“Ye Bailin, Zhang Xiuzhu, what do you think?”

Lin Yuan suddenly opened his mouth and said something that made Li Zhong confused.

Li Zhong’s cultivation technique is called the’Emperor Qi Observation Technique’, which Lin Yuan personally taught him. The biggest difference from the overwhelming majority cultivation technique in the world today is the extreme state of this cultivation technique. It’s not in the air-nether realm, but the cultivation conditions are quite special.

The existence of cultivation this cultivation technique must have its own territory, and its own cultivation base is bound to the prosperity of the territory. Li Zhong has no doubt that if the Northern Territory becomes the only empire that unifies the seven dynasties, He can also manage the entire Northern Territory in an orderly manner, so that the territory will feed back to his cultivation base, and he can even directly push him to a magical realm that he can’t even imagine.

However, the cultivator of this cultivation technique cannot be extraordinary and refined, because all his cultivation bases are false. For example, the Northern Territory has unified the seven dynasties, but all the creatures who accept his rule die Absolutely, his cultivation base will instantly fall to the level of an ordinary person, even if there is a natural or man-made disaster in a certain place, he will suffer severe damage and fall of the cultivation base.

Today, the Northern Territory has already eaten the entire northern territory. Li Zhong’s cultivation base has broken through the threshold of Heavenly Dipper Realm. Although he has never fought against anyone, he only relies on the powerhouses in the Northern Territory. The feelings that I bring, but any cultivator weaker than Jiu Jianxuan’s level can no longer pose any threat to him. After all, Jiu Jianxuan’s Peak has killed the existence of the late Heavenly Dipper Realm!

In addition to the particularity of this cultivation technique, Li Zhong’s perception of the environment is extremely keen. Even the spies such as Luo Xu and Shi Dong who specialize in the cultivation technique given by Lin Yuan can’t His figure is hidden under his eyelids. At present, there is only one person who can do this. Only Xia Siyu, the outcast of the Voidwalker, who has the shadow affinity and innate talent, can blend into the shadows and avoid Li Zhong’s at any time. Perception.

“It’s a good seed.”

Suddenly, an unfamiliar voice sounded.

Immediately, a sloppy man wearing black leather armor with long hair like withered grass, covering most of his face slowly appeared in front of Li Zhong and bowed to Lin Yuan and gave a salute. Then he continued: “Come on, kill decisively. Such a character, from the very beginning, shouldn’t go to the North Border Military Academy. It would be nice to come directly to me and not receive training at night.”

“Then you Just take him away.”

Lin Yuan glanced at the scruffy man, said with a sneer: “Since he wants to control the army’s spy system, this king gives him this opportunity. As for whether he has that. Ability, that’s the business between you and him.”

Ye Bu Shou has been stationed on the Shuangjian Grassland since its establishment. Their greatest enemy from the very beginning is not the northern rebels. , Even if there is a change in the north, they don’t need to move. Their eyes are always on glare like a tiger watching his prey’s Shuangjian Dynasty. Even the Great Wall plan is the idea of ​​Ye Bailin, the current leader of the night. from.

When the construction of the Great Wall is completed, the night will not be closed, and there will be fewer outposts in the Shuangjian grassland to train their own rangers, and gradually enter the Shuangjian Dynasty military system and become Lin Yuan embedded A fang of the Shuangjian Dynasty, just as the seniors of their other world did to the Mongolian tribes.

This kind of spy agency responsible for frontal combat is the most cruel. If you want to become the head wolf leading the entire wolf pack, you must challenge your superiors once and again regardless of life and death. Only the strongest wolf , In order to lead the entire tribe to hunt the strongest prey.

The moment Zhang Xiuzhu showed his ambition to Ye Bushu, it was the death battle between Ye Bailin and Zhang Xiuzhu.

Of course, before that, he had grown from a “wolf cub” to a “baby wolf” and then had his own code name “adult wolf” before he was qualified to challenge Ye Bailin, the “wolf” !

Ye Bailin was nodded, took a step back, and disappeared from Li Zhong’s sight again.

“Deploy well, the pressure from the god Martial Dynasty is coming soon, remember, this war cannot be defeated, neither I nor the North can afford to lose.”

Lin Yuan glanced at Li Zhong, gave a light command, then twisted his body and left the room.

Li Zhong shrugged a little helplessly. There are rumors in the world that Lin Yuan was the reincarnation of the ancient Monster Emperor. Li Zhong didn’t believe it. After all, no one would believe that an organization that had never heard of it turned out, but The attitude of those top powers towards Lin Yuan, and Lin Yuan easily took out one by one and threw them on the market, which can directly set off the precious props of foul wind and bloody rain. Li Zhong began to firmly believe this.

So what special cultivation technique is practiced by these beings as Lin Yuan’s trump cards, will not make Li Zhong feel a little strange, but will only make Li Zhong feel that Lin Yuan is becoming more and more profound mystery!

Because of the mechanism of randomly refreshing items in the War Treasury, not only Lin Yuan has obtained the method that contains demon power, but there are also many methods suitable for humans and even human-like demonic beast cultivation methods such as Mountain Shaker Ape. Lin Yuan exchanged it out of his mind. Li Zhong’s emperor Qi Observation Technique came out of the war treasure house.

Although the trading of spiritual things has gradually begun to reduce revenue due to the saturation of the market, the low-level cultivation techniques developed by Lin Yuan are not only the introductory classics of the Northern Academy, but also the great influence of all Great Influences. The baby that Wanjin wants to get!

The most overwhelming thing is that Lin Yuan doesn’t have the idea of ​​selling only one cultivation technique to one family. Every kind of low-level cultivation technique he doesn’t like has been rubbed and sold to various places, regardless of Have you ever bought this cultivation technique before? In order to learn or remain exclusive, Chamber of Commerce in the north will rush every time it supplies it and buy away all the cultivation techniques they find useful.

Before getting to know Lin Yuan, Li Zhong never thought that the simple printing of books could actually become a more lucrative business than spiritual things!

But because of the exchange of various cultivation techniques, Lin Yuan originally accumulated a lot of war points and squandered, so when he faced this terrifying war, whether it was rewards or punishments, It is true that by fair means or foul want to win.

Because he simply can’t afford to lose!

He who has 0 war points wants to pay that terrible punishment figure, fearing that he will be drawn into a corpse in an instant!

After leaving Li Zhong’s range of perception, Lin Yuan flicked the tail of the flood dragon, crushed a black mud ball, controlled the demon power to sweep the black mud to one after another, and then swept it away. The letter paper full of code words lifted up, glanced at the content on it, and suddenly a touch of horror passed in his eyes.

Three days ago, the lord of the Immortal Palace of Yaochi went to Shuangjian Dynasty on his own for the purpose of meeting the Great Khan of Shuangjian Dynasty!

A simple sentence, but it contains a terrifying amount of information!

If the flood dragon has sweat glands, Lin Yuan at this moment is afraid that he is already covered in cold sweat!

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