The demonic beast of the starfish and the crab will catch each other and kill each other.

From the very beginning of the starfish demonic beast, one trick to kill the crab will begin, and then the two tricks and three tricks…

The starfish demonic beast is getting stronger and weaker, but the crab Jiang’s recovery ability still has no tendency to weaken at all. Although every time he is splashed by the black liquid of the hammer, a new crab will be regrouped in the blink of an eye and will attack the starfish demonic beast.

If it weren’t for the crab, it would actually hurt itself, the starfish demonic beast would even think that everything in front of him was an illusion.

Everything in the world needs to pay a price. A powerful blow of the cultivator requires a huge True Qi as support. The demonic beast requires a lot of physical energy to run in the mountains and forests, and the regenerative ability is the same. A lot of energy needs to be paid, no energy is unlimited, even the sun will eventually go out.

With the massive consumption of energy in the body, the regenerative capacity will gradually weaken, just like a starfish demonic beast, from the very beginning to heal the wounds on the body in the blink of an eye, and it may take four or five breaths now. Healing a knife wound is a normal state, because the demon power in its body is indeed not much.

But the generals obviously violated this law.

The starfish demonic beast I don’t even remember how many times I have hammered the crab, but this battle continues until now, and the crab has died in its hands two or three hundred times, but The ability to regenerate has not weakened at all!

This is the regenerative ability that Sea stars all envy!

At the same time, it is absolutely impossible to regenerate!

In the end, the sea star’s demonic beast was nailed to the ground by a crab. This injury is not fatal to it, but it can be firmly fixed in a short period of time, because it I don’t even have the strength to stand up, let alone squeeze out the black blade through muscle repulsion, and now it is a luxury to raise my hand.

The crab moved the step by step closer to the starfish demonic beast, and then his body collapsed and turned into a black liquid surging on the ground, instantly covering the starfish demonic beast lying on the ground, accompanied by a while With the sour rubbing sound, the black liquid regrouped, more than doubled in size, and was lifted and held by Lin Yuan, who was walking forward, and slowly disappeared into Lin Yuan’s right hand.

The demonic beast that was originally lying on the ground is also completely disappeared.

All around are sticky white liquid.

That is the blood of the starfish.

It seems that only these liquids can prove that the starfish demonic beast has indeed been here!

At the same time.

The warden who watched Lin Yuan from afar put his hands around his chest, turned his head to look at the dark-skinned fish head man next to him, and said: “See clearly? Can you be sure that the crab monster suddenly appeared and disappeared? Is it really that son of that person?”

The fish head man’s face was nodded, said solemnly: “Look clearly, the facial features, body shape, and weapons used are exactly the same, but that person is a red crab. One family, so the skin is unlikely to be black. I think the change in skin color may be the key to the black flood dragon’s control of it.”

“Then it may not be? Observe for a while, don’t tell. That one.”

“If it knows that its most beloved son is controlled by a black flood dragon, it is estimated that no one can persuade it. It must come and tear Lin Yuan.”

When’that one’ was mentioned, the warden’s burly body trembled slightly, as if he was extremely frightened.

The fish head man is also nodded, said solemnly: “If it is really that one’s heir, then the problem is big.”

The voice fell, the warden and the fish head man were silent. Down.

Although they don’t know whether the crab will be alive or dead, judging from the battle between the starfish demonic beast and the crab, it is unlikely that the crab will be alive.

The most beloved young son is currently only missing. If he changes to death and is controlled by the black flood dragon, he will continue to resurrect even if he is dead. Once he is reported to the black flood dragon, he will fight for the status of the black flood dragon. Dragon Palace, the one who is afraid that it will explode in an instant, when the time comes from the top of West Sea Dragon Palace, they may not be able to keep the black flood dragon!

Lin Yuan, who turned and walked towards his cell, had naturally noticed the warden and the fish head who were secretly spying on him, and he was listening to their conversation when the eyes of Heavenly God were opened.

When they were silent, Lin Yuan curled one’s lip, and a touch of horror passed in his eyes.

When he did it before, he noticed that there were Dragon Clan Bloodlines in the crab, but Lin Yuan didn’t take it seriously because there are too many Sea Territory Dragon Clan Bloodlines.

For a race like the Dragon Race that has no reproductive isolation and can produce offspring from anything, let alone crabs, even the kind of monsters in the Cthulhu divine system will not let Lin Yuan was surprised.

But now it seems that it is not the case.

There seems to be an extremely powerful and short-term protection among the parents of this crab general!

Outside the Water Crystal Palace, he disappeared without a trace, making the crab’disappear’ under the eyes of everyone. This pot must not be thrown out, but West Sea Dragon Palace’s statement about the crab’s parents should He was still missing instead of dying, and temporarily comforted the other party, but now listening to their conversation, once let the other party know about the death of the crab, you must chase him to the seabed prison and tear him alive!

“This is very interesting.”

The corners of Lin Yuan’s mouth moved towards cracks on both sides, and a bright glow flashed through the pitch black within both eyes.

If he leaks some valuable information to West Sea Dragon Palace, West Sea Dragon Palace will find a way to save him, and at this time, if the crab is going to cause trouble, it is very likely to cause the other party Parents’ attention, when the time comes, when the two parties disagree, they will fight directly. This seabed prison will inevitably be broken. When the time comes, the prisoners must fight for freedom. Maybe they can get out of chaos?

Although it is dangerous.

But there is no Lin Yuan from the ancient Demon Court behind him, so he can only make this choice.

West Sea Dragon Palace can’t get any benefits from him, it is absolutely impossible to let him go!

If you want to be free, I’m afraid this is the only way.

As for how the situation of the crab will be leaked out?

Then you have to see if another group of demonic beasts monitoring him can understand his follow-up actions.

West Sea Dragon Palace may try to help him hide the situation of the crabs and appease each other’s parents, but the evil dragon side obviously will not act in accordance with the wishes of West Sea Dragon Palace.

The first evil dragons who escaped the seabed prison may be the ones nailed into the seabed by the metal pillars. They were able to get out of the trap after being strong, but afterwards, as the seabed prison system became more and more perfect, it was obvious that they wanted to get out. It’s impossible, because the evil dragons are left in Haiti to die, and the powerhouse is sent to watch these evil dragons. The treatment between the two parties is different, and the difficulty of escape is completely different!

So the Nielong who escaped from seabed prison these years is absolutely impossible to rely on.

The identity of the demonic beast that the other group monitors is naturally ready to come out!

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