Zhao Xiang did say hello, but he didn’t care if the other party could accept the greeting!

Lin Yuan doesn’t know whether Zhao Xiang deliberately or overestimated his strength, but from the injury of the puppet’s body, he can feel the strong malice from Zhao Xiang.

This arrow, even if he didn’t want to kill himself, he probably wanted to abolish one of his hands.

After all, I used to force Ning Tiansheng to surrender and return to the ship one-on-one in the field where Ning Tiansheng is good at. As the current marshal of the Yum Army, Zhao Xiang naturally does not want an ambitious northern border to appear. It threatened the existence of Ning Tiansheng, because in that way, the proud navy masters of the Qingjiang Dynasty could be crushed by the North at any time. What about protecting the land?

If it is a courtier of another dynasty or scattered people from the rivers and lakes, Zhao Xiang may still hand out his olive branch, but he knows that the other party is from the northern part of the hidden land of peace and prosperity. When he hadn’t used any power for two years, he knew that the weak Qingjiang Dynasty within the seven dynasties was absolutely impossible to have any attraction to it.

“Then… I will give it back to you.”

Lin Yuan’s dark eyes flashed with brilliance, his figure rushed forward, and he jumped up from the flat boat. Take the initiative to meet the arrow.

The hands showed a very strange posture, the movements were almost slow to the extreme, but they seemed to be deducing some kind of truth, but that one was countless times faster than Lin Yuan’s movements The arrow, however, kept spinning and struggling between Lin Yuan’s hands, and kept spinning around the suspended Lin Yuan.

Tai Chi·Landing Bird’s Tail!

Although the martial arts practiced hard in the previous life are displayed in the posture of an ordinary person, it is only a form of fitness Body Refinement, but the artistic conception of Tai Chi is the highest kind of martial arts that Lin Yuan knows. Whether it is the mood of playing fast, slowing, and breaking the skill with force, compared with four or two, it is obviously not a little bit!

This style of boxing is displayed by the extraordinary interest of the cultivator, and the formidable power that can be exerted is by no means imaginable by ordinary people.

If you have to divide according to the rating of Heavenly Martial Continent, Primal Chaos Fist definitely belongs to the existence of Earth Grade or Heaven Grade, and it is still the kind of horror of being weak and not weak, but stronger when it is strong. Martial arts!

In the absence of an absolute power gap between the two sides, Lin Yuan could not think of anything that Tai Chi couldn’t handle. The experience gained over ten years in the previous life combined with the extraordinary qualities of puppet’s body is even more so. The formidable power of Tai Chi bursts vividly and thoroughly, but the right hand is still a bit unnatural, so this style is not beautiful that’s all.

The arrow revolved around Lin Yuan four times, like a tamed wild beast, buzzing to express the meaning of acknowledge allegiance, which was slowly launched by Lin Yuan’s Tai Chi gesture style. Suddenly, he burst out at a speed that was even more terrifying than before, and went straight to Zhao Xiang, who opened his bow at the bow of the ship.


The corners of Zhao Xiang’s mouth twitched slightly, the full-stringed bow suddenly loosened, the third arrow came out of the string, and the target was no longer Lin Yuan , But the second arrow that flew back.

The two arrows collided in midair, as if two peerless powerhouses were attacking with all their strength on the Weishui. The arrows of normal material exploded into powder and dissipated in an instant, and the aftermath of the explosion moved towards all The directions swung away, and both sides were affected at the same time, but Lin Yuan was only pushed back onto his boat by this shock wave, and after three steps, each step fell, and the river surface all around was turbulent, just like There are mines bursting underwater, and muffled sounds continue to be heard.

On the other hand, Zhao Xiang’s situation is obviously not as ideal as Lin Yuan. Zhao Xiang, who opened his bow, remained unmoved. When the strong shock wave hit, his complexion sank and he made a stable Steadily steadily stabilized his figure and the ship on which he was.

But the other boats are not so lucky. They are all pushed back by this terrifying shock wave. The Yumong army along the boat falls into the Weishui River one by one like dumplings. In the middle of the world, they were caught in the rolling river before they even called for help. Those Yum! who had managed to survive the shock wave even had no time to count their losses, so they yelled and put down the lifeboat and rowed the boat to rescue those who fell into the water. Paoze went.

When all the tumultuous jumps finally subsided, someone exclaimed, expressing disbelief at what had just happened.

The iron cables connecting the boats and rivers seem to be unable to support the powerful impact, and they broke almost instantaneously. The boats that lost the iron cable connection were also pushed back by the impact. Except for the one that Zhao Xiang was in, the rest of the boats all retreated a full 100 meters back!

If you compare it, it is undoubtedly that Zhao Xiang forced Lin Yuan back with a single arrow, which is even more exaggerated.

But from the actual effect, compared with hundreds of buildings, a flat boat is obvious at a glance!

Especially the building where Zhao Xiang is located, standing still on the spot, it is in sharp contrast with the other retreating buildings, and it makes many soldiers of the Yum Army feel a bit on their faces. Hot and hot.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that in the previous battle, it was obviously the evil youth from the background who won!

“the younger generations will surpass us in time!”

Standing at the bow of the ship, Zhao Xiang put away his posture, his face was gloomy, and he spit out one word after another. With a big wave of his hand, without watching Lin Yuan’s next move, he walked straight to the cabin of the ship. When there was no one around, Zhao Xiang’s face turned pale, opened his mouth and spit out black blood, and his figure was shaking. Two hits, as if they would fall down at any time.

In the previous round of confrontation, it was indeed him who lost, but he did not lose in strength, but in a hasty shot and suffered a boring loss!

Ding Fengbo is not a game of two-point force, seven-point force, and very strong force at all. It is similar to the method of stacking forces of riders. One arrow is more stable and powerful than one arrow. The third arrow is already It’s an arrow far beyond his strength, just want to shoot this arrow, you must have enough time to accumulate energy!

Unexpectedly, Lin Yuan was not pushed back by the second arrow again. Instead, he shot the second arrow back in a wicked way, which forced him to hurriedly shoot the third arrow. , At the moment he let go, he was hit hard by the backlash of the secret technique. If it weren’t for a cultivation base, he might not even be able to support it, and he would fall to the ground on the spot, and he would have to cultivate for a long time.

But the situation is urgent, so naturally it’s not that he won’t make a move unless he thinks about it!

Others don’t know how terrifying his second arrow shot with all his strength, how can he not know?

If you leave it alone, the ship is afraid that it will collapse instantly, and the people on the ship will never survive a second person besides yourself!

So he had to fight backlash, even if he was injured!

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