When Zhang Xiu returned to the imperial capital, it was already five days later.

It’s not that Zhang Embroidery is slow, but that he stayed in the North for the past few days and has been discussing some details with Lin Yuan.

When I knew about Lin Yuan’s strategy and the future reform policy of the Northern Territory, Zhang Xiu was ready to leave, and on the road he began to record what he had seen and heard in the Northern Territory during this time. Then it sorted it into text materials, and prepared to submit it when the meeting saw Emperor Shenwu.

We said hello to the two guards of the Shenlin Army, Zhang Xiu straightened his robe, and walked into the imperial study room.

Slightly raised his eyes and saw Lei Qiusheng with a worried face sitting on a large chair, and gently tapping with the right hand holding the back of the chair, frowns didn’t know what he was thinking.

Zhang Xiu cleared his throat, and bowed to Lei Qiusheng between the monarchs and his officials, and said loudly: “Chen, Zhang Xiu will see Emperor Shenwu! I am fortunate enough to live up to the sage to Hongfu. The black flood dragon has established a connection. This is a specific matter, please take a look!”

When the words fell, Lei Qiusheng seemed to notice that Zhang Xiu had entered the imperial study room, and also cleared his throat, his face The sorrowful color of Yan also disappeared in an instant. Soon, a little Court Eunuch who was serving Lei Qiusheng trot to Zhang Xiu’s side, held the documents he had written with both hands, and trot back to Lei. Around Qiusheng.

“Aiqing, let’s be flat.”

Lei Qiusheng took the file handed over by Court Eunuch, then looked down directly, and said something without raising his head.

Zhang Xiu finished his kneeling posture, but he still stood on the spot in an upright posture, carefully examining Lei Qiusheng’s expression.

After about four or five breaths, a smile appeared on Lei Qiusheng’s original serious face. Said solemnly: “With the help of the greed of the Aristocratic Family to provoke public anger, deliberately indulge and rule the people against Aristocratic. Family, and strengthen the garrison forces in various places. This black flood dragon is powerful. A single one loosens the entire Aristocratic Family in the north. Even if they can survive the angry people, they want to beg for food in the north in the future. You have to rely on the black flood dragon to breathe.”

Since Lin Yuan entered the northern realm, Lei Qiusheng has been observing Lin Yuan’s behavior. In this matter, Lei Qiusheng did not look like As before, I chose to blindly believe in Zhang Xiu and Xiuyiwei, but sent a lot of money to train, but I may not be able to use the last Imperial Family spy to listen to the news in the north for a lifetime.

Since Lin Yuan ran away from the Green Marsh clan and thoroughly confirmed the dominance of Stoneclaw Jungle and the surrounding area, Lei Qiusheng sighed from time to time, indicating that this black flood dragon that broke the convention is a human, It is the best candidate of the first assistant of his god Martial Dynasty.

“Your Majesty, the information in the north is only incidental. You asked me to ask about the black flood dragon, and he also answered.”

Zhang Xiu raised his head straight up. Standing, there was a look of solemnity in his eyes, said solemnly: “In the opinion of this small official, although this black flood dragon has given a solution, it is a potent medicine. Your Majesty needs to slowly. The picture is good, at least…you have to wait for the rebels of the Qingpeng king to be put down before you can proceed…”

“Tweet the order?”

Not waiting for Zhang Xiu After speaking, Lei Qiusheng interrupted him.

Zhang Xiu knew that Lei Qiusheng was expressing dissatisfaction with bothering him when he opened his mouth, so he simply closed his mouth and waited for the result.

Lin Yuan’s Tweet made him inquire every detail clearly, and he repeatedly deliberated on the way back, confirming that although this move is beneficial to the god Martial Dynasty’s weakening of the prince, but once this decree If it is issued, the vassals of the entire god Martial Dynasty will be upset.

Although Lei Qiusheng was the founding emperor of the god Martial Dynasty, the kings of the seven dynasties could not avoid the Sangong and the Sixth Court. First, they needed a large number of heirs to make alternatives. The most suitable to inherit the throne; second, the imperial imperial court, Aristocratic Family, sect and even nobles are all forces that cannot be ignored. As an emperor, you must form marriages under all influence, otherwise the hearts of the people will be unstable, and the emperor’s rule will be insecure. It will not be stable.

Therefore, whether it is Lei Qiusheng who is sitting in the Martial Dynasty or the feudal kings who are entrusted to various places, there are many concubines. These women have no other abilities, but they are definitely not much larger. Otherwise, they would not be assigned to the harem to fight for favor by the family, but they did have a set of hooking men. Even a king like Lei Qiusheng, who has worked hard to govern, now has 17 princes and eight Princesses, even if Lei Qiusheng won’t have others. Heirs, and after these princes reach adulthood and choose suitable heirs, the rest of the sons will also be assigned to various places to be crowned kings.

Once these vassals have been operating in their own territories for too long, they will easily become the people below and recognize the prince, not to mention that there is an emperor above, just like Lei Qiuming It’s the same as the rebellion this time, there is nothing in Tsingpeng that is unreasonable!

Although Lei Qiusheng swept away the Imperial Family of the Ten Thousand Sword Dynasty after the success of the incident, the old bastard who followed her to fight the world were still divided into various places to serve as kings, even if the credit was not enough. The person who was entrusted with the king is now also an official in Xinjiang.

For decades of kung fu, as long as it is not exiled like Yan Xingchi, even a pig has run a considerable force in his piece of land. Lei Qiuming gave a voice. It is shocking that hundreds of thousands of rebels have been summoned, but the martial arts and nobles who followed to occupy the magpie’s nest together, which one can have worse prestige in the army than Lei Qiuming?

They just didn’t take advantage of this opportunity to make a mess that’s all. If they have ideas, their momentum may not be much smaller than Lei Qiuming!

Lei Qiusheng wants to prevent Lei Qiuming’s rebellion from happening again. The cutting of the vassal is the most important thing at present, but there is no difference whether it is now or in the future. If he wants to cut the vassal, it will definitely cause those vassals. With Wang’s strong counterattack, perhaps the current situation that has finally stabilized will fall short again!

However, it is the safest way to cut the feudal clan with a Tweet Order. There are no seven or eight descendants of the feudal clan in that place. Waiting for the old feudal king to kick his feet, follow the default rules of the seven dynasties. That is, the first wife’s eldest son inherits the title and territory of the old prince to become the new prince, and those who operate on Fiefdom day after day, and those territories that belong to the emperor, will be given to the new prince when the new emperor succeeds. After all, the princes are all sons of the emperor, and the palms and backs of the hands are full of meat. When a father is a father, he definitely hopes that his son can live well.

But in this way, the imperial power will be lower and lower, and even many vassals in the country stand in great numbers. The emperor in name is a stronger vassal that’s all.

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