How great is the temptation of immortality?

How long has the Immortal Palace of Yaochi been born? It has directly gathered hundreds of thousands of cultivators, and its formidable power can be seen!

Looking at the entire Heavenly Martial Continent, in fact, the number of cultivators is not that many, probably only one percent of the population base. After all, the old saying of being poor, civilized and wealthy is not fake, and it’s not difficult to cultivate a cultivator. It is too difficult to cultivate a powerful cultivator. Not only does it require horribly high talents, but also requires a lot of resources to do it. The average person is simply not qualified for cultivation!

Lin Yuan controls the entire northern border, the business road connects the seven dynasties, and even the Four Seas Dragon Palace has transactions with the northern chamber of commerce, plus the nationalization of all the land in the northern border, although the keynote There is no change, and the big profit is not little bit. In this environment, the Northern Academy is also selected very carefully, but it has cultivated less than 100,000 cultivators, and it is already stretched in terms of resources.

If these students are not assigned to various positions in the North Territory and start to generate income after graduation, or if they leave the North Territory to make a living directly, the North Territory Academy may not enroll the second student After all, the support ability of the North Territory is so great, and it is impossible to support everyone unconditionally.

This is true even in the rich and powerful northern border, even more how other places?

Among these cultivators, 80% of them are cultivation for power and wealth, and part of them is for preservation of inheritance or for the longevity of illusory. Those who really seek the way and detachment are 100 in ten-thousand does not have one, at least Lin Yuan only knows Mo Yuan.

With a medicine pill, you can skip the long and boring cultivation and make the person taking the medicine become immortal!

This temptation is not something ordinary people can resist.

Especially those who have achieved fame and can eat for a lifetime on the book of merit. To this point, wealth and power can no longer attract them, but immortality can do it!

This is true for cultivators, not to mention those ordinary person and Aristocratic Family members.

So the resistance to immortal medicine is so weak that there is almost no such thing, which is what Lin Yuan and Li Zhong expected.

But as expected, Lin Yuan is not completely undefended. The army blocked the river and checked the fleet to prevent immortal medicine from flowing into the north, but even the Immortal Palace lord of Yaochi was stopped, but Did not stop the little immortal medicine.

Lin Yuan feels heart trembled without Li Zhong’s statement about how big the problem is.

“Have you found out who is behind the ghost?”

Lin Yuan suppressed the killing intent in his heart, but his eyes were still full of gloom.

Shen Huai shrank his neck as Lin Yuan saw him, but he still shook the head, said solemnly: “not quite clear who is the specific one, but most of the Aristocratic families in the northern border must have participated in it, and the north It is estimated that some high-level officials in the environment will not be able to escape, and the Monster Emperor will follow Bright Gown Guard…”

Shen Huai did not say anything to death, but the amount of information in it is still very large.

The temptation of Eternal Undying is not something that Aristocratic Family patriarch can resist. Even if they have been stunned by Lin Yuan, Lin Yuan can’t let them give up their pursuit of longevity, right?

After all, immortal medicine was bought by them with real gold, white silver, whether it is sold to others or for their own use, it is their freedom, plus the shelter of the illegal black market and the cover of some high-level northerners. They were also out of control on the way to death. After they took immortal medicine, they were even more impossible to control themselves, because at that time they were already on the same boat as heavenly demon!

Shen Huai said that most of them are already very euphemistic. Even if Lin Yuan killed ten Aristocratic Family children for this matter, at least eight of them were not wronged!

“Understood, I will take care of it. You let Luo Xu, Shi Dong, and Li Zhong wait in the Northern Palace, this king will go back soon, I hope they can give This king has a reasonable explanation.”

Lin Yuan pointed at Shen Huai nodded, but he didn’t mean to embarrass him. After all, Shen Huai was a messenger, and there was no need to bear the oversight on behalf of Li Zhong.


Shen Huai hugged the cup one fist in the other hand towards Lin Yuan, turned on his horse again, moved towards and galloped in the direction of Ning City.

After watching Shen Huai leave, Lin Yuan opened the eyes of Heavenly God to search for the clues left by the palace lord, while secretly pondering the immortal medicine flowing into the north, whether it is who is behind. They acted as protective umbrellas.

Among them, the most suspicious is Shi Dong!

Bright Gown Guard is currently equivalent to overloaded operation. Not to mention being an umbrella. You can’t even get people to do your job. But at this moment, the members of Bright Gown Guard are scattered in the north. Without knowing the circulation of immortal medicine at all, that would be a lie to a fool, but Luo Xu and his minions did not move at all, obviously they were plotting against this thing behind their backs.

Li Zhong is unlikely to do this kind of thing, because he has been with Lin Yuan for a long time, he knows what immortal medicine is, and it is impossible to let this thing flow into the north, unless Li Zhong also wants to Use this to plot against who!

As for Shi Dong’s meeting with Monster Emperor, the problem is too big!

Although the Monster Emperor Association has also participated in the battle, the Monster Emperor Association, which is a’civilian organization’, does not have the authority of the Bright Gown Guard. There is no Monster Emperor Association in the Northern Territory’s government or even the various troops. In the space of manpower, most of its people still operate in the northern border, cooperating with Zhang Xiu’s old men to supervise the northern border to ensure that there will be no mistakes in the northern border.

So if the Monster Emperor is completely ignorant of immortal medicine, only a fool would believe it.

It can be said that Shi Dong did this, but it is a bit unreasonable.

As a result, Shidong’s current odds of winning are greater than Luo Xu. After all, the operation of local government offices is inseparable from the Monster Emperor Association. Most of the intelligence sources are also the Monster Emperor Association. The black market is under the supervision of the Monster Emperor Association. Below, even the members of Bright Gown Guard and Ye Buhui were named in the Monster Emperor at the beginning. If you have to tell Bright Gown Guard who is in charge, then Shi Dong must have the greatest chance of winning.

Although the matter of immortal medicine circulating in the Northern Territory is well covered, it cannot be said to be a secret. Sooner or later, Lin Yuan will find out, and will keep his eyes on the Monster Emperor Club.

Now that this pass does such a thing, it is actually no different from self-destruct.

For Shidong’s stability, it is unlikely that he did it.

But Shi Dong, like Luo Xu, did not move, as if he didn’t know about it at all, and that was a bit unreasonable.

Suddenly, Lin Yuan didn’t know who should buckle the pot without conclusive evidence, and he could not understand many logical problems, making the whole thing suspicious. !

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