"Something happened in Konoha. The ninjas from the Kumogakure wanted to steal the daughter of the main family of the Hyuga family. After they were discovered, they were all beaten to death by Tsunade..."

Senju Tobirama came back from Konoha in the middle of the night. When he mentioned Tsunade beating up those Kumogakure ninjas in the street, his mouth twitched with a smile.

Kumogakure, he really hated that village.

The envoys from the Kumogakure who sneaked into the Hyuga clan and stole the daughter of the main family were the envoys from the Kumogakure who went to Konoha to submit a letter of peace and alliance.

Then they were intercepted on the streets of Konoha by Hyuga Hiashi, and then met by Tsunade, who was already very angry. After knowing what happened, she beat up the entire Kumogakure envoy team in the street...

"You didn't do anything secretly?"

Izuna sat on the sofa, took a look at Senju Tobirama's smug state, and pointed out the point directly with disdain.

This guy went to Konoha and happened to encounter such a thing. It is absolutely impossible that he just watched.

"I didn't do anything, I just threw a few immobilization talismans and let them be beaten to death!"

Senju Tobirama took out an immobilization talisman, which was a small prop he developed after practicing for a period of time.

It is not very useful, but it can freeze a person's soul for a moment.

"It happened that when your little Tsunade attacked, the ninjas from the Cloud Village were directly fixed in place, and neither the substitute technique nor the immobilization technique could be used, right?"

Izuna expressed disdain again, and then continued to lower her head, holding the scroll in her hand, and continued to explain the knowledge of illusion to Feng Qi.

However, they all knew that this matter would never end like this.

After more than half a year, he finally met another person who came to his door. Senju Hashirama should go out for a walk again.

More than half a year ago, the two-tailed beast of the Hidden Cloud Village was captured. I don’t know if the eight-tailed beast of the Hidden Cloud Village can be kept after this time...

"Illusion? Evil Uchiha Izuna, put down the scroll! I am his teacher!"

Senju Tobirama lowered his head, and when Feng Qi tilted his head to look at him several times, he finally realized what was wrong tonight.

This evil Uchiha, he actually rushed to teach the child!

"You go to Konoha and don't want to come back. If you don't teach, naturally I will teach. Feng Qi, you play by yourself. I will go out and talk with this despicable Senju. I promise to make him realize his mistakes!"

Izuna put Feng Qi down, put the scroll on the sofa, stood up and dragged Senju Tobirama away.

When they went out, Orochimaru just walked in from the door.

"They really can't stay idle at all..."

Orochimaru walked in, looked at Feng Qi who was smiling on the sofa, and complained about the two who quarreled every day.

He came over and picked her up, took the scroll to the second floor and put it down, then went to the third floor to wash and sleep.

"Karin is from the Uzumaki clan, and her aptitude is also very good. Those things that Kushina couldn't learn before, Karin can try..."

While taking a bath, Orochimaru talked about Uzumaki Karin.

Many children have been picked up in recent years, ranging in age from one or two years old to teenagers.

There are also many adults brought back, but adults may not be guaranteed to be obedient, and it is difficult to improve their aptitude.

So in their plan, most of the resources will be used on young people.

Of course, adults are not left alone, and what they should have will continue to be maintained. If some of them are married and have children, they will pay special attention.

The blood limit training plan is what Feng Qi is interested in and what Orochimaru is looking forward to.

In this regard, the father and son have always maintained the same mood...

"Don't worry, Karin just came here, for Naruto's sake, let her play for two more years."

Feng Qi shook his head, Karin needs special treatment.

The children may not notice anything, but the mother who has been suffering and abused for many years, let them live a stable life for two years, and teach them when they take the initiative to ask for learning.

The teacher taught him that when giving benefits to others, the way of giving, and the time of giving will all lead to many different developments...

Although the teacher was scolded by Izuna for several days after that detailed teaching, Izuna did not deny that there was anything wrong with the educational content.

It's just that from some day on, there were two new names, the black-hearted Senju and the naive Uchiha...

"Let's not worry about it for now. I just happen to have an experiment I want to try recently, and I'll start tomorrow."

When Orochimaru talked about the experiment, his snake eyes naturally brightened a little.

He likes to do research. Even though he has made some progress in cultivation and has some expectations for longevity in the future, this does not affect his expectations for various research and development and improvement experiments.

In the past six months, they have already developed some projects, such as some slowPotions to relieve eye fatigue, stamina-enhancing pills, many more threatening blades, more comprehensive protective gear, etc...

These things developed and manufactured are much easier to produce later, and batches of items are temporarily sold to Konoha and Uchiha.

The money earned is enough to maintain the basic living needs of the Sound Village, and to replenish some equipment for the laboratory...

Just before they went out this time, the Sand Village and the Rock Village also came to the purchasing team, and bought some to take back.

It is estimated that they want to take them back and then do some research and copy them, but how can they let those ninja villages copy their things at will.

After knowing that his previous research has been used in various ways and used in a mess, Senju Tobirama is now very clear about copyright awareness.

As long as the things sold by the family are used normally according to the instructions, there is no problem.

But if you want to study, I'm really sorry, I will destroy myself immediately!

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