenlin Army, he heard from some missionaries who said that these golden retrievers can kill even their close friends for the benefit. There are almost no principles and bottom lines at all, so face these When it was a human being, the vigilance in Head Li’s heart was no less than that of facing those wicked people.

“That’s it, Commander Li, we rescued the wounded inside. Now I heard that he woke up. We want to go in and ask him some questions. Can it be convenient?”

Fatty was laughing while talking, while taking out a thick stack of gold tickets from his sleeves, and stuffing them into the hands of Head Li calmly.

Leader Li looked down at the golden ticket that was stuffed into his hand by the fatty, his eyes condensed slightly, his whole body began to tremble, and a gloomy color flashed in his eyes.


Leader Li’s waist was sharply scabbed out of two inches.

“Don’t get angry, don’t get angry!”

The responsibility of the demon vanquisher guild is a robust man with muscles all over the body. At this moment, seeing the head of Li is going to get angry, the robust man is also I dared not read the jokes of the merchants’ guild anymore, so I strode forward and said, “Leader Li, this is President Xu who sees you so hard. Please brothers to have tea. If nothing happens, let’s do it. Let’s go! Let’s go!”

When the voice fell, he didn’t care that Head Li didn’t reply, he grabbed Chairman Xu, turned around and left.

The relationship between the demon vanquisher guild and the merchants’ union is actually very contradictory. After all, there is no merchant’s union. The demonic beast materials and the spiritual objects in the hands of the demon vanquisher guild can’t be sold, and they can only be traded to the city at a low price. Although the price of the garrison is higher than that of the military, they are also trying to squeeze their value. The two complement each other, but they are not pleasing to each other. If it is not because the leader Li is too strong, they They both need each other’s strength. Just when Captain Li was angry, the robust man would never rush to the field.


Leader Li was coldly snorted, pushing the sword back into the scabbard, looking coldly at the back of the two of them leaving.

He glanced down at the pile of gold tickets in his hand. The sum of his salary in the past few years has not even been worth this pile of gold tickets. But seeing such a relaxing windfall in his hand, Head Li thought But there was no trace of joy, on the contrary, it was like being rushed up and slapped twice, at first it was anger, and then it was humiliation.

Took a deep breath, Head Li calmed down and threw the stack of gold tickets in his hand to the adjutant who came up from the side blankly, and said, “Give the money to the brothers. , Don’t disappoint others.”


The adjutant nodded, his face is as expressionless as the head of Li.

But the adjutant has already given the death penalty to that fatty of the merchant union in his heart. In their eyes, the leader is the one who can’t tolerate sand. This fatty stuffing leader Li in public is no different from that. Slap Captain Li in the face, the two sides will have to work together for a long time in the future, I hope this fatty will survive to resign.


On the other side.

The purple pupil youth has entered the small wood house, and a cold color flashes in his eyes.


The wounded was leaning against the bed, covered with bandages all over his body, it seemed that even the vocal cords were broken, so his voice appeared hoarse and low.

“Let me ask first, whose person are you?”

The wounded vomited out one mouthful of impure air, narrowing slightly in the dark room with the curtains closed. Opened his eyes: “If I pick up a life, I have to let me know who the benefactor is, right?”

“Martial Dynasty, Lei Family, Lei Fan.”

Pulled over a bench and sat down, his muscles were tense, and on the surface, it turned out to be relaxed.

“Oh? It makes me a little weird.”

The wounded chuckled lightly, and said with a bit of joking in his tone, “No matter how stupid the children of Lei Family are,” It’s also impossible to tolerate me, a person who survived the Lanshan City incident, is alive, right? Don’t tell me, you didn’t guess that I escaped from the Lanshan City.”

“I’m very smart. , Then why don’t you guess, I’m actually a puppet, so I can’t stop the demon vanquisher guild and the merchant’s union from saving you?”

Lei Fan collapsed on the chair, but the right hand touched it quietly. With the dagger on the back, a cold glow flashed across his eyes.

“With the surname Lei, they don’t have the courage.”

The injured man sat upright, and his hoarse voice sounded again: “So, should we talk about us? What happened in between? For example, how can I survive. Or, how can you trust me, I won’t talk about what happened in Lanshan City?”

“Hmm ……”

Lei Fan pondered for a moment, slowly raised his eyelids, and asked: “You should be an official member of the city before, and the position is not low, otherwise you are impossible to know the surname of Lei What it means to be in the Martial Dynasty, it’s even more impossible to guess what is the attitude towards you survivors.”

“Langshan City defend Legion Corps Head, Luo Tianqi.”

A bleak color flashed in the eyes of the wounded, helplessly said: “It should be the former Corps Head.”

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