Even if the black liquid army has extravagant equipment, the gap between the cultivation base and the battle strength cannot be ignored.

Thousands of Heavenly Dipper Realm’s heavenly demons were thrown into the battlefield, and they immediately suppressed Zhao Guangchong and the others.

Even the arrows are blocked by the invisible astral qi, either deviating from the target or directly falling into the Weishui.

Suddenly, the situation on the entire battlefield was completely reversed.

Although war is not what cultivator is good at, but no one can deny that individual strength is strong to a certain extent, so-called factors such as equipment and battle formation will no longer bring huge threats. After all, Both of these are in the case of equal strength between the two parties, allowing one of them to easily defeat the other’s derivative that’s all.

A cultivator of the Imperial Sky Realm, even with excellent equipment, is nothing but a kid with a gun that’s all, in the eyes of real adults, it is still impossible to withstand a single blow.

Qin Yu clenched his fists slightly, staring at the battle ahead, and gradually felt the pressure.

pu! pu! pu!

At this moment, the neighborhood suddenly exploded, strips of black tentacles protruding from the bottom of the water, with sharp sky-splitting sound, twisting Lived the heavenly demon that rushed to the black liquid shooter camp.

“demonic beast?”

The palace lord frowned slightly.

Even if the cultivator of Heavenly Dipper Realm is powerful, and it can completely avoid the water in an astral qi, but facing the rushing river of Weishui, even the late cultivator of Tiangang can’t support much. For a long time, the existence of aquatic demonic beasts is still a headache for them. This is why human beings have always had no interest in overseas islands or even the vast Sea Territory.

The advantage of the aquatic demonic beast in this respect is enough to drag down any opponent, even if your realm is higher and stronger, you may not be able to catch the aquatic demonic beast when you enter the water, but if you don’t go ashore , It has a way to kill you!

But the worries between the palace lord’s eyebrows also disappeared in a flash.

Aquatic demonic beasts are indeed not easy to deal with, but for heavenly demon, the physical body is nothing but something that can be discarded at any time. Heavenly Dipper Realm heavenly demon will not live even if it cannot break free from the black tentacles. The worries, at worst, is to go back and change into a physical body and cultivate for a while.

However, black selling is obviously not such a simple thing. After being entangled in the heavenly demon, it was cut directly into the flesh and blood, but from the outside, there is no trace. At most, there is a circle of shallow black marks in the place where it was entangled before, as if the black tentacles had melted directly.

But the latter is obviously not just as simple as disappearing, because the palace lord watched the heavenly demon that had been entangled, all in pain, hugged his head with his hands, and quickly moved towards Weishui falling and falling go with.


The palace lord exclaimed, and a pair of eyes flashing with scarlet light flashed a color of fear.

The physical body is indeed something that can be discarded at any time for heavenly demon, but for those unfathomable toxins, heavenly demon has always been kept away. After all, according to science, heavenly demon belongs to a kind of spiritual body. And in poison, there are many types that can cause trauma to the spirit, and even wipe out the mind of the poisoned person, and directly become a walking corpse!

For poison, although heavenly demon is afraid of it, it is even more difficult to destroy heavenly demon through this thing. Either the poison is too violent, and it strikes directly at the moment of entering the body, or there is a There is a long incubation period, and it will not erupt until the heavenly demon relaxes its vigilance, otherwise the heavenly demon can abandon the flesh at any time, and throw away those flesh contaminated by the poison as rubbish.

But this situation is rare in the life of the palace owner!

Because the appearance of those heavenly demon looks obviously very painful, obviously this kind of poison can cause harm to them, but it is not the kind of instantaneously deadly poison, but until now, there is no one. heavenly demon give up the physical body and get rid of the poison in the posture of Spiritual Body.

Dozens of white clothed people from Heavenly Dipper Realm fell into the Weishui River, only a lot of splashes were stirred up, and thereafter, there was no sound.

Not even a spiritual body belonging to a heavenly demon got out!

In the dark, the palace lord felt a trace of restlessness, and as time went on, this restlessness became more and more intense.

“The lord of Immortal Palace of Yaochi came here, why didn’t you say hello to the king?”

Lin Yuan’s huge body slowly broke through the surface of the Weishui, sharply different The color double pupils seemed to have passed through the cover of dozens of buildings and directly landed on the palace lord’s face. The murderous aura in his eyes was extremely cold, and the palace lord shuddered forcibly at a distance of several thousand meters.

But if you lose, you don’t lose the battle. The palace lord also replied Lin Yuan with cold eyes, icily said: “Where the palace lord is going, is it nodded in the north? What’s the point if you don’t say hello? The difference! The Dragon King means, is it going to start a full-scale war with my Yaochi Immortal Palace?”


Lin Yuan gave a strange laugh, and said in a playful tone: “Yaochi Immortal Palace? What a big tone! Could it be that in the eyes of Hongjun, a running dog like you who has abandoned their flesh and self is considered immortal?”

The voice fell, Lin Yuan’s eyes looked In the middle, there was a touch of consternation.

Because what he said was indeed the word’Hongjun’, but when the words came out of his mouth, these two words became’you’!

It seems that there is a kind of power invisible, forcibly amending Lin Yuan’s words that he blurted out, but I don’t know if it is Mo Yuan’s trick or the system that lives in Lin Yuan’s body. , Lin Yuan realized that he was a little forgotten because of his anger.

System has not yet shown his identity. The origin of Heavenly Dao is just a guess made by Lin Yuan after learning some information from Mo Yuan, and Hongjun’s struggle with Heavenly Dao is not yet him. It is accessible, so it is not good for Lin Yuan to tell the master behind the heavenly demon, but will make the system suspected of Heavenly Dao vigilant and killing intent against him.

As for the other party…not to mention.

Being able to steal the existence of Heavenly Dao, the divine ability is impossible.

Even the twisted and dirty Evil God in the myth of Crusu in the previous life can’t be called directly by his name. As the Great Desolate Number One Person, Hongjun, how can he not have the corresponding means?

With Lin Yuan now without any cover-ups, he directly said the name’Hongjun’, fearing that the other party would be able to travel through endless time and space in an instant, obliterating his hidden danger in the future in the cradle. It’s hard to say whether the system can escape or not!

“Cultivation in the world is longevity, but not to become immortal, longevity is just empty talk.”

“The Lord of the Palace bestows them longevity, is it not worthy of immortal?”

The lord of the palace held his hands behind ones back and looked at Lin Yuan with cold eyes.

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