At the same time.

North, Zhenbei Army Barracks.

Li Zhong sits in the handsome tent, and on the left are the powerful figures in the Northern Intelligence System such as Luo Xu, Ye Bailin, and Zhang Xiuzhu. The last seats are some officials of the Northern Aristocratic Family and the Northern Territory. The chief Chief-In-Charge of the Chamber of Commerce, all received Li Zhongzhao’s letter, put down all the work at hand, and rushed to the Zhenbei Army barracks all the way.

The right hand sits next to the leaders of the northern military forces such as Qin Yu, Zhao Guangchong, Gaozheng, Men Du, etc. The last seat is the general who has just been promoted by the Zhenbei Army, in addition to still commanding construction Apart from the’Great Wall Project’ and Li Zhongsheng who was fighting against the Shuangjian Barbarian Cavalry, almost all the generals in the north gathered together.

“To call you all over today, there are mainly two things.”

Li Zhong slowly raised a finger and said calmly: “First of all, the dragon Lord Wang is in endless The sea is in distress. According to the information from the Ministry of Industry, the dragon Lord Wang may not be able to get out of the trap in a short time. Therefore, this Li will be responsible for all matters in the Northern Territory during this period. The shame is in front. I advise everyone obediently and honestly, Don’t move your mind.”

As the voice fell, the expressions of everyone present changed slightly.

It’s hard to say what’s going on with Lin Yuan, but now that Li Zhong has said this remark, he may have been fully prepared secretly, once the disobedient existence begins to Stir, maybe Li Zhong has already hit the door before he can fight.

Although the faces of the people who saw all around changed a lot, no one stood up to refute. Li Zhong’s mouth curled up slightly, a flash of smile passed across his face, and then he continued: ” The second thing is that some time ago, we caught a batch of special Undeads from an operation to wipe out the Fubei Association.”


Luo Xu tilted his head, and a look of doubt passed in his eyes.

Some time ago, Heavenly Demon used immortal medicine to make the North Territory a mess. Even his biggest competitor, Shi Dong, died because of immortal medicine, but since then, Heavenly Demon’s power in the North Territory has After being wounded one after another, they could only curl up in the Breaking Horizon Mountain Range struggling on whilst at death’s door, and could no longer pose a threat to the north.

In addition to the preparations for war in the Northern Territory during this period, apart from occasional small frictions with the Heavenly Demon Army regiment and the Frost Jian Barbarians, the main battle was with the Fubei Association.

Suddenly hearing the title’Undead’, Luo Xu was subconsciously frowned.

“Door Luo do not need to be nervous, the Undead mentioned here is not the Undead made by heavenly demon, but some monsters that have a human appearance but can’t kill them anyway.”

Li Zhong cleared his throat and said with a facial expression grave: “According to the information in my hand, when these Undeads were arrested, they had already been killed more than ten times during the Qing and Restoration of the North Association. After one death, they can all come back to life quickly, even if they are smashed into pieces, they will not die, but will grow into a complete body again from one of the pieces of meat.”

The voice fell. Almost all of the existence of the northern military commander system change color.

As beings galloping on the battlefield, they have never been afraid of powerful enemies, but facing something disgusting enough, even they have to a strategic withdrawal. For example, this kind of unkillable thing is one of them. !

Regardless of the strength of these Undeads, as long as they can’t kill each other, they can only bypass them.

Not every soldier has a big heart of thousands hammers, hundred refinements, they can accept things have their limits.

Once you encounter such an unkillable monster, morale will soon collapse, and what will happen when the time comes is completely unpredictable.

“In order to deal with Undead, I have tried many methods. In addition to physical methods such as knives, axes, and arrows, I also invited some Heavenly Dipper Realm cultivators to impose on it. Various spells strike, but the result…Even if they burn to ashes this kind of Undead, they can recover again, but according to the different injuries, the recovery time of Undead is different that’s all, if it becomes ashes, It takes at least three days to recover.

Except for this kind of creepy death power, these Undeads look almost indistinguishable from us humans from the outside, if it weren’t for the Qing Dynasty and the North Hui’s actions have always spared no effort, we may not be able to discover the existence of these Undeads, because the other person’s appearance, intelligence and other aspects are no different from the ordinary person category.

For the time being, it’s not yet sure about the existence of Undead and heavenly. It doesn’t matter whether the demon side is there, but the water in the Return of the North is definitely much deeper than we thought before.

But the good news is not without it. So far, we have intercepted and killed nearly 20,000. The members of the Fubei Association. Most of the members of the Fubei Association are ordinary persons. The Undead we have discovered so far is only twenty that’s all.”

Li Zhong put his arms around his chest, With an indifferent face, he said, “The reason why I call you all is simply because I can’t think of a way to deal with Undead, but if you all put your brains together, you might be able to gain something.”

The faces of everyone changed, all looked at each other in blank dismay, but no one spoke.

The depressive atmosphere has been maintained for 5 minutes of time.

Zhang Xiuzhu stretched out his hand and tapped the table lightly. After attracting everyone’s attention, he said in an almost joking tone: “You should know the reason why the work of cracking down on the Fubei Association It went well because many of my agents have sneaked into the Fubei Association and provided a lot of information for the clearing work, but…according to the intelligence of my agents, we almost caught the operation this time. I have arrived at the chairman of the Fubei Club.”


The voice fell, and everyone’s face changed, including Li Zhong.

Almost caught the chairman of the Fubei Association?

This is not good news!

“So we suspect that the president of the Fubei Club has mastered the method of transforming normal people into Undead, and this guy is very cunning. It is very likely that there are a large number of secretly thoughts in the place where he is located. According to us In this way, it’s like pulling a nail, and you may never get the president of the Fubei Association.

If you can’t get the president of the Fubei Association, then the other party may create more Undeads, etc. After Undead reaches a certain number, the offense and defense between us may be reversed.”

Zhang Xiuzhu stretched the expression on his face, said solemnly: “So at the moment we only have two ways, or sell a weak The spot invites the president of the Fubei Club to show up and make him enter the battlefield we are preparing to capture, or we will study the weaknesses of these Undead as soon as possible, so as to prepare for the decisive battle in the near future.”

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