“Damn it, are you all special rubbish?”

A blushing patriarch grabbed the gray robe patriarch The collar, icily said: “Each of us left the private soldiers stationed in the outer city, and did not let you stupid people go into battle personally. You can’t do well in commanding the battle? Just take fate, can’t stop those black clothed Person for a while?”

Gray robe Shi patriarch’s face is smeared with dirt, it looks battered and exhausted, said with a bitter smile: “Old Lin is big, not brother, who doesn’t try his best, thousands of black clothed person Come out, all the imperial Sky Realm post-cultivation bases, let alone those private soldiers who used to be cannon fodder, even if we go up in person, we can’t stand the charge of others!”

The difference between the soldiers and the regular army is not that big, because at that time, neither the City Lord Mansion nor the Northern Aristocratic Family had much money to feed the army. However, after Lin Yuan established the Northern Chamber of Commerce, the money and food he invested in the regular army construction was the same. The Aristocratic Family is not a magnitude, plus a large supply of spiritual objects. After Li Zhong and Luo Xu joined forces, almost all of the 150,000 troops are Imperial Sky Realm, even if the Imperial Sky Realm is above level 8. In the later period of Imperial Sky Realm, it also directly collected tens of thousands of people. On the other hand, the quality of the family private soldiers is a bit unbearable to look at.

Don’t say it’s the late stage of Imperial Sky Realm, the cultivation base of Imperial Sky Realm. It can also sit on an equal footing with these small families, and they are all in their own team. It’s not their Young Patriarch who can command at all. The battle strength of the two sides is there. When the Imperial Sky Realm is reached, they can stay in the air for a short time, and even jump in the air. They walk on the roof, and the Mortal Realm warrior below has to find ways to build a ladder to go up. Climb, when they climbed up, those people on the roof didn’t know where they went.

Even if you can catch people’s follow-up troops, it’s hard to say good luck or bad luck. After all, fighting on a narrow roof, you have to worry about the roof’s load-bearing capacity, usually a dozen. Mortal Realm played seven or eight Imperial Sky Realm. In comparison, they have no chance of winning at all!

Of course, although the patriarch of Gray Robe knows that the imperial Sky Realm of the other party has eight thousand even if there is no ten thousand in the late stage, when he asks for help from the yamen, he can only say one and it doesn’t count. Exaggerated figures, otherwise he directly said that tens of thousands of Imperial Sky Realm’s late stage, this time the other party is not thinking about how to continue to consolidate the defense, but to flee for their own lives!

Same sentence, Aristocratic Family private soldiers can fight street fighting, or they can use street fighting to delay enough time to cause chaos in the north, or wait until the other two backhands are effective, but if they are allowed to do it now Order all men and horses to fight with the regular northern army, they obviously don’t have the guts!

“Thousands of imperial sky realm late?”

The flushed patriarch’s face turned slightly, and he loosened the collar of the gray robe patriarch, said solemnly: “Then what do you mean by coming to us? Don’t tell me, you plan to let me send someone to support you! Lao Tzu’s ability to suppress these lunatics in the yamen is a waste of Strength of Nine Bulls and Two Tigers Now, if we deploy more staff to move, maybe the entire defense line will collapse!”

They naturally know how the cannon fodder fights in the periphery, let alone thousands of Imperial Sky Realm late stage. Even two to three hundred can easily tear open their defenses. Now the black clothed person outside has not rushed over, which is enough to prove that the private soldiers in front are already taking their lives to delay the enemy’s new advance.

“Big Brother Lin, it’s not a brother. I’m worried. These thousands of black clothed persons are strong or strong, weak and weak. If they enter the city, they will go straight to the Monster Emperor’s stronghold or various government offices, brother me There is definitely nothing to worry about, because every patriarch’s elite is gathered here. Even if they bump into the sea, they are a clay ox entering the sea. The end of the blood on the scalp is basically an impossible threat to us.”

Speaking of this, gray robe patriarch took a deep breath, pointed his finger in the direction of Dongcheng, and asked: “But if they don’t care about the life and death of these people in the city, and go straight to the granary?”

At this time, Big Brother Lin slightly startled, and immediately shook the head decisively, foul-mouthed and said: “Fart, there are troops under their command in the city. If they rush in, they should also be small troops. The main force will still If the little mice who are stuck in the streets want to do something, they must first liberate these people in the city. If they don’t come to save people, it can only show that there are traitors among us!”

Speaking of this, Big Brother Lin reached out to patted gray robe’s patriarch’s shoulder, said with a sneer: “Are you right?”

gray robe’s patriarch is leisurely He sighed and said in a low voice: “Big Brother Lin, what do you think we are doing? Is the child playing at the house? We are rebelling! Accidentally lose your head, how can you be so careless? You Do you know who is the leader of the soldiers outside the city? One is Li Zhong who plots against my Aristocratic Family so far, and the other is Luo Xu who completely debunks the epidemic food plan. These two fierce gods gather together. Do you think we should be I’m not a traitor, is there a way to make a living?”

Big Brother Lin considered it for a while, and did not continue to struggle with the topic of traitor.

gray robe patriarch shook the head again, and sighed: “I thought that Hu Yan suffered a big loss from Li Zhong that time, which caused our Aristocratic Family to lose heart. You eyes high above the The great patriarch of top will sound the alarm for himself and regard Li Zhong as a real opponent, but now it seems that you haven’t learned the lessons from before and still haven’t taken Li Zhong seriously, right?”

Speaking of this, he raised his finger in the direction of the granary, said solemnly: “Now all the food we eat is adjusted from the warehouse. Although the surrounding Aristocratic families did not participate in the operation, they will All the private troops have been sent over. With so many people eating, Big Brother Lin feels that changing your own private storehouse will be enough for them to eat for a few days?”

Big Brother Lin silently estimated it for a while before it appeared in his eyes. A touch of panic whispered: “If something happens to the granary, our food will only last for seven days. In terms of time, we are much more urgent than the Northern Palace!”

Gray Robe Shi Patriarch was nodded heavily and said bitterly: “Now Li Zhong clearly wants to send people to occupy the granary first. Big brother, you will not give manpower here, and other places will also not be manpowered. If the outer defense line can’t support it, I can only Let them go, and the battlefield will change from our carefully selected streets and lanes to the ten thousand li open spaces near the granary! Just one charge, big brother, do you think how many of us are left?”

Speaking of which, even if Big Brother Lin is hard-hearted, he still has to weigh his head whether he can keep it!

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