"For you."

A few days later, Ishida Uryu took a palm-sized doll and put it in Feng Qi's hand.

He made this for Feng Qi by looking for materials bit by bit during his rest in the past few days.

"Is this me? It looks very cute, Yulong, thank you!"

Feng Qi took the doll and looked at it, thanked happily, and then urged the system in his mind to take a look, this doll is really too cute!

[This is a good idea, host, do you want to put it away as a collection? ]

The system knows the key point of Feng Qi's happiness very well, and gives some practical suggestions.

As long as you consume a few dozen points, you can seal this little doll and keep it as it is now.

'It's so boring to seal it up, I'm going to hang it on a branch! '

Feng Qi looked at the doll in his hand and had already thought about where to hang it.

In his space, whether it was a tree or those flowers and plants, including the red moon there, they were all transformed by his own power.

So if conditions permit, he would also want to add some more things to it.

For example, the gifts received!

"As long as you like it, Grandpa said that he will go out for combat training tomorrow..."

Ishida Uryu leaned against the wall next to him and told Feng Qi about going out for combat training tomorrow.

Before, he went to school normally and did various training after class, but now the situation is special, so he directly asked for half a month off...

"Combat training requires staying away from people, because our battles will bring destruction to the city."

Feng Qi was looking forward to combat training.

After all, he has learned it for several days, so he should be able to try it.

However, when putting something to lure out the hollows, I hope that the Xuye Palace will not send too many, otherwise it may collapse.

"Why do we need hollows..."

Ishida Uryu has also read some records about the destructive power of hollows.

Hollows are harmful to people. They will hurt the living and the dead.

If there were no hollows, there wouldn't be so many people being hurt...

"When humans have no desires, there won't be hollows. But if humans have no desires, then they won't be humans anymore..."

Feng Qi looked up at the white clouds in the sky, and sighed helplessly.

People have emotions, whether it's simple basic needs, or the desire to live or die, or some overly strong love and hate...

But this is what people are like. If you don't care about anything, then existence or not will become unimportant!

"Since it's impossible to eliminate the root cause, then destroy the hollows when they appear!"

Ishida Uryuu knew from the beginning that if you encounter a hollow, you have to kill it. This is the lifelong duty of a Quincy!

"Then you have to work harder, but you also have to look around more. The enemies of the Quincy are not just the hollows."

Feng Qi closed his eyes, holding the puppet doll in his hand, and wrote another letter to Tobirama in Soul Society.

Just now, Tobirama wrote in his daily reply about an experiment that Kurotsuchi Mayuri was going to do. One of the materials for this experiment was Ishida Sogen...

Maybe because Tobirama has done a good job in scientific research, Kurotsuchi Mayuri is quite free now.

He was bored and did some experiments that he had thought about before but never had the chance to implement.

Let them do whatever they want with the experiment, but he had stayed in the Ishida family for a few days after all, so he had to protect them once.

Two hundred years ago, the Quincies were slaughtered by the God of Death and there were only a few left. How good was their mentality to make Ishida Sogen think that they could cooperate with the God of Death...

Although it felt full of complaints, Fuu Qi only saved him once and made Ishida Sogen see some things clearly.

If he continued to act stupidly after seeing clearly, he would not be able to stop him.


At the quiet midnight, Fuu Qi, who had basically learned all the theoretical knowledge, was taken out by Ishida Sogen, of course, with Ishida Uryu.

The old man took the two children and used the Fei Lian Jiao, a technique only used by Quincy, to rush to a mountain outside the city.

The process was not very smooth. At least at the beginning, Ishida Uryu still had to try a little bit when controlling it.

"This is it. You can practice against fixed targets. The next step is actual combat. I will release bait to attract nearby Hollows..."

Ishida Sogen had no doubts about Feng Qi's strength, but the focus now was to give his grandson actual combat training..

Everything started in a normal rhythm. After the bait was released, two Hollows came from nearby.

"They are all newly transformed Hollows."

Feng Qi raised his hand and waved it. A small spirit arrow flew out and exploded instantly when it penetrated the head of the Hollow.

He had studied the control of spirits very clearly when he was in Hueco Mundo. What he learned in recent days was to fight in the way of the Quincy.

But he only learned a part of it. He didn't really need to draw a bow and shoot arrows...

"It's still simple..."

Ishida Uryu was wearing a glove on his hand, which was prepared by his grandfather.

The spirit turned into a longbow in his hand. When he pulled the bowstring, the spirits around gathered together. An arrow was shot out and exploded the head of another Hollow.

Although it was a newly transformed Hollow, this direct killing method still made Ishida Uryu a little excited.

He successfully killed a Hollow!

The young Ishida Uryu, while excited, also learned to hide his emotions, although he didn't hide them very well at the moment.

Then new Hollows appeared, but Feng Qi made few moves, leaving almost all of them to Ishida Uryu to deal with.

Because the bait was controlled accurately enough, the Hollows attracted were all newly appeared, and there were very few of them. By the time the bait was completely ineffective, only less than ten Hollows were attracted.

Just as this actual combat test ended, Ishida Sogen's phone rang.

It was the God of Death who came to the world and asked him to join forces to deal with several wandering Hollows.

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