Name: Lin Yuan

Title: black liquid Dragon King

Position: Northern Zhengshen

Affiliation: God Martial Dynasty-Northland

Believers: 1

Incense: 202067

Glanced at his incense template, Lin Yuan showed a terrified look on his face .

He originally thought that the national fortune of the god Martial Dynasty was already weak, even if it was used by Lei Qiusheng for trading, it would be impossible to bring much incense power, but the fact is that it is like a loud slap in the face. His face.

A full two hundred thousand incense power!

Even if it is a dynasty that is about to fall, it can be exchanged for the power of 200,000 incense!

No, more than!

Because Lei Qiusheng is his believer, after the system takes away 2/3 of it, it will allocate the remaining one third to Lin Yuan for processing, and Lin Yuan will directly give it to himself The believers give back.

So, the dilapidated god Martial Dynasty plus an empty shelf emperor can get 600,000 incense power! ?

“Next, I will inject the portion you deserve into your body in batches, and you must refining in time to avoid being directly killed by too powerful force!”

Lin Yuan glanced at Lei Qiusheng, a flash of excitement flashed in his eyes.

At this moment, the other six dynasties can be regarded as rich and powerful. If they swallow their national fortune, how much benefit will they have?

That’s all inheritance, I don’t know how many years the dynasty!

Lin Yuan’s hands kept forming seals, a streak of golden light flicked out of his eyebrows and plunged directly into Lei Qiusheng’s body. At the same time, Lei Qiusheng’s imposing manner began to climb to Kongming again. Level three!


Lin Yuan slightly startled, obviously I didn’t figure out why the energy needed to upgrade Level 1 in the air and underworld is so terrifying.

The last time Lei Qiusheng traded with him, he used all the treasures he had collected over the years, except for the incense power that was eaten by Heavenly Dao and fed back to Lei Qiusheng, Lin Yuan The net profit was more than 3,000 points, but more than 1,000 of them were given to Lei Qiusheng by Lin Yuan as a welfare gift, so his incense power only had a fraction of 2067.

But that transaction directly caused Lei Qiusheng to rush to the level of the second level of the empty and underworld realm!

This time Lin Yuan gave a total of 6,000 points of feedback, so Lei Qiusheng can only get to Level 1?

Furthermore, the last transaction was treasure. The power of the refined incense was a cyan light, somewhat similar to the curling smoke that would only be produced when Divine Idol was incense, but this time the swallowing national transport company reported back. It is a streak of golden light, unlike the green smoke, it is more like the golden light that escaped from the previous national movement projection when it was bitten.

Lin Yuan silently said in his heart: “system, why the brilliance of the two transactions is different?”

This kind of thing cannot be explained by the difference in quantity, even if it is all It is used to increase cultivation base, but Lin Yuan can clearly feel that the two kinds of brilliance are completely different. Even if the qualitative change caused by the quantitative change, the last transaction is the feedback of thousands of incense power, but it is just azure light. It’s a bit solid and full-bodied that’s all.

[In the last transaction, Lei Qiusheng used a variety of treasures, just like the tribute placed in front of Divine Idol, but this time he used national transportation for the transaction, and the feedback was naturally also angry. Fortune and the like, although both are used by him to increase cultivation base, trading with various weapons and armor-like treasures will improve his physical fitness, and trading with national fortune will increase his own qi. Luck. 】

【The power of incense formed by different sacrifices is the same to you, and they are all numbers on the data panel, but the effect of feedback to the donors is completely different. Similarly, different incense power feedback increases are also different. For these specific formulas, you can refer to the ancient Human Race to sacrifice a bear in exchange for a large increase in fleshly body strength. You still need to explore more. ]

[For example, Lei Qiusheng directly exchanges national transport for the cultivation base. Although it has no effect on us, it is simply a reckless waste of natural resources for him. If the same effort is focused on improving Qi The power of luck can’t be said to be comparable to the protagonists in your previous life novels, but it should be comparable to the main supporting role. Most things can turn into good fortune, and occasionally you can get some good opportunities. 】

For things like the power of harvesting incense, the system obviously has a completely different attitude, not to mention that it is necessary to answer questions, but it will not be easy to say a few words to deal with Lin Yuan.

Probably because most of the other functions are for the convenience of Lin Yuan, and while Lin Yuan gains the power of incense, it can also get a lot of benefits.

“Improve Qi Luck? Do you still have this ability?”

Lin Yuan was silent for a moment, or silently complained.

Although there is Mo Yuan’s secret technique, System can’t actively spy on his heart, but it’s okay for him to talk to System in this way.

【Don’t you know what kind of existence I am? 】

System showed a line of words. Compared with the previous ink-like words, the words appeared by system this time flashed with golden glow, as if to show their noble status.

Lin Yuan:……

I always think this thing is a bit shameless.

[If I can’t improve my luck, why do you think you will turn a good luck every time, and even the ancient Demon Court that was pulled out casually will be treated as a real thing by those top cultivations? 】

【It’s just a great loss for me to forcibly improve my luck for a creature. Let me give you an example. Lei Qiusheng sacrificed to me this time even if the power of national luck is not deducted Drop the part in your hands, not equal to me, invest too much in you! ]

[Moreover, except for beings like you who are selected by me, I will not casually improve other creatures’ luck. Lei Qiusheng is a monarch of a country and is willing to use national fortune. In trading, I am definitely more profitable than him in this way of exchange. Only by maintaining a balance of payments can we maintain the current situation to create a better situation, so you’d better put away those ideas that shouldn’t exist. ]

[It’s still the old saying, you have to be measured in your dreams! 】

Although Lin Yuan scolded system shameless and didn’t let it hear, after all, he has been with Lin Yuan for almost two years. System has a very thorough understanding of Lin Yuan’s virtues. Suddenly, Lin Yuan In the moment of silence, he continued to argue for himself with words, even Lin Yuan’s bold thoughts that had just flashed by!

“Come on, I see.”

Lin Yuan said another silently, and then further increased the incense power instilling Lei Qiusheng.

The power of the incense on the panel kept beating, and when it dropped from 200,000 to 50,000, Lin Yuan stopped giving feedback to Lei Qiusheng.

Anyway, the power of incense is in his hands, as long as he doesn’t deduct it too much, there is no problem.

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