It’s just that the ancient Demon Court has been dead for many years after all. Even if there are still surviving existences, they are only Outer Members of the year, or similar to those in the Guardian who got the Demon Court. cultivator inheritance of cultivator that’s all.

Whether it is a human or a demonic beast, there is only one attitude towards the ancient Demon Court, which was so prosperous that year-keep it quiet!

What happened that year may not even be clear to the old monsters who have survived from that era to the present, otherwise they may not be able to live to the present. Naturally, the major event that happened in the past is gradually forgotten. Even the ancient Demon Court began to be forgotten.

The survivors of that year also began to form their own forces. After a long period of development and reproduction, some were cut off, some were strong, and the powerhouses of the older generation were hidden from the world. New Generation I have formed my own social circle again. I really want to speak of which. Today’s cultivation forces are actually survivors from the ancient Demon Court, but they have split into different forces. No one can claim to be a descendant of the ancient Demon Court.

Until…Lin Yuan, this kind of alien appeared.

Many old monsters lurking in the depths of the world are only horrifying discoveries-the ancient Demon Court may never die!

However, even if the ancient Demon Court still exists, not many cultivators will take them seriously. After so many years of isolation from the world, even if it was a fierce tiger in the past, now it’s not even the bones that should be rotten. Up.

In fact, this is indeed the case, because in the ancient Demon Court, there is only one Lin Yuan from unknown origin. This Demon Court spokesperson is now no more than the cultivation base of the mountain host, and it is not considered in the duny world. Peak powerhouse, let alone in the eyes of those Guardians of Heaven?

The decline of Demon Court is obviously an indisputable fact.

That’s why Four Seas Dragon Palace set up some tricks, trying to force Lin Yuan’s hole cards, or the Demon Court boss hidden behind Lin Yuan.

But Lin Yuan only shot and killed a crab, and walked into the Dragon Palace in a big way. Those methods that were prepared in the morning were taken out individually with a demonic beast that could kill the same order in seconds. The other party’s skeleton doesn’t exist, hu hu, the only result is that the mainstays who are loyal to the Dragon Palace will continue to die, until the Dragon Palace feels distressed, and kill them until the Dragon Palace takes the initiative to withdraw them.

Because of this consideration, Long Talent removed all the arrangements and chose to face Lin Yuan directly.

But now, it still doesn’t get any benefit from Lin Yuan. Not only has it damaged a Supreme Treasure, but it hasn’t even pried any valuable information out of Lin Yuan’s mouth.

But if there is no gain at all, it is obviously not enough.

At least it can react with a few dragon ancestors, Lin Yuan is really the spokesperson of the ancient Demon Court.

Because the great horror between life and death is obviously not something that any cat or any dog ​​can make it feel. If the other party wants to destroy the West Sea Dragon Palace, it will only be a matter of thought, unless a few If the dragon ancestor takes the shot, otherwise there will be no battle.

Such a threat certainly does not come from a flood dragon in the main realm of the mountain, so there is only one possibility-Lin Yuan is not alone in going south this time, there is at least one lurking beside him The powerhouse of the ancient Demon Court!

When the dragon man was in surprise, his face did not hide at all. Lin Yuan could see through what he was thinking at a glance.

But this is also normal. Backed by a top power such as Four Seas Dragon Palace, there are several True Dragons supporting it, and there is also the kind of treasure that can make the recruits involuntarily tell the truth. No matter what identity the dragon man is in front of him, he can be sure that this guy belongs to a rich flower that has never experienced wind and rain.

Maybe it has a lot of experience, and its cultivation base is not low, but it does not mean that it is superior.

After all, the growth of any creature is based on some kind of painful lesson, and such a lesson is obviously impossible to appear on the top of such a top power. After all, other top powers will not be fed up. Those who want to fight with Four Seas Dragon Palace, and those who covet the Four Seas Dragon Palace’s level of existence are not enough to threaten them.

Such an environment has undoubtedly formed a pathological cycle. Unless one day the four Sea Dragon Races fall to the ground, or the chaos of the world can even threaten the existence of Dragon Race, these Dragon Race members will only pay a heavy price. , A group of unique existences were quickly born.

What if such a character cannot be born?

The four Sea Dragon Races will be annihilated!

A rich flower and an unorthodox like Lin Yuan are obviously not at the same level, at least in terms of acting.

Lin Yuan can see what he is thinking from the other person’s expressions, eyes, tone, and small movements, and infer whether a certain sentence of his own has affected this dragon man, who is not low in realm. But on the contrary, the dragon can only see indifferent or joking from Lin Yuan’s face, and there are no factors that will expose Lin Yuan’s true psychological activities.


The dragon man put out a breath deeply, his eyes were lingering, said solemnly: “The black flood dragon, I have to say, we underestimated the ancient Demon Court, but this does not mean that Four Seas Dragon Palace is really afraid of the ancient Demon Court. No matter how much terrifying existence is hidden behind you, they are actually shameless characters, otherwise they would have jumped out. Heavenly Martial Continent has no heaven. A chance for the Guardian to dominate?”

When talking about this, Lin Yuan showed a surprised and solemn expression quite cooperatively.

Ancient Demon Court?

What does the ancient Demon Court have to do with him?

A group of fugitives from the Great Desolate World may seem powerful to the natives of Heavenly Martial Continent, but in Lin Yuan’s eyes, they are just a group of cowards who can’t make it into the climate, that’s all, even if A bit of a small trick, but also impossible to fight Hongjun, as long as there can be one or two people who are qualified to carry the flag, Heavenly Martial Continent is still under the rule of Demon Court.

But actually?

As soon as Hongjun’s vanguard arrived, the ancient Demon Court quickly perished, walked away dead, and disappeared completely.

The natives of Heavenly Martial Continent are able to hold the offensive of Hongjun’s claws. Can they be given a cultivation method so that all natives can’t hold the breathless ancient Demon Court?

It’s not that they can’t hold it, they are broken by Hongjun, and they no longer have the courage to face Hongjun directly.

So, for Lin Yuan, a group of cowards is a tiger skin at the right time, frightening the aboriginal forces of Heavenly Martial Continent, and when it is inappropriate, the big guys of the ancient Demon Court will even come back. Now, you have to crouch, stand obediently and watch his performance, and you will never have the opportunity to dictate.

If he couldn’t even deal with the defeated man who was beaten by Hongjun as a bereaved dog, what else would he talk about facing Hongjun?

Seeing Lin Yuan’s face, the dragon man thought he had grasped Lin Yuan’s seven inches, said with a slight smile: “However, Four Seas Dragon Palace was born in the ancient Demon Court. I still admit it. In a sense, we are relatives, aren’t we?”

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