The resistance of the Northern Aristocratic Family disappeared under the anger of the people in the Northern Territory.

These Aristocratic families can still exist in the Northern Territory now, relying on the shelter of the Northern Palace, how can they have the courage to challenge?

Li Zhong, who cleared out his biggest political enemy, obtained the highest command authority of the various departments of the Northern Palace during the period when the northern king Huyan was imprisoned. At the same time, he began to expand with the cooperation of the various ministries. Fist.

The first thing is to count all the cultivated land in each gathering place. Of course, it is not only to calculate how much cultivated land there is, but also the size, classification, output and positioning according to the fertility of the land. They are classified into three categories, such as, middle, and lower. In this first document record, where these arable land divisions are, whether they are growing food or spiritual things, and how much is expected to be produced, are all recorded in extremely detailed records.

The second thing is to set up the post of grain chief according to the different distribution of arable land in each gathering place. The local rents the most arable land, and the farmers are recognized as good farmers.

Although the chief grain officer is just a false job and does not have any real power or grade at all, he is responsible for counting the total amount of harvest in his grain area when harvesting, and he needs to collect the annual tax payable. After all this, a written document must be compiled and submitted to the local government. Unless the tax is not collected, the local government shall not participate in tax collection.

Of course, it’s not enough to just not allow local government to participate in tax collection. Li Zhong also set up a demographic office, a field exploration office and other yamen, and also prepared security teams in various grain districts. Existence, the specific powers are divided into details, and the system of continuous sitting is adopted. Once a problem occurs in a certain link, causing the wrong tax amount to happen, everyone will be punished!

Although these new yamen established by Li Zhong are distributed in various places, none of them are under the jurisdiction of the local government. Parent officials still need to visit and salute, but they also have the ability to directly play the northern palace. It is considered that the two sides are restricting each other, and no one wants to suppress the other.

In addition, with the exception of the chief-in-charge, all other vacant positions are not ordinary people. Chief-In-Charge is transferred every three years, and after three years, he will be transferred to other places to hold the same official position. After nine years of repetition, if you have excellent abilities and outstanding political performance, you will be given priority to be promoted to various yamen under the rule of the Northern Palace. Those who have average political performance in the past nine years will be evaluated for another nine years. Those with poor political performance will be immediately dismissed. Official positions, investigations are carried out. These staff members below the director are held by graduates from the Northern Academy of various places, and they are also changed every three years. During their employment, they can submit their resumes to the various yamen under the rule of the Northern Palace and wait for employment. , But do not enjoy priority admission.

In addition to this set of internal systems, there is also the Monster Emperor who appears and disappear unpredictably under Lin Yuan’s hands to supervise.

Various offices, local government offices, Monster Emperor associations, grain chiefs and other parties have detailed a matter several times. Everyone is not troublesome to do errands. They can also supervise each other to ensure that there will be no fish and meat villages. The incident happened. In addition, the subordinate staff of all false positions, just like the genuine officials, will be transferred to other places to handle the errands when they arrive. There is no such thing as a running City Lord’s subordinate staff.

The third thing is to return to the land cleaning project. Due to various factors such as man-made, natural disasters, etc., the production of cultivated land will decrease or increase, and the cultivation of the land year after year also needs to cultivate the land. Otherwise, the land will lose its fertility and good crops can no longer be planted. Therefore, clearing the land is not a one-time project. After each harvest, the clearing will be carried out again. At the same time, the population will be surveyed in the gathering areas to ensure that they will not appear. What fraudulent things.

This series of reforms has made some people with ulterior motives dumbfounded.

After all, Lin Yuan is now working for the benefit of the people in the North. The establishment of a complex and fair system will not make people dissatisfied, but it is a great news for them, whether they are Whether they want to make a profit or do damage, Lin Yuan’s move means that they have no chance!


Late night.

In the northern palace.

Li Zhong finished organizing the documents in his hand and sealed the file. Then he yawned, got up from his desk, flexed his muscles, and looked at the teams of guards patrolling outside, a The dashing eyebrows of the pair of slender are slightly frowned.

The land clearance work is completed, but the biggest problem is still unsolved, such as the taxation of the government and the people, for example, how to divide the land issued to farmers for farming. The old saying is good. As for the inequality, some people take more land, and some people take less land. When the time comes, it must be a dispute. At the same time, this is the last opportunity for those Aristocratic families to struggle.

Furthermore, as officials in the Northern Palace, the benefits of tax relief are no longer available. Even if they can become the Northern King, they will also have to pay 50% of the tax on their fields, although compared to During the period when the god Martial Dynasty ruled the Northern Territory, their salaries had increased too much, but without the farmland income that spoofed their own name, they still felt that something was missing, and it was easy for the civil and military personnel of the Northern Palace to lose. Self-motivated, one by one only knows that he is a prime minister in his position.

Even if he sets a strict official evaluation system, it will not work, because for these people, working for the Northern Palace, it is better to save some capital and follow the Northern Chamber of Commerce to do business. Although the royal mansion has given a lot of salary, compared with the benefits of a transaction in the Northern Chamber of Commerce, it is insignificant!

Although Li Zhong seems to have very high authority on the issue of land clearance, the ten-year tax cuts, one policy for the government and the people, and the establishment of various false posts are all prepared by Lin Yuan. He only needs to bring it out at the right time. When it comes to other issues, even if Li Zhong has ten thousand ideas, he dare not make any claims!

“Mr. Li, are you planning to go back to rest?”

A guard who came on patrol said hello to Li Zhong with a smile.

This guard was the one who announced on Huyan Mansion that the people were attacking the mansion gate. Originally, he was just a spy of the Monster Emperor’s Association. Although he could barely be regarded as leading the salary of the Northern Mansion, he served Hu Yan is different from playing for Lin Yuan.

With the credit of Lahuyan’s dismounting, this guard has become a Great Captain of the Permanent Guard of the Northern Palace. Thousands of people are in charge of him under his hand, and it’s not counted in the entire Northern Territory. What a big person, but in this Shun Ning City where there are only one hundred thousand royal guards, he can be regarded as a thousand households!

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