Unfortunately, Lin Yuan didn’t have cold sweat on his forehead, otherwise he would be sweaty profusely.

Want to run!

It’s too late!

And there is also a Rank 2 Monster Beast among them. At his speed, it is impossible to run through the Rank 2 Monster Beast!

What should I do?

What should I do now?

Lin Yuan is anxious, seeing that in the system map, the Demon Beasts are getting closer and closer.

There is no escape, Lin Yuan finally clenched the teeth and climbed directly along the big tree behind him!

Although the speed of climbing the tree is a little slower, but after all, it climbed up to the canopy before the demonic beasts arrived, and was hidden among a dense leaf, subconsciously holding his breath, watching all cautiously. around.


Three Demon Beast ran from three directions around.

These are three completely different demonic beasts. One of them is a flower snake with the thickness of an arm, the other has a long nose, similar to Pangolin, and the last is a very A demonic beast like a civet cat!

The three guys ran into each other soon!

Immediately afterwards, civet cat’s gaze was placed on the other two Demon Beasts, staring at them.

The two Demon Beasts were stiff, and the flower snake stood up firmly and stared at the civet cat, like a big enemy.

Pangolin stepped back slowly, seeming to want to drive away.

Just this scene immediately made Lin Yuan understand that this civet cat must be the Rank 2 Monster Beast, otherwise the other two don’t need to be so scared.

The reason why he dared to climb the tree to hide was because he was betting.

Betting that the three Demon Beasts will fight each other after they meet!

There is no reason why these three guys are all staring at themselves and not hitting each other’s ideas, right?

Facts have proved that Lin Yuan was right!

Lin Yuan cautiously lay on the canopy of the tree, trying not to make any movement, but staring down firmly.

Below, the civet cat has moved towards the flower snake and walked over. Judging from its arched back, it is obviously also ready to attack at any time!

Finally, as the Pangolin slowly receded, the civet cat launched an attack!

I saw the civet cat’s body like an afterimage, quickly approached the flower snake, stretched out its paws, and slapped it suddenly!

The speed of the flower snake is also not slow, the snake’s head is raised, and it is constantly trying to attack the paws of the cat that came over.

Unfortunately, the speed of civet cat is so fast, this flower snake is not an opponent of civet cat at all.

Only observing for a while, Lin Yuan was able to confirm that this flower snake is definitely going to die!

Waiting to wait for the other side to suffer from both sides is obviously impossible, Lin Yuan can only quickly find a way out now.

I just swallowed a horse Lu. At this moment, the assignable attribute point is 0.1 more. Lin Yuan without the slightest hesitation adds it to the speed.

If there is no such thing, he will definitely add to the attack, but now, the enemy is currently, even if the speed is a little faster, that is good!

After adding the attribute, confirm that there is no abnormal Lin Yuan in the body, and move towards the tree again.

At this moment, that civet cat is already fighting with the flower snake.

The mouth of the civet cat bites the seven inches of the flower snake, and the long body of the flower snake is tightly wrapped around the body of the civet cat.

It’s just that Lin Yuan knew that the flower snake had died, but the civet cat didn’t have many major events, and just broke free a little bit and ran out.

both sides suffer?

It does not exist!

“Sure enough, I shouldn’t have a fluke!”

Lin Yuan thought silently in his heart, and at the same time moved towards the canopy all around began to look, trying to find a way out.

“Ding, system has detected that a Rank 1 Monster Beast is moving towards this side 300 meters away!”

“Are you coming?”

Lin Yuan was taken aback for a moment, and hurriedly put away his restless mind, and continued to lie dormant.

With the system hint, the other party keeps getting closer.


Lin Yuan saw the true face of the demonic beast that quickly approached.

That is a very fast yellow fox, ran to a nearby bush to hide, and sneaked a look at the position moved towards civet cat.

When it found that the civet cat was entangled by the flower snake, it suddenly stopped hesitating, turned into a yellow shadow, and quickly moved towards civet cat and rushed over!

This thing is decisive enough, even Rank 2 Monster Beast dared to attack!

As the fox kept approaching, the movement it made finally alarmed the civet cat.

The civet cat released the snake’s head and looked up and moved towards the rushing fox and glanced at it.


A sharp, threatening roar came from the mouth of a civet cat.

The whole body of civet cat is completely arched, wanting to quickly get rid of the entanglement of the flower snake.

However, the flower snake at this moment is already dead, but the snake’s body is completely wrapped around the civet cat’s body by instinct, and it has not been able to break free immediately.

Waiting to try to break free, it’s too late!

The yellow fox has already rushed to the front, jumped up suddenly, moved towards civet cat and rushed towards it fiercely!

Still in the air, the long and narrow mouth opened, and the neck moved towards civet cat was bitten down!

meow! meow! meow!

The urging and sharp meows sounded one after another!

Lin Yuan looked down in amazement, didn’t expect, he was really bitten by the fox!

At this moment, the fox is biting the civet cat’s neck, and the civet cat is surrounded by snakes!

At this moment, its body is restrained by the flower snake and cannot make an attack, otherwise how could it be bitten by this Level 1 fox?

civet cat desperately struggling, wanting to struggle out of the entanglement of the flower snake!

The fox also knew that there was a rare opportunity. After biting, he did not let go. Instead, he used his front paws to pat the civet cat’s forehead constantly, wanting to slap him to death!

Not only that, but also began to tear the wound.

Lin Yuan can already see from the sky above, in the neck of the civet cat, there is already a large amount of blood beginning to come out.

Obviously, this bite is definitely not light!

The heavier the injury, the more civet cat struggles!

Finally, after struggling for a while, the civet cat broke free from the flower snake on his body, suddenly jumped out, and slapped the fox on the head!


There was a muffled sound, and the fox’s body flew out in response.

However, a few meters away, the fox rolled over and quickly got up again. He suddenly fell to the ground and moved towards civet cat approached again.

Obviously, this guy is not going to give up!

The civet cat seems to have been aroused by blood, with exploded hair all over, and also bent slightly, staring at the fox.

Finally, the fox pounced again!

The civet cat screamed and rushed forward!

The two collided in mid-air, and quickly bitten each other!

It’s really hair flying around, roar everywhere.

This horrible movement, Lin Yuan, who was listening to him, felt cold all over his body, and secretly sighed fortunately that he was slipping fast, otherwise he would be the one who died now!

The gaze continues to stare.

The movement of fighting underneath gradually became smaller.

After all, the fox has a low level and is not an opponent of civet cat. At this time, he has died and is being held in his mouth by civet cat.

But the civet cat is not much better. The fox bites and scratches on its body before dying. At this moment, the civet cat is already covered with blood, and its breath is very weak, but still A desperate attempt to drag the fox aside to hide in the bushes.

Seeing this scene, Lin Yuan’s breathing suddenly rose.

At this time, there are no other demonic beasts around. This civet cat has also been severely injured, and it seems that it is about to fail.

Then, do you want to do it yourself?

It is done, and I will go directly to fly to the sky like the legendary horse Fei Huang!

Once you lose, you may say goodbye to this World.

Lin Yuan was tangled in his heart.

But in the end, seeing civet cat moving towards hiding in the grass with blood all the way, Lin Yuan finally made up his mind.

The snake body quietly slipped down the tree, and moved towards the location where the civet cat was located quietly approached.

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