"Feng Qi, I've put the breakfast I brought for you on the table. Do you want to eat something tonight? I'll bring it to you after I finish the mission."

At six o'clock in the morning, a very familiar figure stood at the door of Feng Qi's house, knocked on the door and walked in directly.

The breakfast he brought was ramen, Ichiraku ramen!

"Who are you?"

Feng Qi looked at this ninja with a melon-shaped head, thick eyebrows and big eyes, wearing a green jumpsuit, and his first reaction was eye pain.

Even if the Hokage wanted to find someone to approach him, even if it was Kakashi, he would think it was normal, but how could it be this person...

"Ah? I, I'm Might Guy! Don't worry, I'm not a bad person. I accepted the mission last night. I will deliver your breakfast and dinner today. Of course, there is a budget. You can also choose a small portion of ramen..."

Might Guy is just an ordinary ninja in his teens now. He only knew that this was a very young orphan after accepting the mission.

But he didn't know how to cook for children, so he could only buy ramen according to the budget of the mission.

"No food for lunch?"

Feng Qi was not interested in the white teeth that Might Guy showed when he introduced himself.

He wanted to know now, why was one of the three meals of the day reduced directly? Was it the mission issued by the Hokage, or was it the work of the ninja who accepted the mission!

"At noon... I... I will definitely bring you food at noon!"

Might Guy thought about his training mission today, and he would definitely be back at noon!

As for the mission, it was written that only two meals, morning and evening, were needed, so he didn't tell this very young child about this.

"Well, thank you."

Feng Qi understood that there were only these two meals in the mission.

But if Might Guy didn't say it, he pretended not to know.

As for children, having food is enough.

After eating the ramen that tasted really good, Feng Qi went out to play in the park near his home, climbing up and down, jumping and hopping, anyway, he would not let himself be idle.

At noon, Might Guy came running with a basket of something unknown on his back, and a freshly grilled fish, which was the lunch he prepared for Feng Qi.

He caught the fish in the river, and someone else grilled it...

"Thank you."

Feng Qi took a bite of the grilled fish and thanked Might Guy, who was a little nervous next to him.

He didn't know what Might Guy had imagined, but this person brought him a lunch outside the mission.

"It's okay as long as it's not bad. I can't grill fish, and I just happened to meet someone who can..."

Might Guy smiled a little honestly.

He originally thought that if it didn't work, he would go buy rice balls.

It was just that during training, he met Yutashi Red Bean and chatted with her for a while.

The tsundere girl said she could grill fish. After his morning training, she went to catch fish and asked Yutashi Red Bean nearby to help grill one...

"Well, thank that kind person too."

Feng Qi knew who made the grilled fish through the system prompt.

Mitarashi Anko, a student of Orochimaru, had an awkward status after Orochimaru defected, but she has always been a ninja of Konoha...

It should be Mitarashi Anko's intention that she could meet Might Guy and ask her for help in grilling fish...

But even if that person had the intention, the Hokage would not let Orochimaru's students take care of him...

He finished eating the grilled fish under Might Guy's care, and made sure that there was no problem of being stuck by fish bones. Might Guy then packed up the dangerous goods such as fish bones and left.

In the evening, dinner was indeed ramen.

On this day, Feng Qi just had a simple activity and did not meet any friends of the same age or one or two years older.

At night, he lay down and went to bed honestly. Before going to bed, he wrote a letter to the teacher as usual, and asked in the letter whether his father did not eat or sleep for research again...

Senju Tobirama replied more than half an hour later, saying that Orochimaru had made some progress in his research and was now urged to go to rest.

It's a new day after waking up from a sleep. The ninja who brought breakfast to Feng Qi this morning was a ninja he didn't know and had never seen in the plot.

He didn't say anything, put down the breakfast, said that dinner would be delivered at 5:30 in the afternoon, and then left directly.

Eating only one simple rice ball, Feng Qi suddenly missed the ramen that Might Guy sent.

No matter how this ninja completed his mission, he didn't let him go hungry. At noon, he needed to take out the remaining instant noodles from the box to fill his stomach.

On the third day, it was another ninja he didn't know.

In the morning, it was rice balls, but there were two rice balls. The ninja told him to eat one in the morning and another at noon, and bring him ramen in the evening...

On the fourth day,Five days...

Feng Qi wrote to Senju Tobirama every night. The replies came early and late, but every time he replied, he would add a sentence, urging Orochimaru to rest.

In this way, nearly half a month passed in relative peace.

On a stormy night, Feng Qi wrote a letter as usual, closed his eyes, and huddled in the quilt waiting for the Impure World Reincarnation that was constantly changing positions to arrive...

"Feng Qi..."

Senju Tobirama passed through Konoha's defenses and came to Feng Qi's bedside with a body without life features.

The storm outside was howling. Senju Tobirama looked at the sleeping child, stretched out his hand and carefully picked up the child.

"Teacher, are you dead or alive now?"

Feng Qi opened his eyes, looked at the current Senju Tobirama, and pinched his face with his fingers.

His eyes were still black, and there were a few not particularly obvious cracks on his face. His skin color was grayish white...

It was a bit like the Impure World Reincarnation in the later part of the plot, but it seemed to have a little more freedom.

Didn't Orochimaru set the control authority?

Would Orochimaru be so generous as to let Senju Tobirama be completely free?

"Damn it, Orochimaru is such a jerk. I was almost controlled by him. Fortunately, I kept a trick..."

Senju Tobirama is very satisfied with his current state.

Thinking of the expression on his face when Orochimaru wanted to control him but was broken free, he felt even better!

"You bullied him..."

Feng Qi could think that Orochimaru might have a psychological trauma about the Impure World Reincarnation!

Moreover, now it is only Senju Tobirama who is free to move.

Later, he will find a way to let Uchiha Izuna and Uchiha Madara be reincarnated by the Impure World Reincarnation.

When Uchiha Madara comes out, there must be Senju Hashirama...

These four, most likely, none of them can be controlled...

I hope his adoptive father can keep his mind stable, he must keep it stable!

"I didn't bully him. Now I have to think about what identity I should use in Konoha..."

Senju Tobirama looked at the elementary school student he held up, and in a good mood, he began to think about what identity he could use to live in Konoha, and how to contact Feng Qi without being suspected by the Konoha high-level officials...

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