"It feels good to practice, but now, you should start learning..."

After practicing for an afternoon and a whole night, Senju Tobirama came to Feng Qi in the morning, and took him to the study room after breakfast.

The study room is at home, in a separate room on the second floor, where there are various knowledge scrolls brought by Orochimaru.

"Teacher, do you want to learn this too?"

Feng Qi looked at Senju Tobirama holding the forbidden scroll, and his mouth twitched. He was not sure if he was too excited, so that his brain also had seizures.

He was still a child, and he only learned a little bit of basic information about ninjutsu, and it was not time to get in touch with those things!

"I really learned it for you. You should start learning and recording these basic theoretical knowledge now, and put this aside to find Orochimaru to do some new research in the afternoon."

Senju Tobirama can materialize when holding Feng Qi. After putting the scroll aside, he began to select from the basic learning scrolls.

One after another, after he picked them all up, Feng Qi stared again while holding the dozen scrolls in his arms.

Learn so much?

"After learning, let's sit down and talk about it one by one..."

Senju Tobirama carried Feng Qi to the sofa in the middle, put all the scrolls next to him, and started to talk about it one by one while holding the baby.

When he was talking, sometimes there was some inaccurate information, so he would take the pen next to him and write it down, and stick it on the surface to wait for Orochimaru to find someone to deal with it.

One big and one small, one talking and one listening, stayed in the study room for a whole morning.

When Izuna went to the new Uchiha clan to look around, she came back in a good mood, and floated outside the window and stared at the two who were getting along warmly for a while.

It was still impossible for him and Senju Tobirama to get along well, but sometimes he had to admit that Senju Tobirama was indeed very strong in various knowledge and research.

Especially now, the state of teaching children to learn is not something that ordinary people can do.

Break down various ninjutsu knowledge into simple modes and let the children receive it bit by bit.

After these simple information is memorized, he will piece them together bit by bit.

Just like playing games, let the children not only learn, but also have fun because of learning...

"Learn these today, the afternoon is your play time, and continue tomorrow morning!"

Senju Tobirama put several scrolls that were modified during the teaching process on the table, hugged Feng Qi and stood up, and let Feng Qi take the scroll that would be used in the afternoon.

"Teacher, you have worked hard!"

Feng Qi held the scroll in his hand, and rubbed his little head against Senju Tobirama's shoulder.

The teacher he chose is really good!

"Knowing that the teacher is working hard, you should be a good boy and learn the knowledge. Other things will be considered in a few years..."

Senju Tobirama was stunned for a moment, then smiled and emphasized to this brat again not to do anything to scare people.

He is now teaching basic ninjutsu knowledge, and at most two or three months, he should teach the analysis of ninjutsu.

According to Feng Qi's learning speed and comprehension ability, by the time he is six years old and can use ninjutsu, he will have to learn a lot of forbidden techniques...

Thinking of the two forbidden techniques scrolls that already exist, Senju Tobirama feels that he will be very busy in the future.

Teaching the baby in the morning, doing experiments with Orochimaru in the afternoon, and practicing hard in the evening, so as not to lose to that annoying Uchiha.

Fortunately, he did not choose to revive at that time.

Otherwise, I don't know how much time Konoha's affairs will take up...

"It's my turn to take care of him in the afternoon!"

Uchiha Izuna was waiting in the living room on the first floor. When Senju Tobirama came down, he reached out and hugged Feng Qi.

They agreed that Senju Tobirama would teach the baby in the morning, play with the baby in the afternoon, and the child's rest time in the evening, so he couldn't compete with Orochimaru...

It's a few minutes past 12 now, it's afternoon!

"Bad Uchiha..."

Senju Tobirama snorted unhappily, but still didn't go to grab him.

This is what they have agreed on. If he robs people in the afternoon, this bastard Uchiha may come to make trouble in the morning...

"Izuna, go to the laboratory. Dad is busy again and doesn't want to eat."

Feng Qi shook the scroll in his hand and asked Izuna to take him to the underground laboratory.

This experiment should be very important to make Orochimaru forget to come back for lunch. It's a good time to go and take a look.

"Let's go. Come here and give me lunch."

Izuna held Feng Qi and walked in the village under construction in a physical state. People around them bowed their heads and greeted them.

When he saw the ninja delivering lunch, Izuna directly called people over.Holding the baby in one hand and the lunch box in the other, he walked towards the entrance of the underground laboratory.

"Lord Izuna!"

Minato Namikaze was patrolling around the village. It was noon and he was going home to have lunch with his child. He met these two on the way.

"Well, go back and rest for a while. I'll take Feng Qi to find Orochimaru."

Izuna looked at the fourth generation Hokage who seemed a little dazed, said hello and left directly.

The fourth generation Hokage Minato Namikaze and the second generation Jinchūriki Uzumaki Kushina are just the parents of Uzumaki Naruto here.

After entering the underground base and arriving at the laboratory area, he saw Orochimaru walking out of the laboratory.

"Dad, it's time for lunch."

Feng Qi waved at Orochimaru, but didn't rush over directly.

Orochimaru hasn't changed his clothes yet, so he just shook the scroll.

"Master Izuna, take Feng Qi over there first. I'll prepare a body for Master Tobirama to be reincarnated. At least in the laboratory, it's always needed..."

Orochimaru took the scroll and looked at Tobirama Senju who was staring at him. He turned back to the laboratory and made another body for him to be reincarnated.

When Feng Qi was carried to the lounge, less than ten minutes later, Orochimaru had already taken a quick shower, changed his clothes and came over.

And Tobirama Senju was already in the laboratory at this time, holding some records made by Orochimaru, looking for materials to continue the experiment...

"Be sure to go home and rest before midnight..."

After lunch, Orochimaru held Feng Qi and touched his little head, and set a latest time to go home.

Originally, he also needed to practice, but this experiment was more important, so all the time in the past few days had to be compressed.

"Yeah, Dad, go ahead and do your work. We'll bring food over for dinner!"

Feng Qi waved his hand and let Izuna hold him and leave the underground base.

In the afternoon, Orochimaru and Senju Tobirama were doing experiments in the laboratory, and occasionally they would quarrel over some information...

And Feng Qi was in his backyard, running around and playing with his two friends, and also received several daily task rewards.

While they were playing, Uchiha Itachi would continue to train next to them, picking leaves, putting leaves, picking again and putting them back...

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