"Dad, your movements are too casual. They are scared and dare not approach..."

Feng Qi looked at the place where they passed by. From the beginning, there were Quincy rushing over, but now everyone hides when they see them...

They are not all brainless!

"They are all unimportant. Yhwach will not leave them."

Orochimaru carried Feng Qi out of the melee area.

The battle between Yhwach and Yamamoto Genryusai is about to end. The battle area between the two is very dangerous...

At present, Yamamoto Genryusai, who is no longer restrained, seems to have the upper hand, but Yhwach will not lose so easily.

"When he divided his power and let the Quincy appear, it was equivalent to training and growing for him..."

Feng Qi has personally experienced the training of the Quincy, and is very familiar with the growth and fighting method of the Quincy, which forcibly plunders the spirit particles.

The Quincy can forcibly absorb the spirit particles around it. Although this cannot be maintained all the time, it is at least possible within a certain period of time that can be supported.

As for the founder of the Quincy, Yhwach, he can seize the power of the Quincy when needed.

It's like sending out a batch of seeds, which will germinate, bloom, and regenerate seeds. After these seeds grow and multiply in batches, they will be harvested all at once...

"Although this method can grow faster, there are too many hidden dangers. Every independent individual has the probability of unexpected situations..."

Orochimaru has studied this kind of thing, so he doesn't want Feng Qi to be interested in it, at least he can't try it himself.

"We don't need this..."

Shaking his head, Feng Qi is sure that he doesn't need it.

In fact, when he asked Orochimaru to study it before, he was worried that Orochimaru would be interested in this method.


On the battlefield where death could occur at any time, something abnormal suddenly occurred.

All the Quincies, whether they were numbered or ordinary Quincies, all roared in despair at the same time.

Their Majesty, the founder of the Quincy, Yhwach, launched the indiscriminate Holy Separation after being slashed twice by Yamamoto Genryusai.

"Ichigo, are you okay?"

Isshin Kurosaki came from a distance, stared at Ichigo nervously, and turned to look in the direction of Yhwach after making sure he was okay.

It was Yhwach who used Holy Separation, which drained his lover's power and almost killed him...

"My power has been transformed, so it's okay. Feng Qi promised to let me cut Yhwach, I'll go first!"

Ichigo Kurosaki also looked over there.

However, he was looking forward to it.

Yhwach's strength has improved, and it should have reached the level that Feng Qi wanted. The next step should be...

"Aren't you worried?"

Ishida Ryugen came to the side of Isshin Kurosaki, looked at Ichigo who was rushing over there quickly, and thought of Masaki Kurosaki many years ago.

At that time, Masaki, who was still a little girl, also had the momentum to fear nothing.

"What do I have to worry about? You and your son should be careful. Even if the seal keeps you safe temporarily, you may still be targeted!"

Hei Qi Isshin snorted in disdain.

His stupid boy will definitely be fine. He is in a hurry to run over now because he is worried that he will be too late to kill Yhwach...

"Feng Qi... is he really not going to grow up?"

Ishida Uryu stood beside him and couldn't help asking.

He knew that he would be disliked if he was still paying attention to this, but he just wanted to know why...

Why should he keep the appearance of a child?

If he can grow up, if he grows up now, is it...

He didn't know what he was struggling with, but as long as he saw Feng Qi who still needed someone to hold him, he couldn't help but think of the past...

"That kid doesn't need to grow up. Someone holds him when he goes out, someone coaxes him when he eats, and his parents accompany him when he rests. He is so happy and happy!"

What Hei Qi Isshin said made people feel a little sour.

But he was not interested in coaxing Feng Qi, but his family, all of them were thinking about that kid.

Especially his two daughters, when they were very young, they would think about brother Feng Qi, and now that they have grown up, they would think about making delicious food for Ichigo to bring to Feng Qi...

As a father, he has never been so cared about by his daughters...

Of course, he can only complain about this kind of grievance in front of his wife, and can't say too much in front of outsiders.

"But, he has always been just a child, won't the people around him be tired?"

Ishida Uryu said in a low voice.

After saying it, he was stunned for a moment.

"Tsk... Longxian, keep an eye on your son, everyone presentShinigami and Hollows, you haven't had enough fun fighting yet, and your father and son's current status is not good at all!"

Kurosaki Isshin was too lazy to see how this little one was doing. After warning Ishida Ryugen, he walked towards the Shinigami captains who had already gathered.

There were some old acquaintances there, and since he met them, he always had to go over to see them.

"Feng Qi!"

Ishida Uryu suddenly exclaimed.

Although he was in a very tangled mood, he kept staring at the direction of Feng Qi. Now he saw Feng Qi suddenly appear in front of Captain-General Yamamoto, holding a knife to block the sword of Yhwach after he recovered...

While the attention of the Shinigami and Arrancars around him was attracted, Feng Qi looked at Yhwach in front of him, smiling brightly and cutely.

"Little brat, get out of here! "

Yhuhabach used the Holy Seal to take back almost all the power of the Quincies. Now he feels like the Soul King. It would be easy for him to kill Yamamoto Genryusai.

But what's wrong with this kid? Why can he easily resist the suppression of this power!

"Yhuhabach, do you want to see the Soul King?"

Feng Qi grabbed his Zanpakutō, opened his Sharingan, and gave Yuhabach a dream.

He just wanted to seal Yuhabach and then transform it into energy. He really had no interest in a fight of swords and knives...

It just so happened that Ichigo wanted to cut Yuhabach a few times, so let Ichigo do it...

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