The drought that was refined into zombie became a walking drought, and it would be beaten, scolded, and expelled no matter where it went.

At this time, the drought will find that without the shelter of the Yellow Emperor, her achievements will gradually be forgotten, and those who like her will gradually disappear in the passage of time, all the good things that have ever been seen, It gradually became a little bubble in memory.

This is sad.

But it is much better than taking off to Heaven Realm to become a pawn in the hands of the master.

After all, Haotian God is the incarnation of’Heaven’, the lord of the gods, and the Supreme God in Heaven Realm. Even the Supreme God is the official of Haotian God in name.

Taishang’s behavior is treason, and the five emperors are just a saber that’s all, the Huangdi from the very beginning has no choice. The only thing he can do is to get his daughter It’s better to stay away from this dispute, to be disgusted by others, or to become a devil, is better than flying ash annihilation of unfathomable mystery, isn’t it?

Lin Yuan’s eyelids twitched slightly, and he also looked in the direction of the disappearance of the Drought, and wondered: “But the question is, didn’t the game have already been won? Why is the Drought still…”

“Everything is fate, the slightest involuntary.”

Hongyun Taoist shook the head, said with a smile: “Great Desolate living beings, perusing Heavenly God Buddha, practicing qi cultivator, Demon ghosts and even ordinary sentient beings have to be counted. What they want in their entire life is nothing but great freedom and great freedom, but who can do this, since ancient times is actually only that one, who can guarantee that for a while? , Won’t I become a pawn in the hands of others again? Since I’m not in the game, why bother to drag her into the game for the so-called truth?”

Lin Yuan looked slightly, quietly waiting for Hongyun Taoist’s below.

“Looking at the entire Great Desolate, it’s rare to have her like this. For us, how many people don’t dream of such a life? But we all know that impossible, so just look at her, we In fact, it’s already very satisfying.”

The Taoist Hongyun said with a solemn expression, a little pleading in his tone, and continued: “Poor Daoist has lived so long, and he has eaten more food than anyone you have ever met. A lot. When you looked towards the woman, although your eyes were calm, but it was obviously killing intent. Just beg you, unless the two sides really quarreled to the point of irreconcilable, please don’t kill this child. “

Lin Yuan turned his gaze to the side with some embarrassment.

Because of the system task, Lin Yuan originally had a killing intent for the drought. In addition to being chased and played by the drought, the killing intent in the chest is almost condensed in substance, but the flood dragon has a very long face. It’s difficult to make an expression, even the expression in the eyes can be converged, so that it won’t be seen directly by others, but I didn’t expect Taoist Hongyun to observe him in such a detailed manner that even a little killing intent that was accidentally leaked can be recognized.

Lin Yuan was silent for a moment, then slowly said: “My killing intent is not against her, but the existence that tries to transform the Northern Territory.”

Hongyun Taoist slightly nodded , But did not continue this topic.

He suffered a sullen loss when he calculated the Celestial Emperor. The Celestial Emperor who was born a long time ago has always been under the protection of the will of the world. Now, even though Lin Yuan is Pluto’s first candidate, but certainly not the one that the will of the world likes the most. The guy who brought the Northern Territory Huohuo to such a field is mostly protected by the will of the world. If he tries to deduce the opponent’s location, he is afraid that it will still be difficult. Not to please!


At the same time.

Through Lei Fan’s eyes, Lin Yuan also saw for the first time what the outer god that wrecked the Northern Territory was like.

This guy has a human-like body, but the whole body is pitch black, even the facial features are not visible, only a pair of eyes presents a strange scarlet, the way it appears is also very strange, it is slowly from Lei Fan Drilled out of his shadow!

Also, Lei Fan, who is obsessed with the Sutra of All Living Beings, obviously did not realize that his’current’ Boss appeared by his side, still maintaining his previous posture and look, constantly running between the surrounding woodlands. Moving, flashing.

And that external god did not mean to disturb Lei Fan, just like the shadow of Lei Fan, as Lei Fan moved, he also moved around continuously with Lei Fan, even tilting his head. There was clearly thinking in those blood-red eyes, obviously thinking about something.

“Shadow Demon, Xu Yan.”

Lin Yuan quickly thought about it in his mind, and soon the foreign god hiding in the shadow of Lei Fan, Linked with a famous Evil God on Heavenly Martial Continent.

It’s just that although this Evil God is not very serious, as a member of the Yin Divine Physique department, he is able to subdue Shadow Walker and Sword Dancer, an organization composed entirely of assassins and killers. Because this shadow demon can grant his followers the ability to hide invisible, some powerful killers can even hide in the shadow of the target, giving the opponent a fatal blow at a critical moment.

So many assassins worship Xu Yan in their homes with a rather credible attitude.

So Xu Yan can walk freely in the sun even if he doesn’t have the support of the imperial luck, and he is considered to be one of the more powerful gods who once appeared in front of people.

If you are caught by this guy, you will be in trouble. After all, in Tianwu world, Xu Yan’s position is definitely the killer Ancestral Master. His assassination ability can be imagined. Before Lei Fan could Transformed into Li Zhong’s appearance, and able to disappear from under his eyelids, should it be Xu Yan’s ability?

It’s just that although this product is the deity of Dark Element, how can it be seen that it can’t be matched with the deity of the faction of Mingtu?

Why is this guy thinking about the position of Pluto?

“The black flood dragon was introduced into the forest of starving ghosts, and where did it trick a set of cultivation techniques? Interesting.”

Xu Yan’s voice is in Lin Yuan The Sea of ​​Consciousness sounded in Lin Yuan’s “Special Attention” and there was almost no delay. Even if Lin Yuan missed it, the memories of these cultivators could be checked through Life Power without missing any details, even if Lin Yuan missed it. Watch repeatedly.

“It is my purpose to avenge the black flood dragon, so now, you should always tell me your purpose, right?”

Lei Fan’s voice also rang, his tone There was a bit of dissatisfaction, mostly because Xu Yan broke his sudden enlightenment state.

Sudden enlightenment can be said to be commonplace for cultivators, but for overwhelming majority cultivator, it may not be encountered several times in a lifetime. Lei Fan can use the Sutra of All Living Beings to enter the sudden enlightenment state. It belongs to a great opportunity, but Xu Yan is immersed in the shadow, and he immediately wakes up from the sudden enlightenment. It would be strange if there were no grievances!

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