Different from Heavenly Martial Continent, which is a bit of a joke.

Lin Yuan, who is far away in the deep sea area of ​​the endless sea, is now lying leisurely with his body slumbering.

The ruler of the old days is still the same, sending the Aberrant and the endless Sea Demon Beast. You come and fight with me. I can’t see the slightest thought of Lin Yuan to find an opportunity to fight, but the ancestors are alive or well. After such a long time, naturally there are not many people who have eaten dry food. It is clear that the other party deliberately paralyzed themselves, and occasionally heard some movement but only sneered a few times. According to the decision of that meeting, clansman restrained each other.

After all, if you violate the regulations, you will be expelled from the sheltered area of ​​Liushi Sea Territory, and you have to participate in the next decisive battle. You must not leave too far, you can only be in the vicinity of Sea Territory is stationed. If there is no assistance from other Sea Demon Race groups, what is the difference between running out alone and giving away heads?

Such punishment will not make them fight inward, and it can even be said that they can’t fight. After all, the ugly words are in the front, and whoever makes the trouble first will be driven out. This is what everyone should accept.

“As soon as the Guardian of Tianmen arrives, he will immediately prepare for a decisive battle. The chance of winning is probably…”

Lin Yuan tilted his head, and a flash of cold flashed in his eyes with different colors. Glow, sighed: “It’s really not that simple.”

In the perception of the Eye of Heavenly God, a huge number of aberrations are touching the Willow Stone Fortress under the shroud of night. The scale is larger than ever before. In addition, it is already in the dim seabed area. The sea monsters patrolling the city wall of the Liushi Fortress did not find an enemy attack until within a range of 30,000 meters, but they could not hide it from Lin. Exploration of the Eye of Yuan Heavenly God.

“These guys are coming out of the nest.”

Lin Yuan stood up, and suddenly realized that after these quietly proceeding teams, there were more than a dozen qi and powerful silhouettes. , They are like shepherds, driving the remaining aberrants who have little reason to pounce on the willow stone fortress. Besides the old rulers, Lin Yuan does not believe that there are other existences with such ability.

This is a lot of fun!

This is the first time the old ruler has appeared on the battlefield in person!

“Enemy attack! Enemy attack!”

Lin Yuan roared his voice.

However… the night is very quiet, and the small courtyard of the willow stone where he lives is also very quiet.


Lin Yuan cursed secretly.

Although I had guessed that the old rulers would continue to provoke some Heart Demon of the sea monster, but because the rules could not happen, they could only continue to lie dormant in the Willow Stone Fortress. It was just that they didn’t. Expect the other party’s movements are so fast, and even so resolutely decided to do it.

These endless Sea Demon Beasts are cerebral palsy!

People are doing tricks under their noses, but they didn’t even notice?

Some time ago someone wrote and painted on the outside of his small courtyard. After asking, he only said that he was portraying the Defensive Array to reinforce the defense. Lin Yuan paid close attention to him. Didn’t expect to see the other side. The way.

Obviously, some of the command layers in Willow Rock Fortress have been taken advantage of by Heart Demon and fell to the side of the old dominator.

Outside the small courtyard where I am, I am afraid that someone has carved out the soundproof formation. It is estimated that it is more than that. Either this formation also includes the ability of formation and imaginary formation, or the other party has already prepared for it. A large number of powerhouses are ready to suppress and kill themselves here.

Except for Lin Yuan, those commanders and high-ranking people like the Ancestral Demon Realm and Monster King Realm are probably treated similarly. The other party clearly does not intend to give the endless Sea Demon Beast any opportunity to organize resistance. , Take this in a spurt of energy to break through the defense of the willow stone fortress, and then rely on the human sea tactics to break them one by one!

If it’s just a burst, the problem shouldn’t be big. With the ability of the system, you can easily find a way out.

But if the other party also arranges a large number of sea monsters, why is it that it is not a problem that can be solved in a short while.

Though these old dominators did not have the capital for a decisive battle with endless Sea Demon Beast in a short period of time, they can only increase their winning rate through this unorthodox way when they are of little use. After Tianmen Guardian arrives at Liushi Fortress, Lin Yuan will try to launch a decisive battle, in a spurt of energy, to defeat these old dominators.

Didn’t expect the other party’s reaction was faster than himself, even if the endless Sea Demon Beast familiar, it only took three days to set off. It’s not bad to be able to rush to Heavenly Martial Continent in front of you, let alone gather together. Enough strength to help here.

Looking at the battle in this gap, even Lin Yuan had to admire the extremely ruthless gaze of the opponent.

When they have cleaned up the resisters in Liushi Fortress, they don’t have to rush to transform those sea monsters in the back, and squat here to fight the Guardian who came to support. A completely unprepared, it can be further weakened. The opponent to face in the future!

“Sure enough.”

After the external array was activated, Lin Yuan was almost isolated from the outside world. Now suddenly there is a breath of one after another demonic beast, he doesn’t even need to think about it. I think, I know that this is one of the other party’s arrangements. I want to try whether these sea monsters can kill me. If not, just drag me down to achieve the goal.

After carefully feeling those demonic beast breaths that suddenly appeared, Lin Yuan’s hanging heart was slightly let go.

Fortunately, the strongest one is only Monster King Realm’s cultivation base around level 6, most of them are Desolate Demon Realm and even the mountain main realm.

It’s not that Lin Yuan is confident that he can eat these attacks on his own. After all, Monster King is not so easy to deal with. Lin Yuan guesses that he is desperate and the opponent will have to do everything, waiting for himself to be weak and weak. At that time, the existence of those Desolate Demon Realm can easily take their own lives.

The reason he was sighed in relief was that no Ancestral Demon Realm appeared in the battle of besieging himself. This does not mean that the guy who can provoke the Heart Demon of others and make it under his own control does not have Controls the existence of the Ancestral Demon Realm, but it is certain that there are still many Ancestral Demon Realms that are not controlled by him. Those Ancestral Demons who are taken advantage of by Heart Demon must deal with the normal Ancestral Demon. From the side, This is also a manifestation of the opponent’s shortage of manpower.

As long as there is a charge ahead!

As long as there is an ancestral monster who has broken through these unorthodox ways and demonic beasts, he will soon be able to organize the defense line and block those aberrants from the willow stone fortress. The city is also very concentrated. Deal with these demonic beasts taken advantage of by Heart Demon.

“Black flood dragon, you are just an outsider. You haven’t even reached the Monster King Realm world. Why do you give orders to us?”

The leader of Monster King Realm lifted up Pointing at Lin Yuan with his paw, he uttered wild beast’s angry roar, like those workers who are fed up with their bosses who are inferior to themselves and have to pick themselves up everywhere.

“It turns out that this is your Heart Demon?”

Lin Yuan was still crouched, but he opened his mouth and gave a playful smile.

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