[Ding! Congratulations to the host, kill a Desolate Demon Realm fourth-level demonic beast, and get attribute points 137 points! 】

【Ding! Congratulations to the host, kill a Desolate Demon Realm Rank 2 Monster Beast and get 89 attribute points! ]

[Ding! Congratulations to the host, kill a 7-level demonic beast of the mountain realm, and get 51 attribute points! 】


A system hint emerges in my heart.

In addition to the attribute benefits from the killing, there are also various sea monster materials stored in the warehouse. With the help of the system, Lin Yuan will soon be able to create a batch of fusion seas. The powerful demonic beast of monster bloodline removes the shortcomings that they grow too slowly and require a lot of Lin Yuan attribute points to train. From the perspective of bloodline, I am afraid that it is not inferior to the various demonic beasts that are mixed with Dragon Clan Bloodlines. beast, even if it is too bad.

One step closer to overthrowing the rule of the Four Sea Dragon Races and dominating the endless sea?

Thinking of this, Lin Yuan’s complexion was serious, and he hooked the tip of the tail provocatively at the remaining sea monsters, said with a sneer: “Don’t hide it from you, I’m the same as you, too. A Heart Demon-ridden guy, so I know exactly how deadly Heart Demon exists. Since I am your Heart Demon, there is no probability of reconciliation between the two parties. So when you show up here, the only way to survive is… Kill me. Even if you run away now, I still have a way to find you!”

Being taken advantage of by Heart Demon and being possessed by heavenly demon body are two completely different concepts.

Although the existence taken advantage of by Heart Demon will lose part of the sanity, but it is only the loss of the awe and cowardice that’s all. They are still themselves in essence. If they are replaced by heavenly demon, how much will they die? The companions will not affect them, but now, because Lin Yuan has decisively turned on the blood boiling state before, coupled with his own strength that is not weak, he will not meet the force with force with that Monster King, and will kill him. After Desolate Demon Realm and the other weaker demonic beasts, after killing a batch of demonic beasts, those who are still alive have obviously shown fear.

The expression and the look in the eyes are not unfamiliar to Lin Yuan.

Because he did the same in his previous life.

I can only look at my enemy with hateful eyes, sharpening myself over and over again, overdrawing everything, abandoning the bottom line, and still failing to avenge the blood, until I come to this world, there is With today’s power and achievements, he can easily crush his former enemies, but there is still no way to return to the world of the previous life. As a result, the Heart Demon is getting heavier and the temperament is getting more and more fierce.

I am already a typical one.

Lin Yuan doesn’t want countless “self” to treat him as a Heart Demon in the future.

Too much trouble.

Cut weeds and eliminate the roots.

As for the aberrations who are attacking Liushi Fortress, Lin Yuan has nothing to pay attention to. After all, even the old rulers have arrived on the battlefield. Even if he is arrogant, he does not I think I can confront the existence of the Ancestral Demon Realm head-on, no matter how much the power of incense is, I can’t stand the burning like this, even more how there is not much remaining power of the incense in my hand.

So it is better for those guys to hand over to the high-end battle strength on the endless sea side, there is no need to put themselves in danger for the sake of success.

What if the fortress is breached?

Then Lin Yuan will tell them with facts that it is not just them who have been secretly playing games!

Heart Demon has never been the only one who makes hands and feet in Willow Rock Fortress!

“I don’t know how many powerhouses in Liushi Fortress have gotten rid of the entanglement…”

Lin Yuan muttered softly.

Although he has all kinds of experience and knowledge brought by the information explosion era in his previous life, coupled with the hardening of his previous life, which is almost self-abuse, the method city is no worse than any formidable person, but he has never Dare to really underestimate those old fox who have lived for countless years.

It doesn’t matter when everyone laughs on hehe, but when it comes to death or distribution of benefits, he may not even think of anyone who will stab himself Number One Blade before the old ruler!

It’s a good time for the dominators to seize the opportunity in the old days, but for those old foxes, it’s impossible to think that the opponent will make a desperate fight after the team asking for help sets off, and now it has several points of odds of winning and endless Sea Demon Beast fights decisively, instead of waiting for the Guardian to arrive and wait for death.

At most, they will be surprised that the other party chooses a little earlier, but they will not lose one’s head out of fear.

As for the old rulers, can they arrange everything?

That’s a joke.

To use a bit of fantasy, the existence of Heart Demon provoked is mostly due to weak Taoism or flaws in Taoism.

And such an existence is impossible to cultivate to the Monster King or Ancestral Demon realm anyway.

If it is not particularly strong humiliation and obsession, even the Monster King Realm is impossible, and Heart Demon is casually provoked. Of course, the boss of the Ancestral Demon Realm is naturally needless to say, even if there are a few ancestors. The demon was enchanted, and the number would not be too much. Impossible could hold so many ancestral demons, but they were all hidden in their own house, and they refused to come out to be this early bird that’s all.

Let’s see who can’t help it first?

Lin Yuan faint smiled in his heart.

“Black flood dragon, if you have a kind, you can fight with Lao Tzu to meet force with force. You are not as evasive as human beings. You have the courage to claim yourself on Heavenly Martial Continent. black liquid Dragon King, you are not afraid that the wind will flash your tongue!”

The Monster King was cleverly avoided by Lin Yuan through the eyes of Heavenly God for several attacks. At this moment, his eyes are red, like a head The angry bull generally gasped and stared at Lin Yuan viciously.


Lin Yuan turned his head and glanced at the Monster King, and a joking appeared in his eyes.

Although he has never faced this Monster King head-on, nearly 80% of his attention is focused on the opponent. He originally planned to consume his demon power and physical strength by continuously stimulating the opponent’s crazy attack. didn’t expect the other party reacted so quickly, not only did not continue to do useless work, but provoked, hoping to force Lin Yuan to take the initiative to fight it.

After a moment of silence, Lin Yuan said with a smile: “Correct, I didn’t hide, I have been fighting from start to finish, but you, as a Monster King, bring your own belongings. I came down to trouble me, but in the end I couldn’t protect my subordinates. I could only be incompetent and furious. What qualifications do you have to question the name of my Dragon King? This is a name that even the ancestral monsters in the endless sea have to recognize. .”

“you are courting death!”

Monster King complexion changed, ignoring the rest, crazy roar pounced on Lin Yuan.

Its Heart Demon is obviously a kind of jealousy. Next year, he will be older than Lin Yuan and his cultivation base will be higher than Lin Yuan. However, after Lin Yuan arrived on the battlefield, he could only obey Lin Yuan’s orders. The little pawn, the Dragon Race youths before, were jealous of Lin Yuan’s stuff!

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