
Lin Yuan spit out one mouthful of impure air for a long time, and his eyes gradually became cold and severe.

It’s no wonder that the other party has arranged that many dark children in the northern territory, the purpose is to make the northern territory underworld, want to make my mentality, but did not expect that I will use an External Body Incarnation to investigate the situation in the northern territory, Now I have been mentally prepared, even if the Northern Territory is truly transformed, it will not cause Divine Soul to shock and lose heart.

So this guy has rebelled against the blame again, and wants to be in the south…even the endless sea?

I have to get you out!

Then use your Divine Soul to moxibustion for thousands of years!


At the same time.

North Border, Shun Ning City, North Border Palace.

Li Zhong and Li Xin are sitting opposite each other. There is a luxurious jade chessboard in front of them, but there is no stone on the chessboard.

“Southern Bright Gown Guard Secret News, the female emperor who was in the south proposed the theory of three kings and gave the southern cultivation world two ways to survive. The second is to continue to go south to the sea and enter the islands. Now, the entire South is already in action under the Ether Club’s dispatch. More interestingly, nearly 80% of the cultivators choose to go to sea, but they are civilians without a cultivation base. They all chose to go to the north. I heard that the noise over there is quite unpleasant.”

Li Xin cleared his throat, with a lingering cold and severe expression in his eyes.

Li Zhong did not speak. After all, as the king of the north, he has the authority level second only to Lin Yuan in the north. This also means that any information left in the north is just Without the existence that he cannot access, even if it is all the intelligence of Bright Gown Guard, Li Xin, the commander, only knows that’s all faster than Li Zhong.

Although he has been separated from Li Xin for many years, Li Zhong now dare not say that he still knows this younger brother, but he also knows that a person who dares to ask the Dragon King for power will not be aimless.

“The Dragon King didn’t give any instructions. He just listened to the Bright Gown Guard over there. The Dragon King meant that there is a way to survive when you choose the North. Sooner or later, those cultivators who leave the South and head overseas have to be cleaned up. “

Li Xin took a deep breath, squinted his eyes slightly, said with a smile: “I think so. Although they chose the real way to survive, many of them must have been captured by the female emperor.” The Three Kings said that there is temptation to take the opportunity to enter the power stratum in the Northern Territory that’s all, but in fact, even if the Three Kings really exist, these people are destined to be disappointed and there will be hidden dangers in the future, so…”

“I have this permission, but for this kind of thing, I won’t give you permission until the Dragon King has given clear instructions.”

Li Zhong suddenly spoke, interrupting Li Xin’s words.

Li Xin slightly startled, said with a bitter smile: “That’s not what I said. When these people know that they are all in vain, they will inevitably cause some troubles in the northern border, and they will weaken right now. Why don’t they do it even more how? Now those who go to sea refuse to let all the civilians return to the North, which is equivalent to outsiders coveting the benefits of the North. Since they chose the North, they should have been the North. Effectiveness!”

Lin Yuan remained silent.

Li Xin pondered for a moment, and said, “Then, I don’t ask you to give me permission, and I won’t intervene as an official in the Northern Territory. I arrange for some Bright Gown Guard’s hidden children to be in it. Fanning the flames and causing conflict between the two sides, is this always okay?”

In the room, there was a moment of silence.

The corners of Li Xin’s mouth twitched slightly, and Li Zhong’s Both eyes are spiritless, seeming to be wandering outside the sky.

About 3 breaths time, Li Xin sighed, got up from the chair, and walked out.

“The North has never lacked talents. Whether it is Lei Fan or Qiao Yilin, or even Xu Nan and Shi Dong, they are actually good seedlings. Being able to become a minister of authority with only a few people, even the position I sit in now should have belonged to Lei Fan.

But look at the current northern border and the foothold of these people. Where? Dead and running, people like Xu Nan who first stood on this big ship are now the end of life imprisonment.”

Li Zhong stared at Li From the back of the letter, he said calmly: “I can live to this day not because of how good I am, but because I know that there are certain things that can be done, even if they violate the rules, but the Dragon King is happy in his heart, and some things, even if you are for the North Only when the circumstances are good, it just doesn’t work. I want to live, want to be in high position, and be responsible for what I’m responsible for. If you think too much, ask for too much, you will die.”

“I’m just…”

Li Xin turned around and looked at Li Zhong with a serious face, his voice couldn’t help but become quieter.

Li Zhongha breathed a sigh of relief and said, “No one in this world dares to say that he is an innocent strategy and can play with all beings in the palm of his hand, just like the Dragon King once told me about a person named Guiguzi , Is a very difficult to deal with person, with his left hand vertical and right hand horizontal, he can play with the kingdoms of the sky and under applause. Any one of the Outer Sect Disciple is taken out, it is the unparalleled scholar who can be called the saint and the ancestor, but it is so powerful People, his dísciple went to other countries, although they have been reused, but no one has a good end, so it is good to have confidence, but you think you are better than anyone else, huh, that is the way to die “

Li Xin clenched his fists with his hands hanging beside him, biting his lips firmly.

Geniuses are confident and conceited.

Especially people like Li Xin, who are younger than 30 years old, have the Heavenly Dipper Realm post-cultivation base, travel around the seven dynasties, and learn the art of a hundred schools of thought. a genius amongst geniuses.

“The Dragon King once said that greed is a good thing. Only greed can make people have ambition and the motivation to move forward. The more undesirable, the more useless like a useless person, but too much greed. , That’s a bad thing.”

Li Zhong also stood up and laughed and said: “Be responsible for what you are responsible for. You don’t need to take care of other things. I am more curious than the developments in the South. Your short-term investigation of Breaking Horizon Mountain Range, and the Undead that the Dragon King asked you to catch, do you know? Where did the people who spread the technique of killing Undead in the countryside come from? Have you checked it out? Even your own I haven’t done anything to understand, how much more do you want to do? It will die, younger brother.”

The voice fell, and Li Xin’s eyes suddenly narrowed.

The four words’will be dead’ were repeated twice by Li Zhong!

Although he has a certain degree of confidence in his own wisdom, he dare not say that Dragon King, Li Zhong, and those high-level northerners are really worse than himself.

He discouraged me and didn’t want me to take care of this. Is it because this is a bureau?

The Dragon King wants to… kill who?

Li Xin shuddered suddenly, his face a little sad, and he said: “I’m already a little bit browful. I will go back and sort out the information before sending it to the Northern Palace.”

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