"Young Master Feng Qi, that's not suitable for you...Okay, buy it..."

Shizune followed the child, watching the child of a strange identity looking for snacks of interest on the roadside, and she followed to pay and carry the bag.

Every time she saw the child choose some food with a more stimulating taste, she felt upset, but when the child looked back with expectant eyes, she couldn't help but pay directly.

Buy it, make the child happy first, anyway, it's not bought and eaten directly...

"Shizune, this is delicious, and this one, and that one too..."

Feng Qi ate the three-color meatballs in his hand. This one was too sweet, but it was still very good to eat occasionally.

When he found some more interesting ones, he continued to let Shizune pay the bill.

The wallet that Shizune was holding was given by Senju Tobirama. It was really good to spend his own teacher's money!

"Tsunade's family is so rich..."

After Feng Qi strolled for more than an hour and bought a bunch of snacks, Shizune took him to Tsunade's house.

Looking at the yard with lush flowers and plants and a strong breath of life, Feng Qi was sure that Tsunade was really not short of money.

Or should we say that Tsunade has not lost all her family assets because she has to raise a child?

After all, she is not the kind of person in the plot who is said to be hiding from debt...

"Little Feng Qi, Grandpa Tobirama said that you are often hungry. Let me show you that our child is actually hungry. When I see Orochimaru, I must beat him up... Don't stare at me, I can't kill him. That guy is not fragile at all!"

Tsunade walked out of the house, looked at Feng Qi who reached out to touch the flowers and plants carefully, and smiled and came over to pick up the child.

Uncle is uncle, and she has confirmed again from Grandpa Tobirama that this is indeed her family, so she has more concerns.

Although Grandpa said that he could come back at any time, and Grandpa Tobirama would stay to watch her, after all, he is a dead soul who has passed away for many years, and he is different from a living person.

The only thing that made her feel bad was that her uncle was taken away by Orochimaru to be raised, and they were very close...

At the beginning, Nawaki also liked Orochimaru very much, and he didn't feel any fear at all...

"My dad is the best!"

Feng Qi glared and emphasized again.

It is very rude to say that you want to beat up his father in front of a child. Even if you were once partners, this joke is not funny.

Of course, if you want to fight after meeting, that is your business, but you can't keep talking about it in front of the child.

"Okay, okay, your dad is the best. I plan to go back tomorrow. When I go back, I will take you with me. You are Orochimaru's son. When you are bullied, it is normal for me, as his former teammate, to take care of you..."

Tsunade saw that the child insisted and stopped talking about certain topics.

But she had to make it clear first, and she should quickly launch certain plans when she returned to Konoha.

The glory of the Senju clan, this is the responsibility handed over to her by her two grandfathers. Even if she is the only one left in the Senju clan, she must not lose!

"Well, I have some children who often play together. If you want to take me back to raise, you need to take me out to play with friends often. The Uchiha family..."

Feng Qi looked at Tsunade who glared when he mentioned Uchiha. Sure enough, it is impossible for the Senju and Uchiha to be really friendly.

But sometimes, just a friendly appearance is enough.

"Taking care of children is a very troublesome thing, but you can play with them occasionally."

Tsunade is going to return to Konoha to be the Hokage, so she naturally knows that some relationships need to be maintained.

Touching Feng Qi's slightly frizzy little head, she once again confirmed what Grandpa Tobirama said, that raising this child can make Sarutobi Hiruzen take the initiative to find trouble.

"Teacher, I have to go back to Konoha first, see you tomorrow!"

Feng Qi saw that Tsunade was smiling with some ill intentions, and after waving goodbye to Senju Tobirama at the door, he quickly exchanged with his stand.

Tsunade, who was supported and protected by the two grandfathers and entrusted with responsibilities by Senju Tobirama, had a very strange feeling.

[Tsunade's current state is very normal. Her life of playing badly was suddenly injected with responsibilities, and there was clear support from the two grandfathers. This is a belated period of blood burst]

The system gave a prompt so that Feng Qi didn't have to worry about Tsunade's changes.

In the past few decades, Tsunade knew that she could not do anything, so after losing again and again, she had only one way to collapse and play badly.

But now it's different!

The two who can come back from the Pure Land to protect her, let herShe regained her self-positioning that she had to restrain due to the death of the first and second generations...

Without her family, she was just a ninja of Konoha, Tsunade, one of the three ninjas.

After leaving Konoha, she was a princess of the Land of Fire. Although she had almost no connection with the Daimyo of the Land of Fire, she could still get the preferential treatment she deserved.

Now, she is the precious granddaughter protected by the first and second generations, a spoiled junior, and the only little princess of the Senju family who can ask the grandfathers to protect her when she is wronged!

'Probably, I understand... In addition to the two grandfathers, there is also a young uncle who is young but has special abilities and can always get a few strong men to help him, right? '

Feng Qi lay in the quilt, turned over and buried his face in the quilt, smiling a little bit cocky.

Is this considered a super generation increase!

Some of the dead old souls, your strange desire to compete and win is really, too noisy!

[Host is happy, Uchiha Izuna is going to observe Uchiha Shisui, intending to use Uchiha Shisui's ability to do something]

The system coaxes the host's inexplicable happiness and starts to give Uchiha-related prompts.

Although it is not necessary to complete it, since the host is looking for a task, he must always try hard, otherwise it will be boring!

'Uchiha Shisui is a strong Uchiha, but his mentality is not good. Izuna will have a way to teach him. Now we have to think about how to let Sarutobi Hiruzen take the initiative to die...'

Feng Qi closed his eyes and began to calculate how to plan the result he wanted.

Let the Uchiha clan leave Konoha, it must be completed before Tsunade becomes Hokage, and it must also take advantage of the event of Uchiha leaving Konoha to destroy some old guys who always make trouble!

Next, it is to magnify the sense of crisis for them, so that Sarutobi Hiruzen and the elders will feel scared.

When they are scared, they will want to eliminate the hidden dangers.

That would be the right time for Uchiha to leave Konoha, and Tsunade could easily take the position of Hokage!

Sure enough, he didn't learn much about being a good person, but he had a subtle understanding of how to take advantage of the situation to cause trouble and cheat people...

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