After watching this scene of illusion, Lin Yuan’s face gradually became serious.

He was not surprised by the absurd pictures.

I simply feel that if the times continue to develop, my own regime, which is close to the previous life but has compromised with feudalism, will usher in such a demise, which is a normal development.

If he hadn’t deformed into a monster, Lin Yuan didn’t even think these illusions were so unacceptable.

“Sure enough, I was still recruited.”

In the fantasy, the monster-like Lin Yuan muttered to himself.

The mental influence of the deformer still infected him. When he was unconsciously, he even concealed the system, which directly affected his divine sense, resulting in a series of subsequent dialogues that tempted him to fall.


next moment, the picture is cracked, and the monster-like Lin Yuan bursts suddenly, turning into flesh and blood rain of all split up and in pieces.

In the dark, Lin Yuan’s indifferent voice sounded: “Although I don’t know how long I will be imprisoned, but this beam, even if we are settled, the old ruler, right, I will Let you completely disappear from All Heavens and Myriad Realms!”

“Just a wisp of Divine Sense?”

“How is this possible!”

With As Lin Yuan self-destructed in the illusion, his strange eyes let out a sound of wonder.

Even the True Dragon it is infected with corruption does not have such a terrifying spirit strength, so it will take action without the slightest hesitation, trying to destroy Lin Yuan from the root, which opens the curtain of a new era. The navigator of, strangles the coming new era in the cradle, and then becomes the existence that replaces Lin Yuan, regaining everything that belonged to the old ruler!

But with Lin Yuan’s self-destruction, it realized that it was only a wisp of Divine Sense that it was infected and corrupted.

This beam is really big!

Ripples appeared in the sky, and the huge eyes slowly disappeared.

After a while, a golden glow flickered, and a huge ball of light appeared where Lin Yuan was before, watching the disappearance of those huge eyeballs indifferently, just staring at each other with a glimpse. Panic and panic passed by the huge eyeballs.

It’s something without a body, it’s not a creature, it’s not a Spiritual Body, it doesn’t even have a definite attribution, but the milk-white ball of light is like everything between Heaven and Earth, no matter what you look at When it comes to it, you will feel that it is its own kind, and you will feel the unstoppable terrifying aura from it!

For such an existence, maybe it’s just a face-to-face, and it will be completely gone!

“I initiated a comprehensive mission in the name of Heavenly Dao.”

“From this moment on, the host in All Heavens and Myriad Realms triggers a mandatory mission—to eliminate the old dominance Those!”

“Mission Phase One: kick off the prelude to a new era!”

“There were 9,318 participants in the task, and the progress of the phase one task was 100% Seven!”

“After the task progress reaches 100%, start the next phase of the task!”

“Task time limit: three months!”

“Task completed Reward: great realm upgrade First Rank, one super-level cultivation technique, incense power of 200 million!”

“Mission failure penalty: for those who do not meet the target, the system is fully unbound, depriving all system skills and templates! “

The old ruler who has just left has undoubtedly touched the system’s reverse scale, although it did not covet the power of the system.

But it actually tried to infect Lin Yuan’s body under the supervision of the system, transform Lin Yuan into a carrier of its will, and become a generational player for it to walk in the world. This kind of bright pry The corner behavior was originally impossible to happen, but Lin Yuan’s spirit and heartfelt now can completely avoid communicating with it, so the thing just took advantage of that’s all.

If you change to another host, immediately after the invaders of the old ruler invade, the system has already taken countermeasures.

But with Lin Yuan’s particularity, it was after Lin Yuan’s self-destruct divine sense that the system discovered the abnormality and started the work of abnormality investigation. This was the result of this hidden in the void. The old master among them!

system rarely takes the initiative to release tasks, or in other words, after selecting the host, it will arrange a detailed growth plan to help the host stand at the top of a world at the fastest speed, even It is not the top, and it cannot be the bottom of the food chain. At this point, the system will decide whether to continue stocking according to the performance of the host in the Early-Stage growth plan, or to arrange a safer and more efficient mission plan.

As for the tasks that all hosts can receive, that is just an idea. After all, the growth progress of each world’s host is biased due to the difference of each world and the influence of the host’s own aptitude and personality.

Like Lin Yuan, a heterogeneous species, in the host selected by system, Lin Yuan’s growth rate is absolutely slow. At present, it can only get short-term peace through the way of raging tiger skins, but it’s true. Starting with his hands, Lin Yuan is still the ant that’s all that the natives of this World can directly pinch to death.

Lin Yuan, a different kind, is the most promising one to defeat Hongjun in the observation of system.

Even Lin Yuan’s slow growth rate is because he can suppress his own improvement, and he is unwilling to let himself become a puppet that is firmly grasped by the system. Until today, the two sides have maintained a cooperative relationship. The relationship between the non-controller and the puppet.

Even if the system issues mandatory tasks, Lin Yuan has the capital to directly refuse.

Because even if the system is unbundled, he is sure to rely on himself to break through the Tianwu world, and just like Lin Yuan thinks, he knows how the host selected by the system will grow, so he explained to Lin Yuan After binding, this world with a high military force limit must be abandoned before Lin Yuan is completely dead, otherwise a new host will appear and Lin Yuan will have the ability to obliterate one!

At the same time seeing this mandatory task, almost all the hosts were frightened.

The rewards given by system are quite generous, even the rewards of stage one are enough to make many hosts soar into the sky.

Only following the route planned by the system and step by step, they are actually just powerful individuals. Even if they cultivate their own forces, their strength and influence are only average, and their footing can only be barely guaranteed. , Even more how is a new era?

The lack of ability is still on the one hand, and more, there is no idea at all.

A feudal world can be changed according to Lin Yuan previous life memory.

But what if the world you are in is the same world as Lin Yuan’s previous life?

This time mission is destined for a large number of hosts to rise in the wind, and it is also doomed that a large number of hosts will lose the help of system and become ordinary creatures, and will even die in the long river of time!

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