Among these crazy proposals, there is only one reliable one, which is to use treasure in exchange for power.

After pondering for a moment, Lei Qiusheng held the right hand wrist and pulled out a heavy sword without a sheath.

The sword is one meter long, five fingers wide, and the blade has five sides. It does not look very beautiful, but it has an artistic conception of ingenuity.

As soon as the sword body appeared, the cold was overflowing, and the temperature in the office was lowered by more than ten degrees almost instantly.

“The name of the sword is Wanjing, my favorite tool when I was young, killing more than ten thousand people, not counting demons. With a baleful aura, you can suppress the night.”

Lei Qiusheng single-handed Holding this heavy sword, his face is full of sorrow.

Lin Yuan tilted his head slightly, staring coldly at the heavy sword in Lei Qiusheng’s hand, and the eyes of Heavenly God activated.

Name: Wanjing

Founder: Thunder Kuang

Rating: B+

Feature 1: Blood Fiend

Effect: This sword is a fierce soldier. When you wear this sword, activate the passive skill fierce power (100% shocks the cowardly people, so that they dare not have any hostility towards you)!

Feature 2: Soul-wrapping

Effect: This sword kills countless creatures, and it is extremely heavy under the entanglement of resentment. It is not available for non-divine force. Every time a creature is killed, this The weight of the sword has increased by one catty (currently 3150 catties + 21,098 catties)!

Looking at the introduction given by system, Lin Yuan’s eyelids twitched slightly.

Is this… the emperor of a country?

Even if you are down to this point, it is a good thing to just take out one!

Although this sword is of no use to Lin Yuan, after all, the characteristics of the blood evil spirit overlap with Dragon’s Might, and even the effect is far inferior to the retractable Dragon’s Might, but the soul-wrapping effect It made Lin Yuan’s eyes hot.

No matter where it is, things that can grow are absolutely precious. Based on this feature alone, the B+ score is low, but it is far-fetched to say that it can be evaluated by A-Rank. Exaltation.

Every time a creature is killed, the weight increases by one catty. Now this sword has a net weight of 24,248 catties, which sounds bluffing, but only by looking at the way Lei Qiusheng holds it with one hand, this The weight is not too heavy for the cultivator of Heavenly Martial Continent. If Lin Yuan launches Zhenhai’s tail in the water, it is estimated that there will be a huge force of one million catties. Wan Jing’s sword will not even break his flood dragon scales!

Moreover, this weight is not pure attack power, but the weight of the sword itself. If there is no power to wield the sword, what is the point of heaven falls and earth rends even if a sword is cut?


Lei Qiusheng looked at Lin Yuan in front of him, a pair of slender dashing eyebrows wrinkled slowly.

Two beams of golden thread lit up in the dark pupils, just like the pupils in the pupils. They just looked strange enough. What made Lei Qiusheng even more shocked was that when he looked straight When the two strands of gold thread, there was a feeling of trepidation, like a creeping ant lifting the head, seeing the Spiritual God that dominates everything!

Soon, the gold thread in Lin Yuan’s eyes dimmed until it was completely gone.

At this time, Lin Yuan gently spit out one mouthful of impure air, said solemnly: “It’s a good sword, but this sword can be exchanged for one pen at most.”

After the gold thread disappeared, Lei Qiusheng’s feeling of palpitations disappeared, and he insisted on his spirit and said: “Let’s change it to take a look.”

Although I don’t know what Lin Yuan’s “Yi Shu” means, but With Lin Yuan’s extremely mysterious and abstruse state when he opened his eyes just now, those words that Lei Qiusheng sounded like crazy words before have considerable credibility.

When the words fell, Lei Qiusheng felt that the weight of Wanjing in his hand was light, and immediately, I didn’t know where to blow an evil wind, just lightly brushing the body of Wanjing’s sword, Lei Qiusheng was surviving Without feeling the slightest strangeness, Wan Jing turned into powder and scattered with the wind, and even the powder was invisible in the blink of an eye.

At the same time, Lin Yuan’s brows brightened, and a cyan light flashed out.

Lei Qiusheng just planned to avoid, azure light has already submerged in his eyebrows, the speed is beyond his imagination, almost he just saw azure light out of Lin Yuan’s eyebrows It’s been recruited.

Next moment, Lei Qiusheng opened his eyes abruptly, the light in his eyes flashed away, and he spits out one mouthful of impure air for a long time: “The method of the Dragon King is really unpredictable and mysterious, only this An azure light is worthy of my March penance!”

“Your Majesty is satisfied.”

Lin Yuan slightly nodded, there is no sadness and joy on the face, But my heart was slightly surprised.

Lei Qiusheng’s Wan Jingjian was’traded’ to Lin Yuan, a second-hand dealer. Although there is no proper etiquette and sacrifice, it only makes the feedback of incense less powerful, plus Shang Lei Qiusheng is not his believer. This’reward’ is equivalent to a discount, but Lin Yuan can’t see the slightest disappointment from Lei Qiusheng’s face. On the contrary, he seems to be quite satisfied with the benefits.

Name: Lin Yuan

Title: black liquid Dragon King

Position: Northern Zhengshen

Belonging: God Martial Dynasty —— Northern Territory

Believers: 0

Incense: 2

I glanced at his own incense template, looked at the poor two incense power, Lin Yuan’s eyelids Twitch slightly.

Although he doesn’t know the specific formula of the conversion, and he doesn’t know what the two incense powers can do, but he still cursed the black heart system in his heart.

But just like the bank staff, although the money does not belong to them, it must be passed through. It is true that you don’t know the detailed figures if you don’t look carefully at the money, but from the denomination and thickness Looking at it, I can also know the approximate number.

After Wan Jing used it to worship the sky, Lin Yuan knew that the incense power was at least about 20 o’clock. How much Lei Qiusheng received, he couldn’t see the detailed figures, but he counted on his own. Two points, almost exactly one third, and the remaining 2/3, all were swallowed by the system.

In addition, the Wanjing Sword was not the one that dissipated directly. Lin Yuan clearly saw that a Wanjing sword was refreshed in the war treasure house. The “hosts” selected by other systems are bought. Although there are not many such things, the system does not hide that Lin Yuan is not the only host. There is something good in the war treasure. If Lin Yuan does not have enough wars on hand With points, basically you don’t have to count on it. When he saves enough money, maybe someone will buy it early.

“System, what is this role? Why didn’t I see it when the incense template was just opened? Did you update something behind my back?”

Lin Yuan He looked unmoved, but he asked silently in his heart, revealing a caring look.

Any change about the system is due to Heaven and Earth turning upside down for a host like him. Grabbing some information can further increase his growth rate, or avoid some problems. Necessary loss.

If you don’t understand, just ask, there’s no shame!

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