took a deep breath, Lin Yuan tried his best to calm down.

In addition to being exhausted at this moment, he must also start a brainstorming.

Which link has the problem that will allow the rule to raise its hazard rating and send out an’antivirus software’ to obliterate this’virus’?

Is it the issue of the Northern Territory New Deal and the law that I made up?

Lin Yuan is a little skeptical of this, but there is no way to be sure. After all, Old Senior Wang Mang took this path, and he was targeted by the rules.

If there are restrictions on the rules, the anti-virus software that first appeared will not be much stronger than the virus. Judging by Wang Mang’s method of subverting the rule of the Han Dynasty, let alone an assassin. Even if Jing Ke was reborn and Gai Nie was reborn, he did not even want to assassinate him, so the first anti-virus failure was completely expected, and even several anti-virus failures would not surprise Lin Yuan.

So, after the assassination fails, the next step is to create a Child of Destiny?

What if Child of Destiny also fails?

What will be the next step?

Thinking diverging here, Lin Yuan feels that he is being targeted by the rules again, not because of the reform of the northern border.

After all, I don’t do it in one day or two days. If the rules are dissatisfied, I would have warned myself. Why wait until today?

Or, what happened to this that caused the power of the rule itself to be unable to be repaired, causing the script to deviate from the control, so the rule raised his threat level?

Thinking of this, Lin Yuan felt as if he had caught something!

Lei Qiusheng!

The emperor who seeks to usurp the throne with the help of the Aristocratic Family!

If he hadn’t guessed, the rule would have long been dissatisfied with what he did in the north, and he used Rule Power to fix it continuously. If all goes well, he should be in the next During the war, Lei Qiusheng seized the opportunity, and then a little bit of cannibalization, until the Northern Territory completely failed, Lei Qiusheng completed the unification again, and the script once again returned to the hands of the rules.

But the variable that the rules have to face this time is not the only one!

The existence of those heavenly demons made Lei Qiu, who had been so optimistic by the rules, turned into an elevated puppet emperor. Although he escaped by stealing beams and changing pillars, he slipped to the north with the top secret. Come, even if Lei Qiusheng has more hole cards, as long as he himself is still in Lin Yuan’s hands, he will never be able to overcome the storm!

The question is, is it because Lei Qiusheng himself is determined to prevent the rules from affecting him, or is Lei Qiusheng plot against when all this happened, deliberately defected to the north, and then used the rule to remove Lose Lin Yuan, and then wait for an opportunity to take over the northern territory, and try to recover the God Martial Dynasty’s plan!

No matter what the reason, Lei Qiusheng seems to be terrifying to the extreme!


At the same time.

Lei Qiusheng, who was far away in the northern palace, sneezed two unfathomable mystery.

Then he got up with a face of confusion and closed the window.

This place in the north may be really weird. In the south, some places may have begun to melt snow, but in the north, except for the roads that have been artificially cleared, there are still thick piles in other places. There is thick snow, but I don’t feel the cold when I go out, but the coolness that penetrates in the bones can’t be concealed. Otherwise, how could he be a cultivator in the late Heavenly Dipper Realm? sneeze?

The cultivation base has reached his level. I dare not say that it is invaded by all diseases, but normally it is also lively dragon and animated tiger. The small disease of wind and cold is the same as non-existent for the cultivator.

True! Tuk!

Just when Lei Qiusheng closed the window, the door of the room was knocked suddenly.

Getting up and opening the side, Lei Qiusheng saw a Bright Gown Guard wearing a white Qilin suit standing in front of him, holding a cup one fist in the other hand, and said directly: “Your Majesty , We found Shi Dong’s body, suspected to have been killed by you, please come with us to cooperate with the investigation.”


Lei Qiusheng was confused Looking at the Bright Gown Guard in front of him, he was a little murmured in his heart.

Afraid that this group of people is trying to figure out how to calculate themselves?

Although he had escaped a certain distance before, he did not even cross the Weishui River. He was still taken to the north by Yanxingchi. He was under the supervision of Yanxingchi the whole time. The small Heavenly Dipper Realm cultivator, even in the later days of Heavenly Dipper Realm, facing Yan Xingchi, a big man in the empty world, is there any room for manipulation?



How is it possible!

Not to mention that he didn’t have this opportunity when he was beside Yan Xingchi. Even if he had this opportunity, why did he have to kill?

Also, who is Shi Dong?

This name is a bit unfamiliar…

Seeing that Lei Qiusheng did not move, Bright Gown Guard Qianhu did not have an attack, but his eyes were clearly impatient, and he lowered his voice. Urged: “Your Majesty, please cooperate with us. After all, there is no special reason for killing people in the Northern New Law. Even if there are special reasons, you must perform hard labor. The specific circumstances are still It depends on the severity of the case.”


Lei Qiusheng opened his mouth, and when it came to his lips, he only softly changed into a sentence: “Lead the way.” “

He is not to blame for the existence of Star Sea, he knows exactly what his posture is now, if there is no shelter from the north, he may not survive a day under the hunt of heavenly demon, let alone the other person’s appearance It is true, even if the other party is plotting against himself, he must brace oneself and jump into the pit!

Just after being frustrated, Lei Qiusheng also became interested in the new laws of the north.

Lei Qiusheng has carefully studied the new laws of the Northern Territory, as well as the new policies introduced by Lin Yuan one after another. Although admired, he also knows this thing in his heart. If there is no Aristocratic Family in the world. The power of, even if it is implemented, it will not work, but will make those Aristocratic Family and even Imperial Family clan members dissatisfied with themselves.

The laws of the god Martial Dynasty are much stricter than the new laws of the northern realm, but they have to be described in a sentence from Lin Yuan’s previous life-not a literati!

Those officials, gentry, and Aristocratic Family children enjoy certain privileges. Even if they violate the law, they can also reduce or even directly exempt themselves from their guilt through compensation. As for this compensation, they will not be If you will be taken back by clever takeover, then you will understand what you understand.

But in the north, it is completely different. The simple sentence of “the emperor commits a crime with the common people” is placed here. This courage is something that Lei Qiusheng can’t do. If the other party has the heart to plot against, then it should be He is blind, but if it is not against him, but the fact is, that would be very interesting!

Thinking of this, Lei Qiusheng became more and more interested in the black flood dragon, and even wanted to see Lin Yuan immediately.

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