[People's emotions can change at any time. Senju Tobirama saw the current activities of the Uchiha clan and was in a bad mood because he thought of the Senju clan being quickly forgotten after the disbandment. Then he found that you, the host, had fun with the Uchiha and could even go to summon Uchiha Izuna after falling asleep. He had some doubts about your bloodline and guessed that you might be a member of the Uchiha clan.]

The reply given by the system included the reason why Senju Tobirama was in a bad mood at the time, and some more unhappy things that he thought of after he was in a bad mood.

People's thoughts cannot be predicted and calculated, but the system can know and inform the host of the existing ones.

'Because I think I might be an Uchiha, I directly reduced the master-disciple favorability from 85 to 50. Fortunately, my father loves me the most! '

Feng Qi is not a normal child, and he is not so lacking in love that he must be treated well by others, but he judges how much response he should give based on the favorability of others towards him.

Now looking at the favorability list, there are two people at the highest level of the bond category, and at least one of them can make him very happy.

[Master and Disciple: Teacher · Tobirama Senju, Current Status · Evolved Impure World Reincarnation, Current Location · Under the Hokage Rock of Konoha, Current Mood · Confusion, Master-Disciple Favorability 50, Can Be Summoned, Can Send Master-Disciple Letters]

[Father and Son: Adoptive Father · Orochimaru, Current Status · Busy Scientist in the Underground Laboratory, Current Location · In the Simple Base in the South of the Land of Rice, Current Mood · Excited about the Success of the Experiment/Worried about His Son's Lack of Lunch, Father-Son Favorability 100, Can Use Points to Position and Teleport]

[Friendship: Uzumaki Naruto (Super Awesome Kid Who I Envy, Favorability 35), Uchiha Sasuke (Playful Happy friends, favorability 55), Uchiha Itachi (the kid my younger brother likes, favorability 32), Yamanaka Ino (the cute kid I can play with in my memory, favorability 13), Nara Shikamaru (the restless and noisy kid, favorability 30), Akimichi Choji (the thin kid who can share food, favorability 16)]

Master and apprentice, father and son, friendship...

The favorability of father and son was only 99 when Feng Qi came back this morning, but it suddenly rose to 100 this morning. It was this positioning transmission that actually consumed points, which made Feng Qi complain about the system being too stingy.

However, it was not only Tobirama Senju whose favorability dropped.

In the friendship list, some friends who had not seen each other for a while would slowly drop in favorability because of the children's forgetfulness.

But Uzumaki Naruto, after Feng Qi beat up a few children, Uzumaki Naruto's favorability has always existed, and it has slowly risen from a dozen points to 35.

Since the first time they got together to play, Sasuke's favorability has always been the highest in friendship.

If they haven't seen each other for a while, Sasuke will urge his family to bring him out to play with him...

As for Shikamaru, that guy is even weirder. His favorability will drop when they play together, and it will rise slightly after a period of time...

However, Feng Qi still feels a little unhappy about Senju Tobirama's inexplicable moodiness and the fact that he might be Uchiha and his favorability has dropped.

That is, a little bit...

'System, open the mall and let me see. If his favorability doesn't rise back after he stabilizes, then I really have to buy a pair of Sharingan to make his guess come true! '

Feng Qi admits that he also has a bad temper.

If he was angry because he went to see Uchiha Izuna before, then he really wouldn't have any thoughts, because Senju and Uchiha are originally opposites.

But there was no change at that time, but now I suddenly suspect that he might be Uchiha, and his favorability is so low. Even a good child will get angry!

[The mall is open, and the host can choose the items they like to buy as an alternative. The system will give a reminder when the points are enough]

The system interface switches to shelves one by one.

There is a big label next to each shelf, and the label says what category it is.

In the category of ninja bloodline, Feng Qi checked them one by one.

[Senju Bloodline: Basic Version 100 Points, Premium Version 1000 Points, Genius Version 10000 Points, Senju Hashirama Version 100,000 Points]

[Uchiha Bloodline: Basic Version 100 Points, Premium Version 1000 Points, Genius Version 10000 Points, Uchiha Izuna/Uchiha Madara Fusion Version 100,000 Points]

The Senju Bloodline and the Uchiha Bloodline are next to each other, and the prices are the same, but the highest version of the Uchiha family is actually a fusion of the two brothers...

This made Feng Qi unable to help but complain to the system, should we bully Uchiha like this!

However, think about the fact that Senju Hashirama developed the Sage Body by himself, Feng QiI just complained a little and continued reading.

Looking back, there are Uzumaki and Hyuga...

In addition to those that existed in Konoha, those from other villages are also there, but these bloodlines and the bloodline limits on the shelves next to them have all appeared in the ninja plot.

Feng Qi asked the system why Indra or Asura, or even the Six Paths Sage, are not for sale.

The system replied that it is necessary to trace back the low-level bloodline.

Not only the ancestral bloodline can be traced, but also those that are sold normally can evolve from low-level to excellent, but the one that is finally locked in the target replica cannot be completed by evolution...

But the highest-level replica option cannot evolve, but it can be completed with the help of certain existing objects.

As long as the host first improves his qualifications, and then has the cells of Senju Hashirama or the Uchiha brothers, he can replicate it...

[Host, although Uchiha Izuna's cells cannot be found in this world, the system has some materials here]

When Feng Qi complained that Uchiha Izuna's body could not be found at all, a shelf automatically opened the item column for the host to take a good look.

[The samurai sword stained with Uchiha Izuna's blood, priced at 1000 points]

[The blood-stained bandage that wrapped around Uchiha Izuna's wound when he was injured, priced at 1000 points]

[The blood-stained clothes that Uchiha Izuna wore when he was injured, priced at 1000 points]

In a series of items, it automatically jumped to the part related to Uchiha Izuna for display.

After the display, the shelf disappeared, leaving a sentence.

[There is indeed no body part of Uchiha Izuna in the information of this world, but his eyes have been alive, just changed several bodies to be cultivated]

‘So I can directly trace back the double genes of Uchiha Izuna and Uchiha Madara based on that pair of eyes? ’

Feng Qi seemed to understand.

[The system can be operated, but it will charge a handling fee of 1,000, or after purchasing the materials, ask Orochimaru to fuse them, and the system can provide a guarantee of the success rate of fusion for free]

The system said that no matter which one, it must consume 1,100 points from it.

100 points of basic bloodline genes, plus 1,000 points to be promoted to the highest level of ninja bloodline in the current plot.

But bloodline is limited to this world. If the host leaves this world in the future, the body will only have two options: seal or destroy.

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