It’s night.

Nielong Pond.

Lin Yuan wore the black robe he came with, with a pair of metal shackles on both hands, and followed a Dragon Race member at his footsteps. His dark eyes glanced around, as if he was imprisoned by the “evil dragon”. The prison is very interested.

Seabed has many prisons for imprisoning evil dragons. It is said that Ancient Times’ evil dragons were directly nailed into the deep sea by the dragon king with special metal pillars and then ignored, regardless of the evil dragons being squeezed by the deep water. Whether to die or starve to death is not a question that Dragon Palace needs to consider.

But with the passage of time, the older rules can no longer constrain New Generation’s Dragon Race. In other words, continuing to obey those dogmas will only make Dragon Race’s survival more and more difficult. , Eventually perished in self-proclaimed self-styled, so today’s Dragon Race actually does not have too many rules, as long as you act steadily, don’t do things that make Heavenly Martial Continent other forces consider Dragon Race as an enemy.

It stands to reason that what West Sea Dragon Palace did to Lin Yuan is also a foul, but Lin Yuan has dragon blood in his body after all, and the Northern Territory is also a potential enemy of all forces on the Heavenly Martial Continent. Conflict with the Northern Territory will not make the Four Sea Dragon Race feel embarrassed, because the Northern Territory has not yet threatened the survival of the Four Sea Dragon Race.

However, although there is no constraint of outdated dogma, the number of evil dragons imprisoned in seabed prison has not been reduced.

Like West Sea Dragon Palace’s attitude towards Lin Yuan, these bloodlines are tyrannical and the Dragon Races who are born with great strength are actually extremely proud.

They never put any forces or individuals in their eyes. If the number of pure blood Dragon Races were not too scarce, they might have ruled Heavenly Martial Continent long ago, except for a few extremely enchanting aliens. With the same number, no creature can compete with Dragon Race.

The arrogant Dragon Race will naturally offend many people, so this type of Dragon Race members will also be classified as evil dragons, and then they will be imprisoned in the seabed prison to calm the anger of those great characters. The death penalty is not enough, because seabed prisons are divided by individual strength and are built in different depths of the Sea Territory. The guards have different cultivation bases, but they provide all the needs of life. In addition to the restrictions on freedom, the living conditions here are It can be regarded as a vacation.

In addition to the evil dragon, the seabed prison will also imprison some special’talents’, most of which are marine demonic beasts, or existences like Lin Yuan that can enter the deep sea.

Four Seas Dragon Palace’s attitude towards these’talents’ is pretty good, because they are eager for these existences to serve the Dragon Palace, or get some information from them, so they will not be too harsh.

Lin Yuan, including Lin Yuan, was not subjected to any severe torture, except that some of the items he carried with him were confiscated, but those are just toys for Lin Yuan to pass the time at sea, which is really important. Things, such as imperial animal sacs, were all swallowed by the puppet. There was no digestive organ. The hollow body of the puppet was just suitable for storing items.

“You just live here, don’t cause trouble, the above requirements just don’t let you die here, so if there are other evil dragons to teach you this alien guy, before it really threatens your life , We won’t intervene.”

The warden of this seabed prison brought Lin Yuan over. A body similar to a human, but with a shark head, and blue skin underneath are clumps. The muscle is still unable to sense the cultivation base, it can be seen that it is above the Desolate Demon Realm.

Lin Yuan curl one’s lip, glanced at the inside of the jail that was pushed aside.

The environment is not bad. The single room should be the special care of West Sea Dragon Palace for this terrestrial creature. There is a special array that wraps the space inside the room, so there is no seawater intrusion, beds, wardrobes, and desks. Such furniture is readily available.

Walking into his cell in silence, Lin Yuan arbitrarily pulled a chair and sat down, the warden outside slammed the door of the room heavily, and then led a group of men. Leaving here quickly.

“This group of ocean demonic beasts seems to have a lot of coveting for the land.”

Lin Yuan’s dark eyes flashed a playful look.

The oceanic demonic beast is completely different from what she had previously imagined. Almost all the dragon palace species have the ability to move on land. Just like the warden, the body is a shark, but she doesn’t know. What method was used to create a human-like body, if you ignore its shark head and blue skin, it would be like a human robust man more than two meters tall.

There are also existences such as bartenders, dragon men, crabs, and octopus heads, all of which are humanoid bodies. Even if the creatures are specially made, they also keep people standing up and wearing various clothes. Existence, even if there is no ocean, they can move freely on land. Obviously, their coveting for Qingjiang Dynasty…no, for the entire Heavenly Martial Continent, it is not a day or two.

this World,

Far more interesting than Lin Yuan imagined.

The seven dynasties are located under the Guardian of Tianmen, but each has its own plot against. Whether it is with the demonic beast or the monster outside the Tianmen like Lei Qiusheng, they are all highlighting one thing -Ambition!

This is not good news, because the lower-level forces suppressed by the Guardian parties in Tianmen have bred ambitions, which means that the situation at Tianmen is far worse than Lin Yuan imagined, even It can be said that they don’t have much energy anymore and can intervene in the power operation and change on the continent.

Perhaps Tianmen Guardian threw all the problems of heavenly demon to Lin Yuan, not just out of malice?

It is also possible that they really can’t mobilize staff to do this.

Although the Heavenly Gate Guardians can detect the existence of heavenly demon, Heavenly Martial Continent is so vast. If the heavenly demon insists on hiding it, even the Heavenly Gate Guardians can only use inefficient methods to investigate it slowly. , This is a long time, obviously not they can bear.

A place like the battlefield is not a joke, a slight deviation will cost countless people’s lives.

Besides Heavenly Martial Continent, there is also the existence of Four Seas Dragon Palace, which is coveted for resources on the continent or something else.

Perhaps in the eyes of the ordinary person, this World is still a peaceful scene of prosperity. At least the ordinary persons of the other six dynasties think so, but in fact, there are countless threats. It has surrounded this continent, and the crisis that is enough to destroy the world is also growing day after day. If this continues, the world of Heavenly Martial Continent will usher in a major reshuffle, and the final winner will be-Hong Jun!

Lin Yuan, the seed chosen by Heavenly Dao, will also enter an extremely dangerous situation!

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