"Grandpa Tobirama, guards are not a problem..."

After all the guests left, Tsunade returned to the small courtyard where Feng Qi lived. Looking at the tender-looking "maid", she finally couldn't help but speak out the frustration she had been feeling for half a day.

There's nothing wrong with wearing women's clothes, but Grandpa Tobirama, your image is too...

You look pretty, but as a granddaughter, I'm very sad!

In the afternoon, the wife of the Uchiha clan leader praised you, saying that the maids of our Senju family are all beauties...

"Guards will be considered capable and dealt with separately at the first time, but maids holding children are rarely considered to need to be treated separately."

Senju Tobirama didn't want to pretend to be a woman, but in most cases, a beautiful maid holding a child is considered the weakest combination by most ninjas or samurai.

"But you carried a big box with one hand before, which is completely unrelated to weakness."

Feng Qi complained in a low voice, and then continued to curl up and pretend to sleep.

"If you can't even carry those things, then you are not a maid, but a young lady from some ordinary merchant family..."

Senju Tobirama raised his hand and knocked on the child's head, asking him not to confuse certain identity definitions.

A maid is a maid, and basic working ability is a must.

"Izuna is here..."

Feng Qi, who was knocked on the head, reminded pitifully in a low voice.

Then, without giving Senju Tobirama time to remove his disguise, he directly dragged Uchiha Izuna over.

Izuna had dealt with his brother, and after the two brothers had a chat, they were waiting for Feng Qi to summon him out, so Feng Qi was very obedient and appeared directly with his soul.

It was definitely not intentional to let the teacher's image of women's clothing be seen, absolutely not!




In this small courtyard that had been blocked, except for Feng Qi who was doing a little state, the other three were all shocked or confused.

Uchiha Izuna was shocked by the image of Senju Tobirama, and for a moment he was unsure of where to start laughing.

Senju Tobirama felt depressed, and he didn't want to deal with Uchiha Izuna at this time.

Tsunade couldn't see the new ghost now, but she thought of the Uchiha she saw at the hospital gate yesterday when she was holding Feng Qi.

That Uchiha standing next to Grandpa Tobirama...

"Is this stupid Senju going to be your mother because he can't be a father?"

Izuna reached out and hugged Feng Qi, and after materializing, he grabbed the child and held him in his arms, laughing and complaining about the magical operation of Senju Tobirama.

It's normal to dress like a woman in a ninja mission, but it doesn't affect his complaints now.

"Despicable Uchiha, he is the blood of our Senju family, this is already a fact, if you have any opinions, you can wait to talk to my brother later!"

Senju Tobirama automatically blocked some words he didn't want to hear.

Just after sending away a group of little Uchiha, this damn guy came out again...

"Feng Qi, let my brother come out to talk. He didn't know about this in the Pure Land before. Now I have to tell him, otherwise, he might be deceived by this group of evil Uchiha!"

Although his eldest brother occasionally has a tantrum, Senju Tobirama believes that his brother will never take the initiative to admit defeat in snatching children from the Uchiha family!

"Drag my brother out too, I want to see if he can really do what he says!"

When Uchiha Izuna heard that he was going to fight his brother, the anger that had originally subsided came out again.

Drag them out, drag them all out!

Let's talk about what happened in the past face to face!

"Um... Is it appropriate for me to be here?"

Tsunade's mind has been confused since just now. She really can't understand the grievances of the older generation.

A sense of crisis suddenly emerged. If she heard too much, she would not be able to maintain her respect and admiration for the two grandfathers...

"You, the youngster, go out first. If something happens outside, tell them at the door. If nothing happens, don't come over. There will definitely be problems later!"

Izuna waved her hand and asked the younger generation of the Senju family to leave.

A little girl of the grandchildren, being here will only affect their quarrel or fight later...

"Go, go, little Tsunade, stay away."

Senju Tobirama also urged Tsunade to leave quickly.

This yard was protected by a formation set up by him last night, and basically nothing would be discovered.

But if his brother or Uchiha Madara suddenly materialized and burst out a wave of chakra, this protective formation really couldn't withstand it...

"Grandpa Tobirama, take good care of Feng Qi. I'll go watch Uzumaki Naruto. If something happens, it might scare that kid."

Tsunade hurried to leave, and of course she didn't forget to remind him that she should try not to make any big trouble.things.

If a fight breaks out here, it may trigger a riot of the Nine-Tails. Even if it can be suppressed, it can't ruin everything.

"It's a little stressful to invite these two to appear at once..."

Feng Qi raised his head, pinched Izuna's face, and sighed helplessly.

If he wants to summon those two, he has to find a more suitable position to watch the show.


Senju Tobirama looked at the wind emerging around Feng Qi, and was a little worried whether it exceeded Feng Qi's limit.

But as soon as he opened his mouth to say something, he found that he seemed to have misunderstood all along.

The gentle wind was like a pair of big hands, holding up the smiling child. In the repetitive wind, not a single hair of the child was disturbed...

"Teacher, Izuna, don't worry about me. I just want to protect myself first, because I think those two will definitely rob me after they appear. There is a high probability that they will put me in danger in the robbing. My body is very fragile now..."

Feng Qi rolled and jumped in the wind. After playing for a few minutes, he looked at the two people who were staring at him in the wind.

He said very clearly that he would suddenly turn on the protection just to protect himself, and to let the two people prepare a little.

Next, it's...



The two dead souls were suddenly dragged to the human world. When they saw each other face to face, their expressions and movements were synchronized instantly.

Their younger brothers, who were diagonally opposite them, were also irritable because of their brothers' reactions...

"Senju Hashirama!"

"Uchiha Madara!"

The two younger brothers roared irritably and kicked their brothers.

The two brothers who were suddenly called by their names finally saw their younger brother.

And, in an awkward state, they were kicked several meters away...

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