“Otherwise, go and invite those shops?”

A patriarch with a beard-faced looked all around, his face was not pretty Asked.

It’s not good to say that these Aristocratic families gathered in the outer city are almost the weakest in the entire Northern Territory. They are placed here to serve as cannon fodder to consume and block the Northern Royal Palace’s regular army. Otherwise, they wouldn’t have met a group of black clothed people from the late Imperial Sky Realm, and they would be helpless and could only hold their heads and hide behind the bunker.

“I think…they may not be free.”

The patriarch lightly shook the head wearing a gray robe, and sighed: “Then Li Zhong set up a vain office. The number of people has turned more than three times. Those big Aristocratic families wanting to suppress the government, the Monster Emperor Club, and the Bright Gown Guard are strenuous. Even if we look for it, we may not be able to let them take action, otherwise…”

“What else?”

The burly patriarch gave a weird smile, icily said: “Do you want us to go on your own?”

Wearing Patriarch’s eyes in the gray robe rolled around twice, said with a sneer: “I see you, although you are not shrewd in normal, but you are not stupid? Think about it for yourself, North Aristocratic Family fights with the Northern Palace, who has the better chance of winning? In particular, everyone here is not a Peak character in the Northern Aristocratic Family, otherwise they will not be reduced to the point of being cannon fodder with me. But my special mother Although it bears the Aristocratic Family sign, it has dozens of acres of land under its name, and the harvest that takes the lead in a year is not as good as Laozi’s trip with the caravan in the Chamber of Commerce in the north. It’s now The big Aristocratic families couldn’t swallow this breath. They didn’t want the Northern Mansion to swallow their fertile land, so they instigated us to rebel, and then threw us here to death. This is not true!”

The voice fell, and a group of patriarchs from the small Aristocratic Family began to whisper.

As the old saying goes, the ass decides the head.

If all the patriarchs of the big Aristocratic Family are present, they will consider that their own farmland can support private soldiers, and then there will be troubled times, they will rely on their own soldiers, horses, money, and rations to wait for the Imperial Court. Recruitment is not impossible, but almost all of those present today are the small Aristocratic Family patriarch who are used as cannon fodder by the big Aristocratic Family. People point to the income from the cultivated land all the year round. That’s all. , Simply can’t afford to raise a large number of private soldiers, let alone take advantage of chaotic enclosures.

So the reason for the big Aristocratic Family’s rebellion is not tempting to them at all. The reason why they are here is nothing but being coerced by the big Aristocratic Family that’s all, otherwise, who would be willing to be the cannon fodder? What?

“That’s what you say, what else can you do?”

The burly patriarch sneered twice, and eccentric said: “We are rebelling now, you see Will that king be able to tolerate the artificial rebellion under his hands and then surrender?”

Humans are a very strange creature. Sometimes they are very assertive, and no one can listen to it, but Sometimes they don’t have any opinions at all, and they believe whatever others say.

All those present were the patriarch of the small family. After listening to the words of the gray robe patriarch, I felt that I did not want to rebel. I wanted to take my own life for the things of the big Aristocratic family. Isn’t it uneconomical?

But after hearing the words of the burly patriarch, they felt that their probability of going out and surrendering now is not great. After all, Lei Fan and Hu Yan are also veterans around the black flood dragons, and it is not because of these crimes. Taboo, when you say you get kicked out, you get kicked out?

They are now on the side of the anti-thief. Seeing that they can’t beat the Northern Palace, they will go out and beg for surrender. Even if Li Zhong is willing to take them under his command, he will wait to solve the trouble in his hand. Does Li Zhong have any reason to let them go?

“If you go out and beg for surrender in this way, you will naturally not escape death, but now with such a good opportunity, if you can release the power of various yamen, and then assist the regular army outside the city to win Taicang, it will be a great achievement. If I have such a feat in my hand, Li Zhong just wants our life, so I have to ask the dragon Lord Wang to agree or disagree.”

gray robe patriarch’s mouth slightly raised, said with a sneer: “Lord Wang, the dragon, didn’t mean to completely wipe out our Aristocratic Family. If we kill us all to the last one, who else would go south for the Chamber of Commerce in the north? They are all those big Aristocratic families. Family, the dragon Lord Wang did not want to seize the farmland of their family, and only then joined forces to make this fight! Instead, let us sit on the wax!”

There is Qiao Family in the Aristocratic Family in the North Territory who gritted their teeth like this There is a squat with Lin Yuan, and there are also large Aristocratic families who gritted their teeth to carry to the end with the Northern Palace, but the Aristocratic Family patriarch who has the courage to bet the lives of the whole family on this battle is really not much, big Part of it is still like this gray robe world patriarch. I plan to mix for a while to see the situation, and then decide which side of existence to stand on.

This method seems to have a great chance of winning, at least it can put your own bargaining chips on the winner, but everyone knows that once this quagmire is trapped, it is difficult to get out. If there is not enough Merit and sincerity, even if they bet on the right chips, they will have to be liquidated by Li Zhong one after another, because if they sit in the position of the king of the north, they are not willing to one day, Aristocratic Family again To become the scourge of the Northern Palace, any existence that is not attached to it must be cleared out as soon as possible and as soon as possible!

“You say first, what should we do? If your plan is good, I can gamble with you! If we bet right at this time, we will be in the north in the future, which belongs to us. The good day is coming!”

The burly patriarch licked his lips. Obviously, the gray robe patriarch’s proposal was also extremely tempting to him.

gray robe Shi patriarch put his hands around his chest, with a profoundly mystery smile, and said: “First, we put these black clothed persons directly to the direction of the granary, and then we split the troops in two ways, all the way to the outside. Begging to surrender and clarify what we mean, let them send some experts into our team, and then we go outside the various yamen, and say that experts gather at the northern palace, we can’t stop them at all, they have moved towards the granary When the time comes…”

gray robe Shi patriarch hadn’t finished speaking, Kausu Shi patriarch interrupted his words and asked: “You speak lightly, big Don’t you know what the virtues of the Aristocratic Family are? Their power to suppress the various yamen in Taicang City is already too powerful. Originally, they planned to expect us to hold the troops in the northern palace for a while, so that they can gradually eat away at the yamen. People, good guys, you can’t directly report the fight just now, do you think others can let us go?”

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